Showing posts with label tornado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tornado. Show all posts
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Nibiru/The Last Day
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Friday, May 2, 2014
Donate All His Money of 150 Million US Dollars After He Visited to Heave...
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Monday, April 28, 2014
Three Dreams exactly the same April 26th 2014
All three dreams were exactly the same on the same night. This has only happened on 2 other occasions in my lifetime.
I dreamt I was in an open field somewhere. I did not not exactly where I was or what country even. Suddenly I knew that I was being blasted with radiation and that it was killing me. I don't think it was a nuclear bomb but more a radiation leak for nuclear plant. I knew it was the end for me. I then awoke and had the dream 2 more times before morning.
I dreamt I was in an open field somewhere. I did not not exactly where I was or what country even. Suddenly I knew that I was being blasted with radiation and that it was killing me. I don't think it was a nuclear bomb but more a radiation leak for nuclear plant. I knew it was the end for me. I then awoke and had the dream 2 more times before morning.
coming wars,
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Sunday, April 13, 2014
Dreamt of bombs falling
Dreamt bombs were dropping all over the US. I was high on a hill and over looking a valley and had the exact same dream before. I was scared and trying to get back to Canada.
coming wars,
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Sunday, March 16, 2014
"I know many people that are still tied up in this (false church) and no matter how much I tried to free them they ran right back into the deception and then turned against me for trying to save them"
So we heard some preacher from America, Isaiah
Reed, was here in SA and thought it would be nice to hear him preach again. But
had to go to this church, what a horrifying experience, you walk in and old
school assembly hall and as you walk in all is black and there strobe lights
and super screens and ushers commanding where to sit, felt like walking into a
night club, the show they gave was atrocious.
Just seeing fake smiles and professional singers in very expensive suits, my heart broke, I just cried. Then the offering really making you feel guilty that you should give but you must be a cheerful giver and all that crap!
The music was so loud that I got a headache.
Just seeing fake smiles and professional singers in very expensive suits, my heart broke, I just cried. Then the offering really making you feel guilty that you should give but you must be a cheerful giver and all that crap!
The music was so loud that I got a headache.
Saddest of it all is thinking now this is what I am struggling to let go, my heart want this cheap thrill of getting all worked up in the motions, really no wonder I am so confused. All the truth that I have learned the past 2-3 years is against all that. I have been truly born again and been made a new creation.
Can't crave the things of being a baby anymore I can not hold on to things that hinders maturity, Jesus said the one that holds the plow can not look back he is then not fit for the kingdom.
My flesh is making this process very difficult but I want to serve Him with a pure heart and with clean hands.
I am ashamed, I know that even though all that I still believe that I truly sought Him, I still believe that I committed myself fully and utterly only to Him. Even if I don't feel the same. I actually don't know what I am feeling, it feels if my heart is burning and yearning and breaking and the saddest I have ever been but it hurts for the church that is lost. I am emotionally tattered, I get emotionally drained from everyone, and I see their sins and faults and future and feelings and I have no idea how to help or even what to say to direct them to only One that can help.
But even in that I fail not helping setting any captive free not giving oil for joy, but I am in preparation time. Its frustrating feeling useless to the kingdom, working every day so hard at work for what, I don't want a nice house and friends and new car, I want to give all that I have and what I am for the Lord. Maybe I was expecting some gratifying feeling and not having none, no good feeling of helping someone nor praying for someone that they get delivered.
My husband also says he sees I lost hope that this is now it, sacrificed and endured all this past few years for nothing.
The more it sinks in that the church today is truly lost the more I feel: is there hope for any of us to make it I know for certain if I would get in a position of authority pride will take the better of me. I want to be poor, and kept here just so these sins not over take me.
I am obligated by our faith to advance the kingdom to be His instrument but I just want to run away from it all, these people are ruthless and will fight to the death for their false doctrines, I don't stand a chance the previous experience tore me apart, my faith my hope.
What a mess I am.
