Thursday, September 22, 2011


UPDATED- "The 14 PREDICTIONS" + More Added
-by Andrew Strom.

Additional warnings are below. But first, I believe the most important point that needs to be made about the current financial crisis is that it had SPIRITUAL roots and causes – not just physical or economic ones. Materialism, greed and selfishness are SPIRITUAL diseases. And these had an enormous role to play in the crisis that has unfolded. That is partly what enabled myself and others to see
what was coming. It was obvious “spiritually” that this age of rampant self-indulgence would bear terrible fruit. We could “feel” it and see it.

It is this ‘spiritual’ crisis in the West that is ultimately responsible for what is happening. And it is this materialism and selfishness that must now be stripped away. Until this purging has done its full work, I do not believe God will allow it to end. He loves us too much to leave us in such a state.

When it comes to these “14 Predictions” I am often reminded of Arthur Schopenhauer’s famous saying that “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” I guess we are getting up to the “self-evident” stage about now, but there sure was a lot of “ridicule” flying around in the early days!

Below is a timeline of the specific warnings that we published from 2001 to 2010. After that I will add some additional points to ponder:

SEPT 11, 2001: “The HORNS of American financial power have fallen, have fallen…” [-About the Twin Towers].

JUNE 2003: “Revival is going to come in the midst of judgments the like of which you’ve never seen, and God is going to touch your economy…” (-’Thundering in Nashville’).

14 DEC 2006: “Let me make some predictions at this point, so I can be clear about what this country [USA] is facing: (1) Firstly, I believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid Judgment… (2) Expect a great economic crash – and expect it SOON.

MARCH 14, 2007: “Eight months ago we began to publish warnings about the bursting of this Housing bubble, and the likely impact it would have… saying that in many ways it would be God’s MERCY - to shock us out of our complacency and apathy – and to cause us to desperately seek His face.”

NOV 8, 2007: “I continue to stand by my statement of many months ago that within 3 years this nation will be in a terrible financial depression – possibly the worst that it has ever seen.
Right now, things are right on track to see this fulfilled.”

NOV 2007, Wisconsin USA: “This is the last good Christmas America will have for years…. “Here’s my scenario. You can test me. You can remember what I’m saying right now…. See if it plays out how I say. In six months time I expect Recession in the United States. In 12 months time I expect the beginning of a Depression.” (-AUDIO – ‘Survive the Coming Depression – Nov 07' on

10 MONTHS LATER – Sept/Oct 2008 – The two largest Mortgage giants in the world (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac) fail, the largest Insurance Company and the largest thrift bank in the USA both collapse, Lehman Brothers goes bankrupt (almost taking the entire financial system with it), Money Markets reel, the Investment banking industry crumbles, and the stock market suffers its worst-ever one-day loss, plunging 777 points in a single day.


BACK-TRACK – 31 JAN 2008: “My strong belief is that, particularly in America, this crisis is going to be WORSE than the GREAT DEPRESSION. And it is going to last for YEARS. Other developed nations, such as England, Ireland, Spain, Canada, Germany and even Australasia, are going to be very hard-hit also. China, India and much of Asia will be pounded at first, but I believe will recover faster…. I believe that Christians in America need to face the fact that they are about to live through one of the WORST 5 – 7 year periods that this country has ever seen by far. And they need to be preparing NOW.”

OCT 2008: “I am convinced this “breaking” is not merely financial in nature. It is also aimed at the church, the media and the culture… We are about to see another ‘Great Reformation’.” (-From Andrew’s book, ‘SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION’, Oct 2008).

OCT 2008: “When I was down in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina there was one Spirit-filled Fellowship that was “thriving” in the midst of the chaos. They had filled their sanctuary with food, clothes, and emergency supplies of all kinds – and they were ministering to hundreds… I cannot tell you how important this is, if we want to “thrive” – not just “survive” – through this current crisis… So will you be a “light shining in the darkness” during this present crisis, my friends?” (-Book ‘SURVIVE THE DEPRESSION’, Oct 2008).

