Chris Carrington

Military training exercises are being conducted over a wide area of the United States. Phoenix, Los Angeles and Dallas news stations were inundated with calls about “blacked-out” helicopters flying low over the cities.
In Phoenix eyewitnesses said the pilots flew their craft very close to buildings, weaving between them just a few hundred feet above the sidewalks.
The Department of Homeland security is stepping up ‘urban warfare’ training, but it’s unclear at this point if the training is because they fear an attack from outside the country, or if they are practicing these maneuvers so they can control American citizens should the need arise.
Dream 1: dreamt it was night-time it and was in an open field. I thought the location was near Kitchener Ontario but it was hard to see any landmarks since it was nighttime. I saw something move up in the sky and my eyes were automatically drawn to it. I saw the moon and it seemed unusually large it appeared as if the big chunk had broken off and was falling. It looked to be about a quarter of the moon. I remembered this from a dream I had before and wondered how the moon could be broken off. Below that I saw four smaller moons approximately one quarter of the size of the large one. Each one appeared to be a quarter waning. I saw a shadow of a man with some kind of object above him. There was a long rope attached to this object and the man appeared to be climbing down it. I suddenly realized that there were thousands of these ropes hanging down from what appeared to be dark helicopters. Each one had men scurrying down the ropes to the earth below. I was standing right where several of them would land on the ground and my heart began to pound. I then began to fly up to where they were and one of them passed me by hitting me in the shoulder. He hit me so hard I thought my shoulder would break. His boots were black and all of his clothes. I knew these were secret forces and this would be the beginning of the Great War.