The most scary thing of all is we only scraped the surface on the truth, My husband is discovering new things in the word every day that redefines all that I have learned until now, and must tell you my heart stops every time when he starts talking, I am too scared to read the bible. I have to face old religious crap that were lies and have to digest the truth and some days I just do not get it in, the meat is given but sometimes I just can't swallow. And then He bounces stuff off of me that shakes my fundaments and then later changes as he gets new revelation.
All I want to hear from the Lord or any one yes you on the right road or no your not turn this way but the words you walk by faith comes to mind every time. Maybe for my salvation sake I am not getting any relief of this aching heart nor a word from the Lord for His benefit and not mine.
One thing is for sure I never want to go back to church, it’s horrifying, and He is not there. Maybe He is somewhere at some church but I am sure going to find Him at home more than in most churches.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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toronto blessing,
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
12 Banker Suicides Linked to JP Morgan Investigation for Forex Manipulation
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014
With all the recent Banker suicides this dream kept coming back to me. I now hear their have been 7 suicides in two weeks. On top of that many wealthy people are withdrawing all their money from the banks.
It looked like a vast dark desert filled with worldly
possessions piled high. Cars, money, diamonds, and even large houses were
strewn about aimlessly. Jesus stood next to me not saying a word. Suddenly the
sound of an earthquake bellowed from the earth below. A large hole began to
develop, swallowing the possessions. Fear gripped me as I started to lose my
footing. I will be sucked down too, I thought! Jesus began to fly high in the
air and called out to me. I started to fly right up to Him and He grabbed me
around my waist. We flew right out of this world and into space.
Far below me, the planet earth disappeared. Soon, we were in a
different solar system and earth could no longer be seen. Jesus began to fly
even faster and flew us to the end of the universe. We took a turn at the end
and flew at an incredible rate around the complete circumference. Occasionally
He would slow down and show me other solar systems and planets that appeared
much like our own. We would then fly fast again onto the next sight, finally
all the way back to good old planet earth. Before He returned me, He looked at
me and said, “I know every sparrow”. With that said, He returned me home.
When I awoke, I knew that we were in for some
difficult times but I also knew that He would look after us.
coming wars,
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end of world,
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rick joyner,
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toronto blessing,
Friday, February 14, 2014
"I DON'T REMEMBER" by Francis Frangipane
How little we understand of eternal redemption! How many times will God forgive you? If you have truly set your heart to follow Him, He will cancel your sins as often as you ask. Will He forgive you of the worst sin you can think of? Yes! You may have to live with the consequences of your misdeed, but God can use your repentance and newly found humility to inspire others. As for the sin itself, if you sincerely repent of it, not only will God forgive you, He will blot it out of His memory.
Let me share an experience. A certain man of God had been gifted with revelatory insight into people's lives. During an evening service he ministered to a Presbyterian pastor and his wife. By the gift of the Spirit, he revealed the couple's past, uncovered their present situation, and then disclosed to them what was to come. This work of God greatly impressed the couple, and as the prophecies were fulfilled, one month later the Presbyterian minister brought two other pastors, each with their wives, to another service for personal ministry.
The word of knowledge was exceptionally sure that night, and the second minister and his wife marveled at the accuracy and truth in the prophetic word. The third couple stepped forward for ministry, and again the word of knowledge was present. The prophet spoke to the husband, revealing his past, present, and insight into his future. Then the man of God turned to this third minister's wife. As he began to speak of her past, suddenly he paused, then said, "There was a very serious sin in your past." The woman, with her worst fear upon her, turned pale and closed her eyes. The congregation hushed and moved to the edge of their seats.
The prophet continued, "And I asked the Lord, 'What was this sin that she committed?' And the Lord answered, 'I do not remember!'"
The Lord had been faithful to His covenant promise: "I will not remember your sins" (Isa. 43:25). Although many times this minister's wife had asked for cleansing, still she could not believe the depth of God's forgiveness. Christ had placed her sin in the sea of His forgetfulness. He removed it "as far as the east is from the west" (Ps. 103:12). From everywhere but the prison of her own mind, her sin had been paid for and removed. And now, in His great mercy, He removed it from there as well!