20 DEC 2008: “The WORST of the slump is set to last for… 7 years.”

10 APRIL 2009: “A “DOUBLE DIP” DEPRESSION .. The phrase “A Double-Dip Depression” has been on my heart for many months, so it is no surprise to see a temporary respite. But we need to be aware that it is simply an illusion – so we don’t get lulled back to sleep and cease to prepare for what lies ahead.

18 JUNE 2009: “We stated not long ago our belief that we are headed for a “Double-Dip” Depression… I do believe there will be a further ‘wave’ downwards, and we need to keep preparing – both physically and spiritually.”

1 APRIL 2010: “If this ‘second wave down’ has not occurred by the end of 2011 then I will need to issue a public apology to the Body of Christ.”

FURTHER POINTS – THE ‘TIMEFRAME’: As you know, I am on the record as stating that I believe the “worst” of the slump will last for 7 years. People may think that, since this ‘Depression’ really began with the great collapse of late 2008, perhaps we can expect to come out of it around the end of 2015 or so. But wait.

While I certainly acknowledge the “possibility” of 2015 – we need to remember that we are talking about the “worst” of the slump here. By all indications we are now entering a “second leg down” in this crisis – and things are about to get noticeably worse.

My own view is that I expect the “worst” of this crisis to last for the next 7 years until around 2018. And even then, I expect only a “mild” recovery until the early 2020's – when I expect things to start taking off again. (That is – if we survive intact).

If we look at the last two “Great Bear” markets, they both resulted in war. The last one was 80 years ago – which ended with World War 2. The previous one was 70 years before that – and ended with the American Civil War. I expect this one to be ugly also.

People think it is “impossible” and ‘ridiculous’ to talk about a breakup of the USA or war in Europe, etc. These people have not lived through a 10-year “Bear” market. The possibility is very real, the stresses are unbelievable, and I personally will be delighted if we make it through the next 15 years without major armed conflict.
Even though America may be at most risk from forces “within” rather than without, we should not even rule out war involving the US on her own home soil. We are in an hour when anything could happen – especially towards the end of this crisis. Civil strife will greatly increase.

RESPONSE FROM the CHRISTIANS: We have entered the time of greatest ‘shaking’ and danger that we are likely to see in our lifetimes. We have the choice of either cowering in fear or being about the work of the kingdom. The true Christians will stand up at such a time. I believe God’s call to us is very simple. His people will be preserved if they stay focused on serving and loving God and others. It is about as simple as that. Great shaking means great opportunity for those in tune with Him. Please stay in prayer – and be encouraged, my friends.

Do not allow “fear” to rule your heart. Be listening to the Spirit of God and many spiritual victories will be won in this time. But it is important to know what kind of period we are entering into, so we can truly prepare our hearts. “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Much to my dismay, I went to a local church last Sunday recommended by some locals. Basically the message was about how the Holy Spirit is dead today. The so called Pastor shot down prophecy, healing and other gifts that might be in use today by real Christians. I wanted to shoot him down. I started arguing with myself or maybe it was God I don’t know. When I go to the US the so-called Churches there preach the get rich schemes and the pulpits are filled by Satan himself. Other so-called churches are saturated with New-Age doctrines that essentially worship Satan.  Excuse me while I vomit…

OK I’m back now.  The only thing that keeps me going I think is the Vision God gave me of his wrath as he tears down everything man has constructed in the name of God and the only thing that will remain is what He built. Until I see these prodigal leaders dining with the pigs I will not sleep. Bring on the economic collapse…

