Showing posts with label new age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new age. Show all posts
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Nibiru/The Last Day
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Friday, May 2, 2014
Donate All His Money of 150 Million US Dollars After He Visited to Heave...
coming wars,
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rick joyner,
todd bentley,
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Monday, April 28, 2014
Three Dreams exactly the same April 26th 2014
All three dreams were exactly the same on the same night. This has only happened on 2 other occasions in my lifetime.
I dreamt I was in an open field somewhere. I did not not exactly where I was or what country even. Suddenly I knew that I was being blasted with radiation and that it was killing me. I don't think it was a nuclear bomb but more a radiation leak for nuclear plant. I knew it was the end for me. I then awoke and had the dream 2 more times before morning.
I dreamt I was in an open field somewhere. I did not not exactly where I was or what country even. Suddenly I knew that I was being blasted with radiation and that it was killing me. I don't think it was a nuclear bomb but more a radiation leak for nuclear plant. I knew it was the end for me. I then awoke and had the dream 2 more times before morning.
coming wars,
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end of world,
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rick joyner,
todd bentley,
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Sunday, April 13, 2014
Dreamt of bombs falling
Dreamt bombs were dropping all over the US. I was high on a hill and over looking a valley and had the exact same dream before. I was scared and trying to get back to Canada.
coming wars,
economic collapse,
end of world,
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rick joyner,
todd bentley,
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Sunday, March 16, 2014
"I know many people that are still tied up in this (false church) and no matter how much I tried to free them they ran right back into the deception and then turned against me for trying to save them"
So we heard some preacher from America, Isaiah
Reed, was here in SA and thought it would be nice to hear him preach again. But
had to go to this church, what a horrifying experience, you walk in and old
school assembly hall and as you walk in all is black and there strobe lights
and super screens and ushers commanding where to sit, felt like walking into a
night club, the show they gave was atrocious.
Just seeing fake smiles and professional singers in very expensive suits, my heart broke, I just cried. Then the offering really making you feel guilty that you should give but you must be a cheerful giver and all that crap!
The music was so loud that I got a headache.
Just seeing fake smiles and professional singers in very expensive suits, my heart broke, I just cried. Then the offering really making you feel guilty that you should give but you must be a cheerful giver and all that crap!
The music was so loud that I got a headache.
Saddest of it all is thinking now this is what I am struggling to let go, my heart want this cheap thrill of getting all worked up in the motions, really no wonder I am so confused. All the truth that I have learned the past 2-3 years is against all that. I have been truly born again and been made a new creation.
Can't crave the things of being a baby anymore I can not hold on to things that hinders maturity, Jesus said the one that holds the plow can not look back he is then not fit for the kingdom.
My flesh is making this process very difficult but I want to serve Him with a pure heart and with clean hands.
I am ashamed, I know that even though all that I still believe that I truly sought Him, I still believe that I committed myself fully and utterly only to Him. Even if I don't feel the same. I actually don't know what I am feeling, it feels if my heart is burning and yearning and breaking and the saddest I have ever been but it hurts for the church that is lost. I am emotionally tattered, I get emotionally drained from everyone, and I see their sins and faults and future and feelings and I have no idea how to help or even what to say to direct them to only One that can help.
But even in that I fail not helping setting any captive free not giving oil for joy, but I am in preparation time. Its frustrating feeling useless to the kingdom, working every day so hard at work for what, I don't want a nice house and friends and new car, I want to give all that I have and what I am for the Lord. Maybe I was expecting some gratifying feeling and not having none, no good feeling of helping someone nor praying for someone that they get delivered.
My husband also says he sees I lost hope that this is now it, sacrificed and endured all this past few years for nothing.
The more it sinks in that the church today is truly lost the more I feel: is there hope for any of us to make it I know for certain if I would get in a position of authority pride will take the better of me. I want to be poor, and kept here just so these sins not over take me.
I am obligated by our faith to advance the kingdom to be His instrument but I just want to run away from it all, these people are ruthless and will fight to the death for their false doctrines, I don't stand a chance the previous experience tore me apart, my faith my hope.
What a mess I am.
The most scary thing of all is we only scraped the surface on the truth, My husband is discovering new things in the word every day that redefines all that I have learned until now, and must tell you my heart stops every time when he starts talking, I am too scared to read the bible. I have to face old religious crap that were lies and have to digest the truth and some days I just do not get it in, the meat is given but sometimes I just can't swallow. And then He bounces stuff off of me that shakes my fundaments and then later changes as he gets new revelation.
All I want to hear from the Lord or any one yes you on the right road or no your not turn this way but the words you walk by faith comes to mind every time. Maybe for my salvation sake I am not getting any relief of this aching heart nor a word from the Lord for His benefit and not mine.
One thing is for sure I never want to go back to church, it’s horrifying, and He is not there. Maybe He is somewhere at some church but I am sure going to find Him at home more than in most churches.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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end of world,
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todd bentley,
toronto blessing,
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
12 Banker Suicides Linked to JP Morgan Investigation for Forex Manipulation
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rick joyner,
todd bentley,
toronto blessing,
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
With all the recent Banker suicides this dream kept coming back to me. I now hear their have been 7 suicides in two weeks. On top of that many wealthy people are withdrawing all their money from the banks.