Oh, what burdens we carry, what guilt and limitations surround us because we do not accept God's total and perfect forgiveness. In Isaiah we read, "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins" (Isa. 43:25).
How great is the God we serve. How wonderful is His love toward us. He is our Redeemer, our Savior! If you are willing to forgive others and will but ask Him to forgive you, He will pardon your debts as often as you contritely turn to Him. He promises that our sins and lawless deeds, He will remember no more. -- Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Seeds Of Death - Full Movie
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Saturday, February 1, 2014
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
DNA: Good and Evil Seed
(David’s notes in red)
(David’s notes in red)
Here below is an amazing testimony of a 16-year-old young lady from South Africa. It is an astonishing confirmation of the battle of good and evil and how it lives within us from birth. It is again a supernatural confirmation of the truths found in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. It is a confirmation of the Daniel 2:43 problem where “they” mingle themselves with the seed of man. GLORY TO JESUS. I pray this both edifies and blesses you with the reality of how our science, indeed God’s science, is found in our Holy Bible.
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
… given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 … Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively.
Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said, “Come with Me, My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior”… It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places. Yeshua smiled and said, “It’s My fire; My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who choose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know.”
I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it. Yeshua looked at it and turned His face… “Sarah, look at the way people make an idol out of man – REPENT THEREOF.” Then He said, “The nation’s pride will come to a fall.” I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried. “Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication.” While He said that, I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country. (This should be done in whatever nation you are. The fruit of that worldly nation will be the elect of God.)
“My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice; which one do you choose? You are between two Kingdoms, My love. At the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy… I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free. I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires…
“I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now; it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire… Give ear!”
The next moment, it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and ‘becoming’ a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed (family trees, our genetic inheritance from our parents in the world). At the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed (words pass along to our physical seed, cursing or blessing, our nature). (The seed of the spiritual man is like a book also, the Bible. Our meditation on the Word empowers and releases the spiritual man to control the physical man and the demons.) (Kenneth’s comment: The Psalmist wrote: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)
Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again… “My love, do you see? Look at it; it’s beautiful… out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow; it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it’s a DNA code; it’s far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers.
“This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma – even at birth – with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. (Speak blessing over the unborn.) It is the parents’ work to build the child’s identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection (opening them up to demonic bondage) …
“This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too; you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great, great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way. Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. (We have seen this to be true. Many don’t know why they are the way they are, always lusting for acceptance and admiration from others. Rejecting any correction or person that knows about them) That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. (Any perceived threat to the ego puts them in survival mode.) A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride ... (Rejection is bearing much fruit in these days to separate the tares from the wheat but repentance is possible through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice. These two seeds are manifested through one's actions and words.{Mat.13:37} And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; {38} and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil [one]; {39} and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. {40} As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. {41} The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, {42} and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. {43} Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.
“Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why ‘this Father of love’ would create imperfect, disabled little babies, I will show you why this happens.
“This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways; sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma and other times because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch onto the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. (However, a believing parent sanctifies the child through faith, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, and can deliver the child from the curse of defect and disease.) Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge! I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are two orders: the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM!Out of hell comes The Order of Baal and man plays harlot with it, and I will call My order The Order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA.
“Inside The Order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it.
“My bride has I AM flowing through her veins while the harlot bride, who has not cleansed her DNA, has hell operating through her … mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them – that is why they are double-minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a ‘Christian,’ lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This ‘Christian’ is part of the harlot; she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good.
“My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself – in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single-minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit. (She is one with the Word in obedience.)
“I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal. (“Come out of her My people.”)
{Jdg.6:25} ... Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; {26} and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement].
I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw two doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed; on the black door was written “Order of Baal/Curse” and on the golden door was written “I AM/Blessing” (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA’s character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is).
There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM’s light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting, I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood; He closed the black door and the door and the structure disappeared (shattered the order of Baal and curses). It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell.