EJ Ouellette


In 1997 I was with my wife and daughter in a campground in Ontario. God had told me to take my daughter to Canada because she could not cut the umbilical cord that still joined her to her mother. God emphasized it was her only hope to get free of her narcissistic mother and live her own life. He also went on to say that it would take a couple of years of separation to accomplish this. During the time we stayed at this campground I had several life changing prophetic dreams and encounters with God. This is one story from that time.
            I dreamed it was nighttime and I was standing in a field. I could only see a few feet in front of me and the grass was very high. I looked in every direction to see where I was but was unable to find any landmarks. Suddenly a voice from heaven like a trumpet called down to me in my lonely field. It was unlike any sound I’ve ever heard before. It seemed to come from high up yet there was no echo. It was also very loud and it had a sound like someone talking through a megaphone. I must say I was not in a very good place with God at the time and was extremely discouraged. My wife and I had been fighting a lot but I didn’t know why. She seemed to constantly be picking fights with me for no reason. I was constantly in prayer over the issue but felt God was ignoring my pleas. I was very discouraged and didn’t know what to do.
            God shouted “Art thou Elijah”
The word he spoke stung deep. Was God mocking me? Or rebuking me? Times in the passed flashed through my mind when I felt God let me down. I wanted to cry when he asked me.
He shouted again “I want you to call down fire upon this land”.
I smirked when he said it and hoped he didn’t see. Nonetheless I quietly spoke “I command fire to fall upon this land”. I looked for a moment and waited but saw nothing. I was about to complain when I started to hear a rumbling like thunder in the skies. Suddenly without any warning the sky lit up with fire that resembled a tornado and shot straight down on the field where I was standing. The fire wrapped around me without touching me in the slightest and shot out in all directions covering the entire area. I could see clearly I was standing on my In-laws farm in Virginia. I swallowed hard wondering what had I done.
I awoke at this point and felt kind of fearful not sure what to expect next. Two days later our phone rang and my wife was obviously talking with her mother. My wife turned to me and asked, “Did you curse my parents land?”.
I was stunned. It was definitely not what I expected. Later I heard, a barrage of events were happening to them that were quite outstanding one of which was of biblical proportions. A drought hit the area that was so bad they were forced to sell all their cattle since they could not feed them. The cattle prices in Virginia dropped to 60 cents a pound. People could barely give away their livestock. Numerous other things took place in their household that I was not privy too until years later.
I cried out to God wondering why he wanted me to call down fire up my In-laws land and this is what he showed me through numerous dreams. The reason my wife and I were constantly fighting was because they were calling her constantly trying to entice her to move back to Virginia. They would use guilt and shame and whatever demonic influences they could to bring her back. My mother in laws narcissistic personality only cares about itself and not the damage it does to her own child. Until I heard this from God I had no idea this was the cause of our fighting as my wife had kept it quiet. 
I was sick to my stomach when God spoke to me “I am driving a wedge between them – my mother in law and father in law - and I will give to them what they gave to you. I will send her to a hot scorched land where she will find my wrath.”
All of it happened exactly as God spoke it. She indeed separated and moved to Florida. Destroying my family along the way and never repenting of all the damage that she had done.

Friday, September 16, 2011


DREAM: AUG 2009 EJ Ouellette
In my dream I was sitting at a picnic table in the yard of a Pastor I knew personally. He was sitting right across from me and seemed very nervous about something. He seemed angry at me as I was opposing his “prosperity teachings” and I was calling them doctrines of demons.
I was getting nowhere but he still seemed distracted and kept looking  across his yard. I looked to see what had him occupied and I saw Jesus having a discussion with some irate workman.
They seemed to be putting an addition on the house and there was a dispute about something. Jesus kept listening to the workmen and he seemed agitated with what they were telling him. Jesus kept looking over at the pastor I was sitting with and looked very displeased with him.
Jesus then abruptly turned and started towards our picnic table with obvious anger. I looked in Jesus' hand and noticed a club and written on the handle were the words Rod of Judgment’. 
Jesus was holding the rod very firmly in His Left hand as he stomped towards us. I knew he was angry but I was not sure why. The pastor I was with suddenly changed his tune from a false “prosperity message” to the true Gospel. He began talking like he knew he needed to live a surrendered life and that his lust for power and wealth was from Satan.
As he saw Jesus was getting closer he started to cry and openly repented of his blatant sin. Jesus stopped immediately and instantly forgave him. I burst into tears seeing how forgiving Jesus was. Jesus turned and went back to the angry workman and dropped his Rod of Judgment on the way.
When the Pastor saw that Jesus forgave him he immediately recanted everything he just spoke to me and went back to his false doctrines of the prosperity message. I saw Jesus turn and listen to his false repentance but he made no move. I got angry at this jerk abusing Gods grace like this. I knew Jesus heard it all and that one day he would receive a far greater Judgment that the one he just averted.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CALLED BY GOD to be a prophet. Knowing your calling -EJ Ouellette