It looked like a vast dark desert filled with worldly
possessions piled high. Cars, money, diamonds, and even large houses were
strewn about aimlessly. Jesus stood next to me not saying a word. Suddenly the
sound of an earthquake bellowed from the earth below. A large hole began to
develop, swallowing the possessions. Fear gripped me as I started to lose my
footing. I will be sucked down too, I thought! Jesus began to fly high in the
air and called out to me. I started to fly right up to Him and He grabbed me
around my waist. We flew right out of this world and into space.
Far below me, the planet earth disappeared. Soon, we were in a
different solar system and earth could no longer be seen. Jesus began to fly
even faster and flew us to the end of the universe. We took a turn at the end
and flew at an incredible rate around the complete circumference. Occasionally
He would slow down and show me other solar systems and planets that appeared
much like our own. We would then fly fast again onto the next sight, finally
all the way back to good old planet earth. Before He returned me, He looked at
me and said, “I know every sparrow”. With that said, He returned me home.
When I awoke, I knew that we were in for some
difficult times but I also knew that He would look after us.
coming wars,
economic collapse,
end of world,
new age,
rick joyner,
todd bentley,
toronto blessing,
Friday, February 14, 2014
"I DON'T REMEMBER" by Francis Frangipane
How little we understand of eternal redemption! How many times will God forgive you? If you have truly set your heart to follow Him, He will cancel your sins as often as you ask. Will He forgive you of the worst sin you can think of? Yes! You may have to live with the consequences of your misdeed, but God can use your repentance and newly found humility to inspire others. As for the sin itself, if you sincerely repent of it, not only will God forgive you, He will blot it out of His memory.
Let me share an experience. A certain man of God had been gifted with revelatory insight into people's lives. During an evening service he ministered to a Presbyterian pastor and his wife. By the gift of the Spirit, he revealed the couple's past, uncovered their present situation, and then disclosed to them what was to come. This work of God greatly impressed the couple, and as the prophecies were fulfilled, one month later the Presbyterian minister brought two other pastors, each with their wives, to another service for personal ministry.
The word of knowledge was exceptionally sure that night, and the second minister and his wife marveled at the accuracy and truth in the prophetic word. The third couple stepped forward for ministry, and again the word of knowledge was present. The prophet spoke to the husband, revealing his past, present, and insight into his future. Then the man of God turned to this third minister's wife. As he began to speak of her past, suddenly he paused, then said, "There was a very serious sin in your past." The woman, with her worst fear upon her, turned pale and closed her eyes. The congregation hushed and moved to the edge of their seats.
The prophet continued, "And I asked the Lord, 'What was this sin that she committed?' And the Lord answered, 'I do not remember!'"
The Lord had been faithful to His covenant promise: "I will not remember your sins" (Isa. 43:25). Although many times this minister's wife had asked for cleansing, still she could not believe the depth of God's forgiveness. Christ had placed her sin in the sea of His forgetfulness. He removed it "as far as the east is from the west" (Ps. 103:12). From everywhere but the prison of her own mind, her sin had been paid for and removed. And now, in His great mercy, He removed it from there as well!
Oh, what burdens we carry, what guilt and limitations surround us because we do not accept God's total and perfect forgiveness. In Isaiah we read, "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins" (Isa. 43:25).
How great is the God we serve. How wonderful is His love toward us. He is our Redeemer, our Savior! If you are willing to forgive others and will but ask Him to forgive you, He will pardon your debts as often as you contritely turn to Him. He promises that our sins and lawless deeds, He will remember no more. -- Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God
coming wars,
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end of world,
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todd bentley,
toronto blessing,
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Seeds Of Death - Full Movie
coming wars,
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rick joyner,
todd bentley,
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Saturday, February 1, 2014
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
DNA: Good and Evil Seed
(David’s notes in red)
(David’s notes in red)
Here below is an amazing testimony of a 16-year-old young lady from South Africa. It is an astonishing confirmation of the battle of good and evil and how it lives within us from birth. It is again a supernatural confirmation of the truths found in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. It is a confirmation of the Daniel 2:43 problem where “they” mingle themselves with the seed of man. GLORY TO JESUS. I pray this both edifies and blesses you with the reality of how our science, indeed God’s science, is found in our Holy Bible.
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
… given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 … Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively.
Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said, “Come with Me, My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior”… It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places. Yeshua smiled and said, “It’s My fire; My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who choose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know.”
I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it. Yeshua looked at it and turned His face… “Sarah, look at the way people make an idol out of man – REPENT THEREOF.” Then He said, “The nation’s pride will come to a fall.” I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried. “Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication.” While He said that, I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country. (This should be done in whatever nation you are. The fruit of that worldly nation will be the elect of God.)
“My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice; which one do you choose? You are between two Kingdoms, My love. At the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy… I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free. I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires…
“I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now; it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire… Give ear!”
The next moment, it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and ‘becoming’ a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed (family trees, our genetic inheritance from our parents in the world). At the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed (words pass along to our physical seed, cursing or blessing, our nature). (The seed of the spiritual man is like a book also, the Bible. Our meditation on the Word empowers and releases the spiritual man to control the physical man and the demons.) (Kenneth’s comment: The Psalmist wrote: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)
Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again… “My love, do you see? Look at it; it’s beautiful… out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow; it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it’s a DNA code; it’s far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers.
