Showing posts with label WW3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WW3. Show all posts
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Kissinger Quote Feb 25th 2009 WHO Council on Eugenics
Thursday, August 13, 2020
13 Agustus 2020
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Monday, October 2, 2017
"This cant be true" Joal Osteen
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todd bentley,
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Friday, September 29, 2017
DREAM ABOUT COMING WOES 9-29-2017 The Next Five Years
Dream 9/29/2017

The dream came after a time of fasting and prayer.
EJ Ouellette
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Sunday, September 17, 2017
Boy Dies and goes to heaven and meets with Jesus returns to tell his story.
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Planet X,
rick joyner,
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todd bentley,
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Thursday, August 17, 2017
Civil war in the USA? The Visions
CIVIL WAR in THE USA?? - The Visions
-Andrew Strom.
Before this week, many would have laughed at the idea of
War or similar conflict in America. I guess it is not
quite so
"laughable" now. Here are some visions we have
published over
the years about a coming civil conflict in America-
Kenny Atnip (Jan 2013)-
"Some time ago God showed me and some others that
would enter an internal war. You can call it civil war or
war or anything you like, but it is coming. God showed me
that many Christians would be tempted to be part of a war
the government and that this war would be part of his
judgment on
the U.S.A. and we should not get involved. The current
actions are because of God´s judgment so he who resists
government resists God´s ordinance.
Global war is coming as well, and America will be
attacked, and
after all of these things I saw a time of peace again in
the land.
America will be humbled and once again look to God as
provider and defender.
The message to Christians here in America is the same
Jeremiah told to Judah- Submit to God´s judgment and it
will go
well for you, resist and it will cost some their lives
and others their
Darren Smith (June 2009)-
"Last night while praying before I went to bed, The
Lord gave me
a vision that really rattled me. In the vision I saw this
land split
into four parts with each one under its own flag. Each
region had
terrible destruction and many people were dead. As I
looked over
the destruction I was crying and the Lord asked me,
"Why are
you crying over the fall of Babylon? As a matter of fact,
why have
you been praying for the healing of Babylon?"
In this vision I didn't have an answer and the Lord
opened a scroll
and started reading off the indictments against our
country, but
before each one he clearly called the USA Babylon. The
list was
long and to the point, with such points as the killing of
generations of unborn children. Beside this charge He
added that
these babies had been sacrificed to the god of self. The
list also
included greed, idolatry, pride, fornication, and many
others, so
many I could not even read them all.
As I looked at the list of charges I was overwhelmed and
by the fact that we live every day in a nation that is so
far removed
from God and in total opposition to the Kingdom of God,
yet we
are comfortable here. We have become just like Lot living
Sodom, the prosperity that the nation offers us has
blinded us
from the evil that rules this land. We complain about how
bad it
is but still stay attached to it with every ounce of
strength we have.
The Lord told me to look at the nation as He sees it, not
my eyes but through His. I could not look too long before
I had to
agree and repent of loving Babylon. Once I repented the
Lord told
me to prepare for the fall as time is running out. I must
preach the
Gospel of The Kingdom, not the Gospel of America. America
already judged, the time of shaking is now and will
increase rapidly..."
Hans Petter (June 2008)-
"I started to see a movie in the spirit. First act
was that Obama
was elected as president, and he was the door opener for
the next
thing that happened. Dark skies came over USA with
People were fighting against each other in the streets.
Tires and
cars were burning in the streets. People were really
screaming for help and they had nothing to eat or a home.
It was
a hard time. The cities were burning.
I saw a gap start to split the nation. It started in
moved forward across the nation and ended up by the east
north of New York. (Civil War)
Act 2. Then people started to pray for help and ask for
help from
Jesus. I saw two eagles (prophets) that came flying from
the east
and behind came Jesus. Healing came to USA and Jesus
the cities and peoples' life."
Kenny Atnip - "Civil War in U.S." (Dec 2010)-
"My 16-year-old daughter, Maryann, had a dream a few
days ago.
She dreamed of civil war against the current government.
scene was very chaotic and those in rebellion to the
were going house to house forcing any and all men to join
them. Many of us Christians were in hiding, not willing
to join in
a rebellion against the government.
She awoke in the middle of the night with a strong taste
of blood
in her mouth. Her 13-year-old sister, Aimee, woke up as
well and
immediately asked her what was wrong. The 16-year-old
said that
she had the taste of blood in her mouth to which the
asked, "Were you dreaming of war?" Somehow she
knew that
she was dreaming of war.