After the church leadership has decided to embrace the prophetic it's important to follow the order Jesus set down. Because of this, the prophetic is often getting the blame when in fact it’s because the church hierarchy is out of order. 
Jesus himself is the head of the church. Jesus appointed apostles first, prophet's second, and teachers or pastors third.  Until this order is restored in the church there will be great confusion and conflict.  I have read many books on the prophetic, actually all that I could find.  All of them seem to address the issue of the prophetic as if the pastor is in charge of the church.  How can it be that we then ask someone who doesn't understand the prophetic, now govern it!  I'm assuming of course the pastor is not also a prophet.  An apostolic leader or an apostle fully understands the prophetic and often operates in it himself.  This is one of the reasons why Jesus appointed apostles first.  Apostles have to walk closest to the Lord.  They are the ones that lean on his breast to hear his words every day and to feel his passion.  They are the ones that are subject to great afflictions and dying to self.  They are the ones that are mostly persecuted.  It stands to reason that they are the closest to the Lord of any in the body.  The prophets of course are second.
 To be a prophet demands a close relationship with the Lord in being able to hear his voice daily.  It is a close-knit relationship where they are often taken into the heavenlies and shown great things.  Speaking from a prophetic point of view, their feet are more in heaven than on earth.  They need others around them to keep them grounded.
I had a vivid dream one night.  I had been asked to speak at a church.  The church was a small congregation of about 200 people in what appeared to be a traditional setting.  The pastor was up at the microphone and then invited me up to speak.  As I began to climb the three small stairs up on the platform he looked surprised at me and stopped me.  He pointed at the floor to a microphone on a stand.  He seemed arrogant and cocky and I felt embarrassed by him publicly berating me.  Nonetheless I got down to the microphone and was about to speak when I awoke.
The Lord showed me, that the prophetic was not accepted in the church and it has taken second place to the pastor speaking.  This church was out of order and this church represented most of the churches of today. I guess at this point I had unknowingly already accepted the current hierarchy in the church.  The Lord was making it clear through this dream that it was out of order.  The prophetic was like a second-class citizen in the church.
  Everyone tells me that the Old Testament prophets are different than the New Testament prophets.  I personally see no difference.  I often see the message is different but in fact the Prophet himself still has the same calling. They are the mouths of God.
Now the gift of prophecy is a gift given to us by the Holy Spirit.  Anybody with the Holy Spirit can then act in this gift.  This does not make them a prophet.  Just the same way as Balaam’s donkey is not a prophet because it prophesied.  Anybody with the gift of the Holy Spirit can act under the Holy Spirit in any capacity the Lord wants to give them.  Who are we to judge God and what He's doing?
The office of a prophet is a calling from the Lord himself.  No man can call you to be a prophet.  When God has called you to be a prophet He himself will show up or take you into the heavenlies to reveal your call to you.  Isaiah was called in to the heavenlies and God showed him what he was called to. 
When I was in my early 20s I had a prophet named Dick Mills come to me.  He prophesied to me that the Lord had given me a great power and in 28 days He Himself would come to me and show me.  I counted off the days and indeed Jesus did show up exactly on the 28th day.  He walked through my wall and handed me a scroll to eat.  When I ate it, it tasted like honey and it made me sick to my stomach later.  He touched me on my left ear, my mouth and my left hand.  I fell asleep and had seven dreams. The first five dreams showed me the coming years and certain important events.  The last two dreams showed me the judgments coming to the church in the last days.  He showed me clearly how I was called to this time.  I was called to the time of the judgments on the church.  So far the first five dreams have been fulfilled.  There are only two left. Jesus showed me clearly my calling.  Yes indeed I have run from my calling, but He keeps bringing me back.
  I've had numerous encounters with the Lord confirming my calling.  Even now I operate in the office of a prophet although many people around me don't recognize it.  I also operate under an apostolic anointing.  But I feel my primary goal right now is to operate in the office of a prophet.
Here is Isaiah’s calling.  He was already prophesying at the time.