Yeshua said, “Each and every human has these two doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses – it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. (Jesus comes through the spirit man and Satan and his minions through the inherited flesh and its lusts.) My people, you are in a DNA war. Awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle; the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down The Order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are; it is the core of you. I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart)!”
While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM’s character and nature was inside of it – humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. “Sarah, My love, this is the message for this hour. Teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like.” I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan’s seed [pride and rebellion]. Father’s seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, whereas satan’s seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry – it is mixed seed – and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies. (Meaning dark spiritual giants, a mixture of flesh and demons; people who are big in the world because they are of the world, but they are small before God, like famous false Christians.)
Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. (We can meditate on flesh or spirit and bear the fruit thereof.{Isa.26:3} Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; because he trusteth in thee.) Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don’t acknowledge it as that). Because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul.
It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches, that attacks and breaks down your identity physically and because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection, out of the pits of hell. (Many other spirits use the spirit of rejection as a doorkeeper to let them in: rebellion, anger, frustration, domineering, Jezebel, witchcraft, faction, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-seeking, etc.)
We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua’s DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM’s LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom…
REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations!
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
… given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 … Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively.
Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said, “Come with Me, My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior”… It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places. Yeshua smiled and said, “It’s My fire; My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who choose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know.”
I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it. Yeshua looked at it and turned His face… “Sarah, look at the way people make an idol out of man – REPENT THEREOF.” Then He said, “The nation’s pride will come to a fall.” I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried. “Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication.” While He said that, I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country. (This should be done in whatever nation you are. The fruit of that worldly nation will be the elect of God.)
“My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice; which one do you choose? You are between two Kingdoms, My love. At the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy… I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free. I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires…
“I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now; it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire… Give ear!”
The next moment, it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and ‘becoming’ a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed (family trees, our genetic inheritance from our parents in the world). At the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed (words pass along to our physical seed, cursing or blessing, our nature). (The seed of the spiritual man is like a book also, the Bible. Our meditation on the Word empowers and releases the spiritual man to control the physical man and the demons.) (Kenneth’s comment: The Psalmist wrote: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)
Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again… “My love, do you see? Look at it; it’s beautiful… out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow; it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it’s a DNA code; it’s far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers.
“This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma – even at birth – with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. (Speak blessing over the unborn.) It is the parents’ work to build the child’s identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection (opening them up to demonic bondage) …
“This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too; you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great, great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way. Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. (We have seen this to be true. Many don’t know why they are the way they are, always lusting for acceptance and admiration from others. Rejecting any correction or person that knows about them) That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. (Any perceived threat to the ego puts them in survival mode.) A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride ... (Rejection is bearing much fruit in these days to separate the tares from the wheat but repentance is possible through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice. These two seeds are manifested through one's actions and words.{Mat.13:37} And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; {38} and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil [one]; {39} and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. {40} As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. {41} The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, {42} and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. {43} Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.
“Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why ‘this Father of love’ would create imperfect, disabled little babies, I will show you why this happens.
“This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways; sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma and other times because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch onto the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. (However, a believing parent sanctifies the child through faith, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, and can deliver the child from the curse of defect and disease.) Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge! I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are two orders: the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM!Out of hell comes The Order of Baal and man plays harlot with it, and I will call My order The Order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA.
“Inside The Order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it.
“My bride has I AM flowing through her veins while the harlot bride, who has not cleansed her DNA, has hell operating through her … mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them – that is why they are double-minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a ‘Christian,’ lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This ‘Christian’ is part of the harlot; she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good.
“My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself – in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single-minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit. (She is one with the Word in obedience.)
“I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal. (“Come out of her My people.”)
{Jdg.6:25} ... Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; {26} and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement].
I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw two doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed; on the black door was written “Order of Baal/Curse” and on the golden door was written “I AM/Blessing” (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA’s character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is).
There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM’s light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting, I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood; He closed the black door and the door and the structure disappeared (shattered the order of Baal and curses). It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell.
