Meeting the Trinity
I saw myself on the ground, looking up to heaven in a dark field, calling out to God. Instead of words, all that came out was a great moaning. I looked up and saw a cloud in the sky that somehow appeared flat with a hedge around it. Over the top, I could see Jesus and the Father walking side by side. I could only see them from the shoulders up since the hedge blocked my view. They were talking and I could see God’s head tilted slightly, listening to my moaning, from down below. They just walked back and forth while I sent out these great moans. The scene was dark and scary looking but it did not stop my constant moaning. Suddenly they stopped. I heard a shout from God, “Come up”! And, I did!
Suddenly I was standing in heaven in His presence. I looked the Father up and down. His hair was snow-white but I could not see His face. A glory cloud moved over His face hiding it from me. The details of His white robe were difficult to see, since His glory was so blinding. He radiated light from every pore.
To His left was Jesus, who resembled the Father but a foot shorter. He had a smaller stature and not as broad across the shoulders. I looked into His dove like eyes.
They were full of compassion and He knew the great struggle I was going through. Just one look made it seem like everything was going to be all right. He radiated with such indescribable glory.
To the left of Jesus, was the Holy Spirit. He also had the eyes of Jesus, the exact likeness! He had no form but also had a movable form. When I looked at Him, I knew there were no words to describe Him. I knew Him as the comforter and I felt such incredible love pouring out from Him. He looked at me as Jesus did and His eyes sent out “I love you”. My eyes scanned back to the Father, and I looked at Him. The moment was overwhelming me.
I instantly understood the intertwined connection of the trinity and knew why they were impossible to describe. No earthly words or models could help man understand this, but at that moment, I knew what no man has ever known.
God held out his arms to me and motioned for me to come to Him. When I looked down at myself, I appeared about two and half years old. I ran full force and jumped into Daddy’s arms. Never had I felt such love. I could spend all of eternity here. To heck with looking around heaven this is all I want! Just to lie in Daddy’s arms for the rest of eternity!
I cried to the Father “Please, Daddy, please don’t make me go back”. Daddy squeezed me harder. I felt I would explode. This was love beyond all earthly measure.
I looked at Jesus thinking that He might be jealous but when I saw His eyes, He shared in the moment just as much as me. Jesus longed for this meeting between Daddy and me. I turned again to Daddy, fell back into Him and closed my eyes in His embrace. I kept repeating over and over again, “Please, Daddy, don’t make me go back”.
Then next thing, I was waking up in bed and immediately started weeping. The Holy Spirit was still here. It was just as if I were still in God’s presence. The anointing stayed with me all- day.
As a year or so went by, I began to realize that my love was growing and it was becoming difficult to function normally. I would sometimes just lie in bed for days unable to do normal housework or any work for that matter. He poured His love on me daily. At one point, I had to ask Him to stop just so I could get something done. I could not believe what I was asking Him.
He began to speak to me and this is what He said. “I showed you My form and you being a mere man could not contain it. After seeing Me, it caused you to pull away from this world and to seek Me even more. That is why I cannot show you My face or you would not be able to live here any longer. The beauty of My face would cause you to be unable to function at all on earth and I would have to call you home”.