Last November my three-year-old son, Jeremiah, slept with
and Dad. He awoke at 5:30 AM yelling, "War
is coming ... people
are dying ... people are crying to God." He has no
idea what these
things are. It woke me out of a dead sleep and I sat up
and looked
at him. He was wide awake...
We will have 5 years of terror and turmoil beginning very
I believe the government will begin rounding up people
that are on
a list. If we are on that list, don´t resist or run, God
sends some
away to protect them. God will vindicate the righteous in
his time."
Donald replies-
"Kenny- that advice is the same as that given to the
Don´t resist when King Nebuchadnezzar comes to take you
If you go willingly you will be established in a foreign
land, if you
resist you will die. (We may or may not actually die, but
our lives
could become so miserable we will wish we would die).
advice for all of us at this unsettling time."
'Journey' replies-
"Yes Kenny, Good advice. It is better to serve God
while in captivity
than to die resisting His purpose. God is doing this to
the Church
because of their pride and arogance. God is humbling His
coming wars,
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Monday, August 7, 2017
17 Things You’ll Notice When You’re in The Presence of an Empath
17 Things You’ll Notice When You’re in The Presence of an Empath
Being an empath is frustrating, it is
relating to the feelings of others on a deep level. Empaths are powerful people
who can bring about an intense good in this world if they work hard at it.
Lots of empaths are so sensitive that they
can literally feel the pain people around them are going through, no I don’t
mean they cringe at the thought of it I mean they physically feel what the
person is going through. Empaths often deal with things like chronic fatigue
because of this, the energy and emotions of other people are overwhelming as
you can imagine. While empaths are a bit complicated in general and hard to
understand once you get to know one everything becomes quite clear.
If you have an empath in your life you know
the following things are true to their nature. Empaths are quite amazing and
are truly capable of anything. If you know an empath consider yourself quite
Things You Will Notice When in The Presence
of An Empath:
1. They are extremely sensitive
The empath feels everything on a level
deeper than most people do.
2. They refuse to be lied to
If you lie to an empath you are in deep
shit. They can sense when people are being sketchy and you won’t stand a
3. They are not judgemental
They will not cast judgment on you for
anything you do or have done, granted if they see you doing wrong they will
bring it to your attention but they will not shame you.
4. They do not like harsh sounds
They tend to enjoy more soft and delicate
5. They hate narcissism
They will not deal with narcissism at all.
6. They are good at giving advice
They are wonderful problem solvers so their
advice usually works out well.
7. They are easily distracted
They focus less and are interested in
everything. They can be looking at two things at one time and still be
fascinated all the same. For instance looking at a flower bed they will see all
of them as beautiful rather than picking just one.
8. They love animals
They look after their pets as if they were
9. They are often exhausted
They spend so much time absorbing from
others that their own energy diminishes.
10. They are honest
Empaths will not lie to you.
11. They experience what others experience
You can tell they understand your pain when
you are explaining it. It is not a fake understanding but a real deep
meaningful connection.
12. They are wonderful listeners
You can talk to the empath about anything,
13. They cannot handle negative images
They often try to avoid seeing negative
images be it in the media or elsewhere. They are far too sensitive to see
things like that with their own eyes, that being said if they have to look at
it, they will.
14. They are not fond of crowded places
Even the most outgoing empath can be
overwhelmed with emotions in a big crowd.
15. They are good at healing people
They are great at getting emotional turmoil
over and done with.
16. They are sensitive to things like
They try to avoid these things as much as
17. They will always offer to help when
they can
No matter what if they can lend a helping
hand they will, it doesn’t matter when or who you are. They sometimes would
even help out their own worst enemy.
Empaths are truly selfless and are
inspirational, to say the least. You should thank the empath in your life for
being so strong and being there for you. For more information on empaths check
out the video below.
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Sunday, June 11, 2017
911 Best Vid Ever.avi
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Planet X,
rick joyner,
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todd bentley,
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Thursday, May 4, 2017
RETAKING the SHIP -Bryan Hupperts.
-Bryan Hupperts.
I dreamed I was aboard a luxury liner, the good ship Christendom,
converted curiously enough from a battleship, cruising blissfully
through a lazy blue ocean. The cruise ads had promised clear
skies, a great time, fun entertainment with some of the greatest
speakers and singers of our time, and feast upon feast of a vast
array of culinary delicacies from around the globe.