“This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma – even at birth – with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. (Speak blessing over the unborn.) It is the parents’ work to build the child’s identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection (opening them up to demonic bondage) …
“This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too; you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great, great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way. Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. (We have seen this to be true. Many don’t know why they are the way they are, always lusting for acceptance and admiration from others. Rejecting any correction or person that knows about them) That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. (Any perceived threat to the ego puts them in survival mode.) A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride ... (Rejection is bearing much fruit in these days to separate the tares from the wheat but repentance is possible through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice. These two seeds are manifested through one's actions and words.{Mat.13:37} And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; {38} and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil [one]; {39} and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. {40} As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. {41} The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, {42} and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. {43} Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.
“Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why ‘this Father of love’ would create imperfect, disabled little babies, I will show you why this happens.
“This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways; sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma and other times because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch onto the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. (However, a believing parent sanctifies the child through faith, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, and can deliver the child from the curse of defect and disease.) Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge! I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are two orders: the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM!Out of hell comes The Order of Baal and man plays harlot with it, and I will call My order The Order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA.
“Inside The Order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it.
“My bride has I AM flowing through her veins while the harlot bride, who has not cleansed her DNA, has hell operating through her … mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them – that is why they are double-minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a ‘Christian,’ lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This ‘Christian’ is part of the harlot; she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good.
“My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself – in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single-minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit. (She is one with the Word in obedience.)
“I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal. (“Come out of her My people.”)
{Jdg.6:25} ... Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; {26} and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement].
I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw two doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed; on the black door was written “Order of Baal/Curse” and on the golden door was written “I AM/Blessing” (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA’s character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is).
There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM’s light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting, I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood; He closed the black door and the door and the structure disappeared (shattered the order of Baal and curses). It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell.
Yeshua said, “Each and every human has these two doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses – it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. (Jesus comes through the spirit man and Satan and his minions through the inherited flesh and its lusts.) My people, you are in a DNA war. Awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle; the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down The Order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are; it is the core of you. I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart)!”
While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM’s character and nature was inside of it – humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. “Sarah, My love, this is the message for this hour. Teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like.” I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan’s seed [pride and rebellion]. Father’s seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, whereas satan’s seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry – it is mixed seed – and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies. (Meaning dark spiritual giants, a mixture of flesh and demons; people who are big in the world because they are of the world, but they are small before God, like famous false Christians.)
Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. (We can meditate on flesh or spirit and bear the fruit thereof.{Isa.26:3} Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; because he trusteth in thee.) Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don’t acknowledge it as that). Because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul.
It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches, that attacks and breaks down your identity physically and because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection, out of the pits of hell. (Many other spirits use the spirit of rejection as a doorkeeper to let them in: rebellion, anger, frustration, domineering, Jezebel, witchcraft, faction, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-seeking, etc.)
We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua’s DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM’s LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom…
REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations!
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am
… given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 … Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively.
Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said, “Come with Me, My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior”… It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places. Yeshua smiled and said, “It’s My fire; My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who choose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know.”
I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it. Yeshua looked at it and turned His face… “Sarah, look at the way people make an idol out of man – REPENT THEREOF.” Then He said, “The nation’s pride will come to a fall.” I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried. “Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication.” While He said that, I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country. (This should be done in whatever nation you are. The fruit of that worldly nation will be the elect of God.)
“My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice; which one do you choose? You are between two Kingdoms, My love. At the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy… I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free. I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires…
“I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now; it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire… Give ear!”
The next moment, it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and ‘becoming’ a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed (family trees, our genetic inheritance from our parents in the world). At the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed (words pass along to our physical seed, cursing or blessing, our nature). (The seed of the spiritual man is like a book also, the Bible. Our meditation on the Word empowers and releases the spiritual man to control the physical man and the demons.) (Kenneth’s comment: The Psalmist wrote: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)
Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again… “My love, do you see? Look at it; it’s beautiful… out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow; it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it’s a DNA code; it’s far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers.
“This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma – even at birth – with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. (Speak blessing over the unborn.) It is the parents’ work to build the child’s identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection (opening them up to demonic bondage) …
“This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too; you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great, great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way. Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. (We have seen this to be true. Many don’t know why they are the way they are, always lusting for acceptance and admiration from others. Rejecting any correction or person that knows about them) That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. (Any perceived threat to the ego puts them in survival mode.) A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride ... (Rejection is bearing much fruit in these days to separate the tares from the wheat but repentance is possible through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice. These two seeds are manifested through one's actions and words.{Mat.13:37} And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; {38} and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil [one]; {39} and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. {40} As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. {41} The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, {42} and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. {43} Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear.
“Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why ‘this Father of love’ would create imperfect, disabled little babies, I will show you why this happens.
“This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways; sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma and other times because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch onto the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. (However, a believing parent sanctifies the child through faith, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, and can deliver the child from the curse of defect and disease.) Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge! I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are two orders: the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM!Out of hell comes The Order of Baal and man plays harlot with it, and I will call My order The Order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA.
“Inside The Order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it.
“My bride has I AM flowing through her veins while the harlot bride, who has not cleansed her DNA, has hell operating through her … mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them – that is why they are double-minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a ‘Christian,’ lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This ‘Christian’ is part of the harlot; she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good.
“My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself – in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single-minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit. (She is one with the Word in obedience.)
“I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal. (“Come out of her My people.”)
{Jdg.6:25} ... Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; {26} and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement].
I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw two doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed; on the black door was written “Order of Baal/Curse” and on the golden door was written “I AM/Blessing” (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA’s character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is).
There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM’s light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting, I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood; He closed the black door and the door and the structure disappeared (shattered the order of Baal and curses). It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell.