Yeshua said, “Each and every human has these two doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses – it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. (Jesus comes through the spirit man and Satan and his minions through the inherited flesh and its lusts.) My people, you are in a DNA war. Awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle; the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down The Order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are; it is the core of you. I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart)!”
While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM’s character and nature was inside of it – humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. “Sarah, My love, this is the message for this hour. Teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like.” I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan’s seed [pride and rebellion]. Father’s seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, whereas satan’s seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry – it is mixed seed – and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies. (Meaning dark spiritual giants, a mixture of flesh and demons; people who are big in the world because they are of the world, but they are small before God, like famous false Christians.)
Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. (We can meditate on flesh or spirit and bear the fruit thereof.{Isa.26:3} Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; because he trusteth in thee.) Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don’t acknowledge it as that). Because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul.
It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches, that attacks and breaks down your identity physically and because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection, out of the pits of hell. (Many other spirits use the spirit of rejection as a doorkeeper to let them in: rebellion, anger, frustration, domineering, Jezebel, witchcraft, faction, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-seeking, etc.)
We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua’s DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM’s LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom…
REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations!
coming wars,
economic collapse,
end of world,
new age,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
toronto blessing,
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Police Beat Protesters at Anti-Police Brutality Vigil
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Video: Fox News Shockingly Reports The Truth On GMO
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Saturday, December 14, 2013
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Its amazing how accurate it is and was. Every bit of it has been happening for years and yet he had no idea. Also I currently live right next to a great lake (lake Huron) and this blog has now reached almost 100,000 readers as of Dec 2013. Even what I've been preaching my whole life was right on the money but he had no idea when he sent it to me. EJ Ouellette
The dream of big
In the midst of a deep sleep the Lord gave
me a vision of an immense tower of billowing smoke. It was coming from a large
town/city by the water. There were people running to the centre of town. I too
ran to the center with the feeling that this was a distress signal or a warning
sign. When I arrived to the center I found a burning man but he was not
consumed by fire, this man was Joe Ouellette, his word to the people was, “there
is a way that seems right to a man but the end there of is destruction.” People were being drawn into the fire,
these were Christians I recognized as such, and as they entered the flame they
were consumed. This brought out an immense emotion of loss and sadness. Then I
entered the fire it was an intense heat but I wasn’t consumed. Then all the
city unit fire rescue army feverishly tried to put out the fire. They used
trucks planes huge pumps tied into the lake but this only made the fire grow.
And this drew even more people into the fire. When I awoke I had a feeling of
renewed fervor and the unspoken confirmation that God was about to do a massive
work of restoration through judgment.
Crosby 21-Dec-03
MAL 4:1
"Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant
and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them
on fire," says the LORD Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be
left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will
rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves
released from the stall. 3 Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes
under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the
LORD Almighty.
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The godly apostle Paul was full of the Holy Spirit and
revelation knowledge. He prayed fervently and walked daily in intimate
communion with Jesus. Yet he admitted he was continually buffeted, defamed,
despised and reviled. He was gossiped about, his character was attacked, and
his name was reproached.
Paul suffered so much so often, even his spiritual children
wondered why he constantly faced trouble and persecution. Every time they saw
him, his face was bruised, his bones were broken, or his body was covered with
marks. Of course, this hurt Paul deeply. Here was a powerful, sincere preacher
of God's grace and deliverance and everywhere he turned, he was reviled and
The apostle said he had one friend left, Onesiphorus, who
“was not ashamed of my chain [bonds]” (2 Timothy 1:16). Paul said of his
friend, “This man is not ashamed of my imprisonment. He knows better than to
think there's some hidden sin in my life!”
Paul also said he was encouraged by a group of believers who
“had compassion of me in my bonds” (Hebrews 10:34). He was saying, “These
people feel what I'm feeling.” They stood by Paul in his trials because they
themselves had been “made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions . .
. whilst ye became companions of them that were so used” (verse 33). These
believers had become the apostle's “companions in afflictions” because the same
thing that was happening to Paul had happened to them!