For some odd reason I had the impression this was supposed to
be a family cruise but the wealthiest were atop in the luxury suites,
quite isolated and protected from the rest of us who were secured
in various levels of the ship each according to our rank of importance
and wealth. Somehow, it didn't feel right.
Aside from a growing uneasiness that something wasn't quite right
on this vast cruise ship, I was enjoying myself listening to great
teachers and wonderful singers all the while surrounded by a few
close friends.
One night, as I climbed into my bunk, I felt the ship begin to rock.
It was a gentle rocking but soon the ship was tossing and heaving
like a fish needing air. People were being thrown out of their bunks
and began scrambling to get to the decks. Were we sinking?
I staggered like a drunken man up the stairs to see a sight
unthinkable. The deck was rocking violently and everything that
could be shaken was being shaken. Baggage and luxuries were
being thrown overboard by the cresting of the waves and it seemed
the ship would split into timbers. And through the swirling fog I
saw what looked like another ship: a pirate ship?
We were being boarded and overtaken. It happened so fast there
was almost no resistance. Some from the upper decks were
shouting, "You cannot do this. We are the lords of this voyage."
And a shrouded figure I took for the Captain of the attacking vessel
stepped out of the shadows and replied simply; "It is not to be so
among you for there is only one Lord."
Within a few minutes many of the passengers and crew were in
chains for not having "lawfully boarded," while the rest of us were
ordered to different decks. The whole ship was in ordered turmoil
as everyone aboard was assigned a new place. A man named
Mr. Prophet, who had been in irons for most of the voyage for
"Speaking Mutiny" against the now deposed former Captain who
ironically wore his same chains, was summarily released and
placed into the watchtower to be the eyes of the ship.
A woman named Mrs. Intercessor who was serving in the galley
as a lowly cook was sent to the deepest hole in the ship. I
wondered about her punishment and asked one of the shining
soldiers why this was so. He smiled and said, "She is close to
the Captain's heart and needs the silence to be alone with him to
hear his heart clearly. She has cried out to be released into this
'punishment' for many years. It is a station of great honor."
Others tried to use their former rank to demand an audience with
the Captain but he ignored their swagger and boasts seeming
instead drawn to the meek and lowly of heart, giving no regard to
a person's rank or status.
The ship's powerful self-propelling engines were unbolted and
dropped like useless, dead weights into the forgetfulness of the
ocean! A mast went up and in a moment, she was transformed
from running under her own power back into a sailing ship. Her
ancient armory that had been locked tight was opened anew and
her weapons were remounted transforming her into both a sailing
ship and a warship. Many of the singers quit entertaining and
began to offer up worship on the warship. An order was given to
the speakers, "Quit merely speaking and teach by example. To
your labor stations!"
Some who had beaten their fellow passengers during the voyage
were publicly humiliated as a quick trial took place. Those who
had abused their fellow passengers were allowed to remain on
the ship and surprisingly were treated as guests of the Captain,
but even what they had was taken away from them. There was a
fast redistribution of wealth and duty as everyone was released
into a place that somehow suddenly felt "right." We were no more
divided into passengers and crew, but all simply crewmembers,
fellow shipmates united under one Captain.
The Captain assembled the whole ship's company and, while
holding a bottle of new wine in his hand, spoke quickly. "I come
to liberate, not enslave! I have come to reclaim what is mine by
birthright. I have retaken this ship that the pirates stole from me.
She is no more christened The Christendom, but her true name,
the good ship Salvation!"
He broke the bottle of new wine over her bow. "All who will may
board her freely for the price to sail has been paid in full. We set
sail for my Father's kingdom. Rebels and mutineers, beware! Your
day of retribution draws swiftly near. Behold, I come quickly!"
A cheer went up from the crew as the sails were hoisted and a
sudden wind from the deepest Heaven began to blow, propelling
her towards an unseen land. My last sight was seeing her proper
Captain at the wheel with his joyous face yet set like flint for the
voyage to come. I sensed troubled waters of tribulation brewing
and knew that only with the true Captain at the helm would we
safely reach our destination.
Bryan Hupperts
© 2004 SheepTrax Media
-Bryan Hupperts.