Yeshua said, “Each and every human has these two doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses – it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. (Jesus comes through the spirit man and Satan and his minions through the inherited flesh and its lusts.) My people, you are in a DNA war. Awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle; the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down The Order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are; it is the core of you. I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart)!”
While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM’s character and nature was inside of it – humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. “Sarah, My love, this is the message for this hour. Teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like.” I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan’s seed [pride and rebellion]. Father’s seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, whereas satan’s seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry – it is mixed seed – and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies. (Meaning dark spiritual giants, a mixture of flesh and demons; people who are big in the world because they are of the world, but they are small before God, like famous false Christians.)
Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. (We can meditate on flesh or spirit and bear the fruit thereof.{Isa.26:3} Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; because he trusteth in thee.) Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don’t acknowledge it as that). Because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul.
It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches, that attacks and breaks down your identity physically and because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection, out of the pits of hell. (Many other spirits use the spirit of rejection as a doorkeeper to let them in: rebellion, anger, frustration, domineering, Jezebel, witchcraft, faction, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-seeking, etc.)
We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua’s DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM’s LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom…
REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations!
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rick joyner,
todd bentley,
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Sunday, May 19, 2013
After the Tribulation (Full Movie) - Alex Jones
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Planet X,
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Saturday, May 18, 2013
Air Force Chemtrail Whistleblower Exposes Geoengineering
Published on 17 May 2013
After watching Terrorstorm in 2006, I began a journey to promote the truth and question the status quo. I am a nonconformist and believe that one should take a stand in educating themselves. I spent nine years on active duty and saw, first hand, the over-regulation and contradictory actions within our government. After "blowing the whistle", I left the military honorably and stronger than ever. I believe that I have done more for my country in two years in the support of liberty than I accomplished while in uniform for almost a decade. I am an Industrial Hygienist and Environmental Specialist in my other life. This education, experience and expertise in these sciences fuel my distaste not only for the EPA, but the TSA! I will not sugar coat the truth, I'm not here to hold your hand, so put away your "binky", I'm here to take a stand!
coming wars,
economic collapse,
new age,
Planet X,
toronto blessing,
world war,
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Get far away from USA...its collapse will be messy: Jeff Berwick
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Planet X,
toronto blessing,
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013
When Rock-Star Preachers Spew a False Gospel 5/4/2013 JENNIFER LECLAIRE
When Rock-Star Preachers Spew a
False Gospel
1:53PM EDT 5/4/2013 JENNIFER
When preachers tour like rock
stars, it’s no wonder sinners flock to stadiums. Of course, preachers holding
stadium-sized events packed out with lost souls is awesome—unless those
preachers present a hyped-up, watered-down, seeker-friendly gospel that’s
giving the assurance of heaven while sending people to hell.
I am convinced that too many
people who claim to be Christ-followers are not really saved because too manyfalse
teachers and false prophets are propagating a “different gospel”
centered on “another Jesus” (see 2 Cor. 11:3-4). I am convinced that many
self-professing saints are going to sit right next to sinners in hell when it’s
all said and done—thanks, in part, to rock-star preachers presenting a
hyped-up, watered-down, seeker-friendly gospel.
Especially in America, it’s easy
to say, “I believe in Jesus.” It’s called mental assent. I believed in Jesus
before I got saved, too, but I was still on my way to hell. Many who have
“accepted Jesus into their hearts” have responded to a “different gospel”
centered on a false Christ. This gospel is mixed with compromise. This gospel
is impure and defiled religion. This gospel offers a humanistic, self-help
message that taps New Age principles. Indeed, these false teachers and false
prophets are moving in a false anointing and presenting a false Christ.
And it’s deadly.
Perverting the Gospel of Christ
This is not a new problem. More
than 2,000 years ago, Paul wrote, “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent
deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the
simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom
we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you
have not received, or a different gospel which you have not
accepted—you may well put up with it!” (2 Cor. 11:3-4, emphasis added)
Church, why are we putting up
with this false gospel? Why are we spending millions of dollars on books filled
with heresy penned by false teachers? Why are people flocking to stadiums
to worship another Jesus?
They have been deceived by the
serpent’s craftiness. Their minds have been corrupted from the simplicity of
Christ. The gospel is not difficult to understand, and it’s not difficult to
recognize false doctrine if you are a student of the Word. But members of the
lukewarm, apathetic, bless-me-only church are too lazy to open their Bibles and
read Scripture for themselves. Members of the lukewarm, apathetic,
bless-me-only church want to be spoon-fed a feel-good 20-minute sermonette
rather than be challenged to die to self, pick up their cross and walk the
narrow road. They've turned away from the real Jesus to another Jesus. Paul
felt the same angst in his spirit that I feel in mine.
“I marvel that you are turning
away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different
gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the
gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other
gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we
have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to
you than what you have received, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:6-9, emphasis
Fables and Fairy Tales
I’m also marveling at the masses
that are paying to hear a different gospel, a perverted gospel—a gospel
that will send them to hell if they embrace its doctrines. Some of those
"gospels" insist there is no hell. Some of those "gospels"
say we’re all going to heaven in the end. Some of those "gospels"
give you a license to sin without penalty. False teachers are using
familiar Scriptures to justify their stance, but they’ve essentially turned the
Bible into a book of fables and fairy tales.
I don’t care who doesn’t like it.
I’m taking the apostle Paul’s advice: “Preach the word! Be ready in season and
out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according
to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for
themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be
turned aside to fables” (2 Tim. 4:2-4).
