Three men and I escaped from a concentration camp in Ontario. Many people were taken as prisoners. They had rakes and shovels and were doing forced landscaping and gardening. Some men were constructing a building in the center of the compound. Everyone had separate pens complete with their own little yard. Some had small grass patches trampled by time. Each pen had spiral barbed wire at the top of high steel fences. The prisoners had to stay in their pens, or they would be shot. Some people were just lined up and shot in firing squads but I was not sure why. Angry, bitter soldiers carrying rifles lined the fenced areas. They were looking for an excuse to shoot someone.
When soldiers came near me, I was afraid for my life, so I began to sing “Born Free” but I changed the words. I sang “Born free, I sure wish I was, instead I am in slavery, to my enemy”. I didn’t want people to know that I was free, so I pretended to be a prisoner too so they would take no notice of me. No one took notice of us as long as we kept pretending we were slaves.
I then awoke and the Lord began to speak to me. “My people have been taken prisoner by industrialist society. The want of the world has destroyed My church. Everyone worships his or her idols.
“Their faith is in their government, not the one true God. All have turned away and greed has filled their hearts. I am releasing the enemy on My people. Even now I have called the troops from afar who will do the work I have called them to. They will trample and destroy everything in their path. They will kill and take prisoner all who have their hearts in the things of this world. Get ready to leave things behind, for I have provided a way of escape for those who are truly Mine. Those who are not of this world and have followed Me during this time, I will hide away and supernaturally protect. I will feed them by My very hand and they will lack nothing. The enemy will be unable to see them. This will be a time of great faith for My people.”