ISA 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another:
  "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
    the whole earth is full of his glory."

ISA 6:4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.

    ISA 6:5 "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."

    ISA 6:6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which He had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it He touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."

    ISA 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
    And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

    ISA 6:9 He said, "Go and tell this people:

This is the call of Jeremiah.
JER 1:4 The word of the LORD came to me, saying,

  JER 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

    JER 1:6 "Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child."

    JER 1:7 But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, `I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.

    JER 1:9 Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth. 10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."

Monday, September 12, 2011

PROPHETIC LOOK AT 9/11 by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Time is running short for America. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals that the same pattern for God's judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in America. The future for America should not be a mystery for God's people anymore! (Part 1)

This show starts to air September 19, followed by Part 2 on September 26. Want to learn more? See a feature story by Jonathan Cahn in this month's newletter here.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

ART THOU ELIJAH -excerpt from a new book I'm writing on the ministry of Elijah. (rough draft)

-EJ Ouellette

I was invited to minister at a home in on St Josephs Island in Sault St Marie Ontario in 2001. It was from a good friend that often would take me on a small tour ministering in several homes and Church’s in the area. It was beautiful two story home on lake Superior. At the end of my speaking that evening I was answering questions about the prophetic. Someone had asked a question about my ministry exposing sin and about Gods judgments. Although God had told me in the past not to talk about it I assumed I was not throwing my pearls to the swine and answered a few questions about my hidden ministry. After all these were mostly leadership and mature Christians.
I never thought much about what I said as I made my way back to Toronto which was about a 10 hour drive from there. A day or two had gone by since then and I received a phone call in the middle of the night. Bleary eyed I answered the call with fear and trepidation. I mean after, calls in the middle of the night are rarely good.
Well you guessed it! It was a Pastor from a Church in S.S. Marie Michigan. He sounded very upset and told me that he had gotten my number from a friend in Nova Scotia just moments before. It was about 2am if I recall. I was not quite awake yet as he poured out his heart to me over the phone. He kept asking me to forgive him but I couldn’t figure out what he had done. Slowly the house meeting scenario came back to me and I started to slump in my chair.
This is what he said sorrowfully.
When he got home from the meeting that night his wife openly mocked me to him. She thought I was some kind of lunatic thinking that God had called me to this kind of Ministry to the Church. She was immediately rendered a quadriplegic and he rushed her to the hospital in Michigan where Drs performed every test possible but could find no reason for her inability to move her arms and legs. They performed MRI’s and Cat scans but found no reason for her condition.
He was calling me from the Hospital with his wife by his side and very worried. He apologized to me and put her on the phone as well, she also apologized to me through tears. I hung up the phone with a sick feeling in my stomach. The next day he called me again saying. That in no time at all she had gained use of her limbs and walked out of the hospital. Doctors had no explanation for the paralysis.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

THE HOLY MOUNTAIN from my book "His Grace"