When the Lord called me into
ministry, he gave me parallel Scriptures out of Ezekiel 3 and Ezekiel 33. I’m a
watchman called to warn the church. If I don’t open my mouth and people die in
their iniquity—in their different gospel from another Jesus—some
of the blood will be on my hands (Ezek. 3:17-19). I don’t want any blood on my
hands, and I’m not going to shut up just because the false teachers—or
anybody else—doesn't like it.
Does He Know You?
Here’s the rub. Jesus is come
back to separate the sheep from the goats (Matt. 25:32). And I’m seeing too
many goats sitting in the church saying amen to a false gospel centered on a
false Christ.
Jesus put it this way: “Not
everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but
he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day,
‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name,
and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never
knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matt. 7:21-23)
They never knew Jesus, and Jesus
never knew them. They were following another Jesus based on a different
gospel that was more convenient to their humanistic lifestyle, tickled
their ears and promised peace when there is no peace (Jer. 6:14).
I shudder to think of the horror
on that day, when masses who rushed to the stadiums and megachurches to hear
rock-star preachers (or even no-name preachers in small congregations) present
a hyped-up, watered-down, seeker-friendly gospel realize they’ve been duped.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And there will be suffering for
eternity. God forbid. Let us pray that these false teachers and false
prophets will be exposed and that discernment will rise among believers and
non-believers searching for the true hope of the real gospel. Amen.
Jennifer LeClaire is news
editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books,
including A Prophet's Heart: Avoiding the Doorway to Deception. You
can email Jennifer at or
visit her website here.
coming wars,
economic collapse,
new age,
Planet X,
toronto blessing,
world war,
Monday, May 6, 2013
I was in the sound business for
many years and we had a joke about untangling mic cables. If you neatly roll up
two mic cables and put them in opposite sides of the room when you return an
hour later they will be all tangled up in the middle. It seemed you spent more
time untangling cables than in the actual event.
I was out for my early morning
walk today when God began to speak to me. Now he doesn’t speak in words
necessarily but more remembrances of dreams and situations that come to my
mind. I then look at them with some kind of resolve. I see how each of these
situations effected my life and what they mean in the big scheme of things. I
remembered this old joke about the tangled up cables when the Lord began to
speak to me. When I go for these prayer walks and spend my time in prayer its
like I am untangling the situations in my life and resolving all the unknown
things I sometimes worry about. If I leave it too long the pile of cables get
bigger and more tangled and then it takes longer to resolve all the stuff. When
I go for these walks old dreams come up and I can discern their meanings. I see
how the Lord was telling me or warning me of stuff along the way.
When I had gone to heaven and met
with the Father back in 2002 I distinctly heard an old song when I cam back “He walks with me and talks with me and
tells me I’m his own” I know that its true and we walk together daily.
Nothing comes as a surprise to me. Before any event that rises in my life He
has already told me during our time together.
EJ Ouellette
coming wars,
economic collapse,
new age,
Planet X,
toronto blessing,
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Friday, May 3, 2013
BE AN ORIGINAL by EJ Ouellette
For years there has been a great
debate over Bob Dylan. Many people believe he was not very talented but just a
copycat musician. He could sit
down and listen to anyone and in no time at all play the song and mimic
perfectly the performer. In fact they said his whole style is based on Woody
Guthrie and he has no original style of his own. I have listened to Woody
Guthrie’s music and I have found it to be true. I have come across many
artists/photographers/cinematographers over the years and I rarely have found
any that weren’t just copying someone else’s style. I grew up in a very musical and artistic household and have
been around different kinds of artists for many years so I am speaking first hand.
In my early days I was pursuing commercial art as a career. I was pretty good at drawing and in
fact in grade one I recalled lately that I could draw like most adults. I drew
animals with all the muscles and anatomic structure. When I was in grade 5, I
was asked by my teacher to teach art to the higher grades and went from class
to class teaching drawing to the senior classes. I honestly didn’t think much
of this and in fact only recalled it recently while in prayer. Later I fell in
love with photography and pursued that with all my heart. I bought books and
magazines and studied many famous photographers from various periods. I
discovered I could easily copy or mimic anyone’s style that I liked. It then
occurred to me (not sure how) that I had no original style of my own but only
that of others. I felt frustrated and found it difficult to find who I really
was and left the whole world behind because of it. No more magazines and no
more influence I had to find if I was even any good on my own. I got into other
lines of work and forgot about photography for years.
later I was involved in a Pentecostal church and began faithful attendance. I
was little naive about the Pentecostal circles and a friend showed me the way.
He said you could spot a Pentecostal Preacher a mile away by the way they slick
back their hair adorned with silver suits. He was right! I could see the pattern emerging. Even the
congregation was nothing more than paper doll cutouts, following the crowd.
There were no originals anywhere. If an original came in they were soon scorned
for not following the ‘order’ and either conformed or left.
over the last few years God really spoke to me about being myself and not be
influenced by others. The world looks upon Christians and sees nothing more
than a cult and they don’t want to be part of it. God made us all differently
and it should remain that way. Recently I was waiting for my daughter after
school and I saw two young men well dressed headed towards me. They were going
from door to door in the neighborhood as I watched. They were obviously Jehovah
Witnesses. I could spot them a
mile away just like most Christians can be spotted by the world. I was wearing my leather jacket standing
by my black motorcycle and they passed right by me without speaking. I laughed
inside. Was I too intimidating?
then I spotted my daughter coming across the front lawn of the school and
wearing (shock) a pink dress. I almost passed out. Here is someone that
normally wears black and tight jeans and that’s who she really is. I feared she
was influenced by others to conform to religious thinking and follow the cultic
order in the church. She told me it was not that but friends at school that
dared her and I was much relieved. Don’t get me wrong. If she liked pink
dresses I would have no problem with it. It was being someone she is not
through religious pressure that scared me. I always tried to teach her to follow her dreams and not
someone else’s.