I know a deeply spiritual minister who endured years of
satanic buffeting and persecution from other believers. Every time I saw him,
he asked me to pray for him about his troubles. I gladly complied but over
time, as his trials persisted, I grew bothered. Finally, I asked him
point-blank: “I don't understand why you're always so harassed. You're one of
the godliest pastors I know. You're intimate with the Lord, always in prayer,
continually studying His Word. Why would He allow you to face such constant
But now I understand that this godly minister was handed
over to death situations daily because he was full of resurrection life. God
wanted to use him in a mighty way so He kept handing him over to death in every
area of his life. God wanted nothing to remain that would hinder the beautiful
manifestation of Christ in him.
Satan was set on destroying Paul because he knew a great
manifestation of Christ was about to shine forth in his life!
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Monday, December 2, 2013
Recently I came across an acquaintance on Facebook condemning
prophets trying to save her from the coming destruction. I must say it bothered
me a bit but not a lot. I have been coming to the US for many years and found
it quite impossible to save anyone from the coming destruction. The truth is,
that natural events will take place and its just part of our existence in on
this planet. This doesn’t mean these are God judgments. In fact the word tells
us clearly. That Gods Judgments are, when we refuse to repent, he releases’
us into a delusion so that we don’t want to escape the destruction. I cant tell
you how many times I’ve tried to save people from the coming destruction only
to be rebuked by God. He then begins to repeat a scripture I seem to keep forgetting. I
have to remember they refused to repent so they will go through the fire. Their
fate is sealed. They didn’t prepare for the coming destruction nor could they
hear His voice. They were in love with the world and Satan’s kingdom.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
New International Version (NIV)
11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seekmy face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Delusion def; When the heart lies to the mind.
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Friday, November 29, 2013
Some consider the American holocaust the worst case of genocide in American history. Over 100 million natives were reported to have been exterminated including men women and children. Some as young as 3-years old were spared as slaves.
The report is based on a book, Lies My Teacher Told Me.
When I saw the piece I was amazed, it concluded everything I suspected to be a reality for years now. We have been lied to in school all along, as our history books truly are just a package of lies.
After watching it I felt truly disgusted that schools to this day continue to uphold the lie.
The book points out how at a great feast, much like Thanksgiving, the natives were poisoned by the colonists, in a “toast to eternal friendship”.

coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Military Urban Operations Training: “Blacked-out” Helicopters Reported in Several Cities I had a dream about this in 2008. THIS THE BEGINNING OF THE END
Chris Carrington

Military training exercises are being conducted over a wide area of the United States. Phoenix, Los Angeles and Dallas news stations were inundated with calls about “blacked-out” helicopters flying low over the cities.
In Phoenix eyewitnesses said the pilots flew their craft very close to buildings, weaving between them just a few hundred feet above the sidewalks.
The Department of Homeland security is stepping up ‘urban warfare’ training, but it’s unclear at this point if the training is because they fear an attack from outside the country, or if they are practicing these maneuvers so they can control American citizens should the need arise.
Dream 1: dreamt it was night-time it and was in an open field. I thought the location was near Kitchener Ontario but it was hard to see any landmarks since it was nighttime. I saw something move up in the sky and my eyes were automatically drawn to it. I saw the moon and it seemed unusually large it appeared as if the big chunk had broken off and was falling. It looked to be about a quarter of the moon. I remembered this from a dream I had before and wondered how the moon could be broken off. Below that I saw four smaller moons approximately one quarter of the size of the large one. Each one appeared to be a quarter waning. I saw a shadow of a man with some kind of object above him. There was a long rope attached to this object and the man appeared to be climbing down it. I suddenly realized that there were thousands of these ropes hanging down from what appeared to be dark helicopters. Each one had men scurrying down the ropes to the earth below. I was standing right where several of them would land on the ground and my heart began to pound. I then began to fly up to where they were and one of them passed me by hitting me in the shoulder. He hit me so hard I thought my shoulder would break. His boots were black and all of his clothes. I knew these were secret forces and this would be the beginning of the Great War.
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
coming wars,
end of world,
Planet X,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
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