The holy mountain by EJ Ouellette

Bodies lie strewn about like torn rag dolls. Everywhere I looked, Christians lay moaning, covered in blood. It was so dark I could barely see more than ten feet in front of me. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt as if I had stumbled on some heinous undiscovered crime. It seemed more like hell than any part of heaven I knew. When I walked by, they threw up their hands towards me to help. I just kept walking, ignoring their desperate pleas. I could feel the presence of the Lord to my left and rear and He steered me in the direction He wanted me to go.
I could hear the sound of someone praying in the darkness and began to look for the source. I came upon a young woman praying for another wounded person. The young woman seemed well and looked as if she was on some ministry team. As we came closer, I could hear her pray for this wounded soldier. When she finished, she turned towards the Lord and me and a curse came from her mouth. It embarrassed me for the Lord that He had to hear such a word, but He made no response. I could see that she was stuck at that level and was unable to go any farther up the holy mountain. She needed to repent and move on.
We walked further and started up a steep grade. Everywhere I looked, wounded Christians were moaning and calling for help, unable to stand.
We came on a man who was standing and he had his back towards us. As we approached, he began to turn around. I realized that it was someone I knew! I could clearly see three demons on his back. The first one popped up and said, “Hi, I am the fear of finances”. Just then the second popped up and said, “Hi, I am the fear of death”. Then the third popped up and said, “I am the fear of man”. They repulsed me and I wanted to run away. Jesus spoke to me in my left ear and said, “Tell this man, unless he repents of his sins, I am going to take him home. These demons are hurting my children through him and I won’t let them any longer”.
I awoke at this point in my pitch-black room and the hair was still standing up on the back of my neck. “How do I get myself into these situations?” I thought. “Here I am staying at this person’s house and now I had to give him this great prophecy!”
I asked the Lord for a confirmation. He immediately spoke and gave me a scripture it was Ezek. 3:18. It said, if you to warn someone and they don’t repent then it shall be on his head. However, if you don’t warn them, then his blood shall be on your head. Well that seemed clear! Problem was, I was leaving at five a.m. and would not be back for two weeks! Therefore, the only thing I could do was to leave him a note.
I got up, had a shower, wrote him a note, and left it on his breakfast table for him to find when he got up. The note read. “The Lord took me in a dream and told me unless you repent of your demons He is going to take you home. When I asked him for a confirmation, He gave me Ezek. 3:18.
Thanks for letting me stay over, talk to you when I get back, Joe”
Two weeks later, I returned home. I was a little nervous about meeting him. I went to church that night and of course, he was there. He ran right up to me and said, “Thanks for the word. I needed it”. It shocked me and his humility impressed me. He was a changed man!

Ezek. 3:18. It said, if you to warn someone and they don’t repent then it shall be on his head. However, if you don’t warn them, then his blood shall be on your head.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A SERVANTS HEART from my book "The Prophetic Manual"

I once prophesied to a man that God could not use him until he learned to serve others.  He didn't like the message. I came across him years later and I saw he was serving with all his might.
Moses was known as the most humble man on earth.  Yet no prophet to this day has ever possessed the signs and wonders that Moses had in his ministry.  Your humility is directly proportional to the gifting God has given you.  If you want more, then you must die to self more.  You must strike your own bargain with the Lord and come to some terms and payment.  Be careful what you ask for, for He will demand the payment first.  After it is paid in full then He will use you in the capacity you’ve asked Him.
I am still waiting for the things I have asked for. I do know from the moment I asked Him, the payments started.  I have gone through shipwreck after shipwreck, destruction after destruction while God kills every ounce of my flesh that offends Him.  The only way to make this easy is to let Him kill every part of you.  Fighting against Him will only lengthen the process.  The idea is to get through it as quickly as you can and let Him have his way.  He is looking for the gold that hides under your flesh and He knows how to get it.  You can either fall down on the rock or have the rock fall on you, the choice is yours.  One way hurts less. - EJ Ouellette

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


“We’re so far removed from God’s way of doing things– we think a man is a good man if he can draw a crowd these days. Do you know what Finney did? Finney preached sometimes, and the whole congregation got up and walked out on him. That’s a good meeting! He sent them out horrified! 
    I only preach for two reasons these days: either to send people out that door blazing mad at me or blazing with the peace of the Holy Ghost! That’s all!” - Leonard Ravenhill.
When Jesus preached his first sermon they tried to throw him off a cliff.