EJ Ouellette (be yourself)
coming wars,
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new age,
Planet X,
toronto blessing,
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Monday, April 29, 2013
The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today STEVE HILL
This is very similar to a dream I had; dream-sept 2010
The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today STEVE HILL
False teachings running rampant within the American
church have created a “whiteout” condition for millions of believers.
Here’s how to detect—and overcome—these destructive doctrines before it’s too
Editor’s Note: Most Charisma readers
remember Steve Hill as the fiery evangelist from the Brownsville Revival who
has since continued to win countless souls for Jesus around the world. But what
many readers don’t realize is that Hill only recently came out of a three-year
battle with melanoma. During that time, he received a prophetic vision warning
the church of an impending “spiritual avalanche” that could kill millions. The
following article on deception in the church is part of this timely message,
now delivered in his latest book, Spiritual Avalanche.
Years ago my wife, Jeri, and I were driving on the
interstate when we were overcome by a white cloud of windblown snow. “I can’t
see a thing!” I shouted. We were experiencing a complete whiteout. I lost all
sense of direction. I couldn’t see the road or other cars. Everything had
vanished, replaced by this strange, mystical blizzard of white. The only thing
I knew to do was to slow down and pray that I was still on the road.
By the providence of God I came to a stop in the
median, where we waited out the storm. When it lifted, I was shocked at what
we’d gone through. Miles in front of me and miles behind were wrecks—too many
to number. Massive trucks had slid off the road and turned over. Cars were
everywhere. It was purely by the hand of the Lord that we survived.
A whiteout is a weather condition in which
visibility is severely reduced by snow. The horizon disappears completely;
there are no reference points at all, leaving the individual with a distorted
This is what’s happening today in the church. Many
are oblivious to the dangers on the horizon. In this spiritual whiteout the
reference points—the ancient landmarks—have been covered. Erroneous teachings
have merged together with truth, causing innocent believers to become
disoriented—and blinded.
The Lord recently imparted to me a vision concerning
the state of the church and what we must do about it. Those familiar with our
ministry know we’ve never played games and have a deep, reverential fear for
the work of God. Given this, I urge you to take heed to the following words. If
you think I’m just letting off some steam, understand that I’ve just passed
through three years of cancer treatments. I had been given only days to live.
And as Leonard Ravenhill often reminded me, we must speak with the unction and
urgency of God. We are all nothing more than dying men preaching to dying men.
In the vision I saw the church, depicted as a
beautiful ski resort, with an enormous avalanche hovering overhead. The Lord immediately
revealed the interpretation. This impending spiritual avalanche carried a
threat that could destroy everyone. I’ve spent countless hours in the past
attempting to rescue those who had fallen prey to false teaching. Now, in this
visitation from God, I saw layers upon layers of snow steadily covering the
solid, traditional truth of Christ. As with a whiteout, the truth had been lost
in the flurry. No one who loves God willingly preaches deception, yet a
spiritual whiteout of unhealthy, unbalanced and, in some cases, unbiblical
teaching is blinding the body of Christ in America, and it is quickly spreading
around the world.
How Has This Happened?
Unhealthy and destructive teaching can enter the
church in various ways. Sometimes a biblical truth is taught to the exclusion
of other biblical truths, producing a dangerous imbalance. At other times a
biblical truth is taught in an exaggerated way, often going beyond what
Scripture actually says, and in the end this does more harm than good. Many
times clear, biblical warnings are ignored or reinterpreted so radically that
they lose all impact or effect, leaving people vulnerable and exposed.
Paul warned that the “time will come when
[believers] will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires,
because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and
they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables”
(2 Tim. 4:3-4). Today’s church in America, as a whole, is dangerously close to
turning aside to such fables. Millions have already succumbed to these false
teachings. Before we lose any more souls, it’s crucial that we identify what I
believe are the seven greatest lies that have infiltrated the church and have
led to a whiteout of error.
1) Overemphasis of Prosperity
Undoubtedly, some adherents of the carnal prosperity
message are motivated by greed. For them, preaching Jesus is a means of
financial gain, something Paul rebuked in the strongest possible terms,
speaking of men “of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that
godliness is a means of gain” (1 Tim. 6:5).
Yet many sincere believers embrace this message
too—and back their case with Scripture. They point to the covenant blessings
the Lord promised to Israel for their obedience, including financial prosperity
(Deut. 28:1-13). They highlight verses in Proverbs and Psalms that link
financial prosperity to generosity, hard work, godly living and faith (e.g.,
Ps. 112). They remind us of wonderful promises, such as those found in Proverbs
3:9-10—and how Jesus reiterated these in the New Testament with teachings such
as, “Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38). And they quote Paul, who
wrote about the financial principles of sowing and reaping (1 Cor. 9; 2 Cor.
8-9; Phil. 4:11-19).
Are you with me? I am not against you having money.