I dreamed I was aboard a luxury liner, the good ship Christendom,
converted curiously enough from a battleship, cruising blissfully
through a lazy blue ocean. The cruise ads had promised clear
skies, a great time, fun entertainment with some of the greatest
speakers and singers of our time, and feast upon feast of a vast
array of culinary delicacies from around the globe.
For some odd reason I had the impression this was supposed to
be a family cruise but the wealthiest were atop in the luxury suites,
quite isolated and protected from the rest of us who were secured
in various levels of the ship each according to our rank of importance
and wealth. Somehow, it didn't feel right.
Aside from a growing uneasiness that something wasn't quite right
on this vast cruise ship, I was enjoying myself listening to great
teachers and wonderful singers all the while surrounded by a few
close friends.
One night, as I climbed into my bunk, I felt the ship begin to rock.
It was a gentle rocking but soon the ship was tossing and heaving
like a fish needing air. People were being thrown out of their bunks
and began scrambling to get to the decks. Were we sinking?
I staggered like a drunken man up the stairs to see a sight
unthinkable. The deck was rocking violently and everything that
could be shaken was being shaken. Baggage and luxuries were
being thrown overboard by the cresting of the waves and it seemed
the ship would split into timbers. And through the swirling fog I
saw what looked like another ship: a pirate ship?
We were being boarded and overtaken. It happened so fast there
was almost no resistance. Some from the upper decks were
shouting, "You cannot do this. We are the lords of this voyage."
And a shrouded figure I took for the Captain of the attacking vessel
stepped out of the shadows and replied simply; "It is not to be so
among you for there is only one Lord."
Within a few minutes many of the passengers and crew were in
chains for not having "lawfully boarded," while the rest of us were
ordered to different decks. The whole ship was in ordered turmoil
as everyone aboard was assigned a new place. A man named
Mr. Prophet, who had been in irons for most of the voyage for
"Speaking Mutiny" against the now deposed former Captain who
ironically wore his same chains, was summarily released and
placed into the watchtower to be the eyes of the ship.
A woman named Mrs. Intercessor who was serving in the galley
as a lowly cook was sent to the deepest hole in the ship. I
wondered about her punishment and asked one of the shining
soldiers why this was so. He smiled and said, "She is close to
the Captain's heart and needs the silence to be alone with him to
hear his heart clearly. She has cried out to be released into this
'punishment' for many years. It is a station of great honor."
Others tried to use their former rank to demand an audience with
the Captain but he ignored their swagger and boasts seeming
instead drawn to the meek and lowly of heart, giving no regard to
a person's rank or status.
The ship's powerful self-propelling engines were unbolted and
dropped like useless, dead weights into the forgetfulness of the
ocean! A mast went up and in a moment, she was transformed
from running under her own power back into a sailing ship. Her
ancient armory that had been locked tight was opened anew and
her weapons were remounted transforming her into both a sailing
ship and a warship. Many of the singers quit entertaining and
began to offer up worship on the warship. An order was given to
the speakers, "Quit merely speaking and teach by example. To
your labor stations!"
Some who had beaten their fellow passengers during the voyage
were publicly humiliated as a quick trial took place. Those who
had abused their fellow passengers were allowed to remain on
the ship and surprisingly were treated as guests of the Captain,
but even what they had was taken away from them. There was a
fast redistribution of wealth and duty as everyone was released
into a place that somehow suddenly felt "right." We were no more
divided into passengers and crew, but all simply crewmembers,
fellow shipmates united under one Captain.
The Captain assembled the whole ship's company and, while
holding a bottle of new wine in his hand, spoke quickly. "I come
to liberate, not enslave! I have come to reclaim what is mine by
birthright. I have retaken this ship that the pirates stole from me.
She is no more christened The Christendom, but her true name,
the good ship Salvation!"
He broke the bottle of new wine over her bow. "All who will may
board her freely for the price to sail has been paid in full. We set
sail for my Father's kingdom. Rebels and mutineers, beware! Your
day of retribution draws swiftly near. Behold, I come quickly!"
A cheer went up from the crew as the sails were hoisted and a
sudden wind from the deepest Heaven began to blow, propelling
her towards an unseen land. My last sight was seeing her proper
Captain at the wheel with his joyous face yet set like flint for the
voyage to come. I sensed troubled waters of tribulation brewing
and knew that only with the true Captain at the helm would we
safely reach our destination.
Bryan Hupperts
© 2004 SheepTrax Media
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