But I am adamantly against money having you. The problem is, there’s more to
the story that the carnal prosperity preachers fail to mention:
Jesus warned against storing up treasures on earth
(Matt. 6:19-24) and covetousness (Luke 12:15).
Jesus emphasized caring for the poor (Matt.
Paul and John both taught that we should not live
according to this present age (1 Cor. 7:29-31; 1 John 2:15-17).
Jesus did not die to make us financially wealthy but
to save us from our sins (Matt. 1:21).
God chose the poor to be rich in faith and kingdom
heirs (James 2:5).
More importantly, the carnal prosperity preachers
have ignored other biblical warnings, like Paul’s powerful words to Timothy:
“Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many
foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the
love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from
the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many
sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness,
godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness” (1 Tim. 6:9-11).
Carnal prosperity preachers encourage God’s people
to seek after riches—or to seek after God for the purpose of riches—often even
judging your spirituality by the kind of car you drive. What does that have to
do with the gospel of Jesus?
2) Exaggerated View of Grace
This hyper-grace teaching has become an epidemic
(see “What’s Wrong With Grace?” on p. 28). It has slipped in almost unnoticed
and taken root like an unwanted weed—easy to get in but hard to get out of the
Christian. I have personally dealt with many young people who were once on fire
but fell under this “kicked-back” view of God. Now, instead of pursuing Him,
they are partying. This “unmerited freedom,” if not tackled and taken out, will
spread to future generations, leaving us with millions of lukewarm Christians
who have traded their passion for poison.
Sadly, some hyper-grace preachers live in sin and
ease their consciences by preaching about a God who is all love and who never
condemns, a God who doesn’t judge us by our conduct. Like the false teachers
Jude confronted, they “turn the grace of our God into lewdness” (Jude 4). The
New International Version describes such lewdness as “a license for
But not every hyper-grace preacher is looking for a
way to justify sin. Some truly love Jesus but are simply preaching truth mixed
with error. They’ve taken an undeniable, glorious truth about God and presented
it in such an exaggerated form that they nullify all divine warnings and even
claim that the words of Jesus don’t apply to New Covenant believers. If this
seems judgmental, then it’s time to honestly line everyone’s
teachings—including mine—alongside the Word. Don’t just go through the Word;
let the Word go through you. Why are we so afraid in this godless generation to
confront fallacies?
These hyper-grace teachers rightly emphasize that we
are saved by grace and not by works (Eph. 2:8-9), that while we were yet
sinners Christ died for us (Rom. 5:6-8), that we are no longer sinners but
saints in God’s sight (1 Cor. 1:2), that God’s love for us is not based on our
performance (Rom. 5:9-10), that having begun in the Spirit we can’t become
perfect by human effort (Gal. 3:3), that we are now sons and daughters of God,
joint heirs with Jesus (Rom. 8:15-17), and more!
But they ignore mountains of other scriptural truths
and draw wrong theological conclusions. For example, they rightly teach that
Jesus died for all our sins—past, present and future—but wrongly conclude that
as believers we no longer have to deal with sin (meaning we never have to
confess sin or repent of sin, and the Holy Spirit no longer convicts us of
sin). Aren’t you tired of hearing of another backslidden brother? Trace his
steps and you’ll often find he was given permission to slip away from the
wonderful freedom of holiness into the bondage of humanism.
3) Antinomianism
Antinomianism—long word, simple meaning. The word
literally means “against law.” It’s a short jump from an overemphasis on the
grace message to complete antinomianism. In practice, it means that “anything
goes,” since Jesus has set us free. The problem is, Jesus didn’t set us free to sin;
He set us free from sin.
Jesus died for us and broke sin’s power on our lives
so that now, by the Spirit, we can live out the righteous requirements of the
law (Rom. 8:1-4). Yet purveyors of this poisonous teaching fail to realize that
Jesus calls us beyond the requirements of the law in His teaching, stating, for
example, that adultery refers to adultery of the heart and not just the
physical act (Matt. 5:27-28).
God’s perfect, holy, glorious law is not the
problem. Sinful flesh is the problem. Sin will take you farther than you ever
wanted to go. Sin will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay. And sin will
keep you longer than you ever intended to stay. Sin will promise you everything
but leave you with nothing. Sin will love you for a season and curse you for
For all the antinomians out there who believe
“anything goes,” the question is, where do you end up?
4) Deification of Man
Many false teachings today start with man rather
than with God. In contrast, when Paul laid out the gospel message in Romans, he
started with God and then went to man: God is holy and we are not; He is
righteous and we are not; we are under His judgment and in need of mercy, and
that mercy comes through the cross.
Today’s gospel, especially in America, has a very
different ring to it; rather than being all about God, it’s all about me. Just
as the American way is to make everything bigger and better, the American
gospel says that Jesus came to make you into a bigger and better you. That is
not the gospel!
Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to
come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For
whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for
My sake will find it” (Matt. 16:24-25).
We are in grave danger worldwide as millions upon
millions gaze upon man rather than God. Just take a look at our political
system. Words like messiah, lord, savior and anointed
one are tossed around like candy. I cringe at heaven’s response. This is a
setup for the Antichrist; as we become so accustomed to worshipping man, it
will be a simple maneuver for the Antichrist to move into position.
5) Challenging the Authority of the Word
The challenging of God’s authority goes back to the
Garden of Eden, starting with the serpent’s challenge to Eve: “Has God indeed
said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (Gen. 3:1). This
satanic challenge was twofold: First, did God really say that? And second, God
didn’t really mean what He said. After all, you won’t die if you eat from the
tree (vv. 1-5).
That twofold challenge continues to assault us
today. Best-selling authors tell us the biblical text isn’t reliable, that the
biblical manuscripts we have in our possession are hopelessly contradictory,
and that we can know little or nothing about the real, historical Jesus. Other
authors tell us that the Bible is no more than a collection of religious
traditions and that God Himself is nothing more than a religious myth.
For the most part, though, the challenge to the
authority of the Scriptures is subtler, and some of it flows out of the
deification of man, which says, “The Bible must live up to my standards. I will
judge the God of the Bible based on my morality rather than the God of the
Bible judging me based on His morality.” In short, when the Scriptures
contradict our feelings and preferences rather than crucify our feelings and
preferences and bow down before God and His Word, we question God’s Word.
6) Rejecting Hell
Nowhere is this questioning of God’s Word seen any
more clearly than when it comes to the subject of hell and future punishment.
And because we preach an imbalanced gospel—emphasizing God’s love and ignoring
His wrath, emphasizing His mercy and ignoring His justice—we no longer have
room for hell and future punishment in our theology.
Why did Jesus use such strong language in talking
about the fire of hell and about people weeping and wailing and gnashing their
teeth (see Matt. 8:12)? And why did He teach that “it is more profitable for
you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into
hell” (Matt. 5:29)? And why do other New Testament writers warn us repeatedly
about the wrath to come (see Eph. 5:1-6)?
It’s one thing to debate the exact nature of the
future punishment that awaits those who reject the gospel. It’s another thing
to downplay or eliminate it. Whatever legitimate debate we may have on the
precise nature of the coming judgment, this much is clear from the Word: it
will be irreversible, dreadful and of eternal consequence.
Revelation 20:11-15 clearly warns about the coming
Great White Throne Judgment. Yet modern-day heresy teachers have taken it upon
themselves to erase the judgment. The result, if believed and followed, will be
too devastating to mention.
7) Universal Reconciliation
Universal reconciliation promotes a
get-out-of-jail-free mentality—that in the end, everyone will make it into
heaven because of Jesus’ death on the cross. (In contrast, universalism teaches
that all paths lead to God.) There may be future suffering, but it will be
purging rather than punishment, and ultimately everyone will be saved.
Proponents of universal reconciliation point to
verses that teach that God reconciled “all things to Himself, by Him, whether
things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His
cross” (Col. 1:20). And they point out that just as in Adam all die, in Jesus
all will live (Rom. 5:12-21).
What would you say if someone attempted to persuade
you that Adolf Hitler was in heaven? “Abomination!” you would scream. “You’re
deranged!” Yet that’s a sample of the fundamental false teaching of this layer
of “avalanche snow.” Added to other layers mentioned previously, we will find
the believer’s foundation deteriorated, and when the storms come, the house
will come crumbling to the ground.
During this season when we celebrate the life, death
and resurrection of Jesus, let’s determine to glorify Him by staying pure. A
gentle breeze of false teaching has become a strong wind of serious error, some
of it downright heretical, and a storm of doctrinal deviation has become a
massive deadly whiteout. Amid this whiteout, stay committed to His teachings.
Don’t permit any false teaching to subtly weave its way into your life,
bringing down an avalanche that could destroy everything you hold so dearly. I
won’t let it happen. Not in my lifetime and not in yours.
I urge you to open your heart and read Spiritual
Avalanche. Revelation will be imparted from its pages. This 30-minute,
full-color vision shook me to the core. I wept as I saw it and wept as I wrote
the book. I love the church and will do everything possible to prepare her to
meet the Groom. She isn’t ready, but she will be!
Yes, Jesus said in the last days even the elect
could be deceived. But not you! You’re too smart for that!
Steve Hill is founder of Heartland World
Ministries Church in Dallas. He is widely known for preaching the
uncompromising message of Christ throughout the world.
coming wars,
economic collapse,
new age,
Planet X,
toronto blessing,
world war,
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Since I’ve been traveling its been difficult to post any new
blogs as the internet has been very intermittent where I was and pretty much
just gave up fighting it. I had several prophetic dreams over the last couple
of weeks and will just post them as I can daily.
I dreamt I was traveling in a car at night with a woman that
I know who is a Pastor of a church and has a daughter that I know very well who
is in a difficult marriage. She was pouring her heart out to me as we were
driving seeing that her daughter’s marriage was in serious trouble and was
wondering why God wasn’t doing something about it. I told her that her daughter’s
husband just married her without being in love and in fact married in rebellion.
God doesn’t just put his stamp of approval on our rebellious acts nor does He follow mans laws regarding marriage only His own. She found this difficult to
understand and I felt great compassion towards her. I climbed out of the car
and went into a field where I saw a man plowing a field with a single bladed
plow pulled by horses. I knew this man and hadn’t seen him in years. He was
also a friend of the woman’s daughter. He seemed almost angry at me as he
poured out his heart to me also regarding the same ending marriage of his friend.
I also re-iterated the same story that God doesn’t endorse rebellious acts and
they were not married in His eye’s. I could also see that he could not see into
the kingdom of God because he put his hand back on the plow. He was following mans ways not Gods and
the secrets of the kingdom were hidden from him.
I then awoke. I knew all of these people well and the whole situation. I knew
that this day would come when it would all explode.
coming wars,
economic collapse,
new age,
Planet X,
toronto blessing,
world war,
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