Showing posts with label tornado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tornado. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Dreamt I was in what appeared to be the back of a buggy like the kind the Mennonites have or Pennsylvania Dutch. Directly in front of me and facing me were 3 Women dressed all in black and appeared to be dead. Their faces  had no makeup on and one seemed to have a few scratches on her cheek. I was slightly creeped out by their presence and wanted to get off.  To my left in the buggy was another older woman dressed normally and began to talk to me. As she was speaking I realized that she was dead also. At this point I wanted to get off the black buggy and reached for the side door handle. Just then a young girl popped out from behind the modern looking woman and said “You need to blog”. She had a very worried look on her face and seemed desperate.

My first impression of this dream is that’s something big is about to take place on the economic level. God has been showing me for years we are headed for a depression that will reduce us to pioneer days. Even the modern pioneers (Mennonites/Pennsylvania Dutch/Amish) will suffer greatly.

EJ Ouellette

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Eagle is Shot Dead Dream given 12-28-11 Sr. Pastor Terry D. Hale

The Eagle is Shot Dead
Dream given 12-28-11 Sr. Pastor Terry D. Hale

"In my dream I was floating across America, but I had no fear. Bombs had landed everywhere, the land was totally destroyed. I saw people standing outside their homes weeping, holding on to each other. I saw dead bodies lying around. I heard someone say, "This should never have happened, this should never have happened."
National destruction had hit America. There was no food or water. Everyone was crying. I saw grown men crying and holding their families, begging God for mercy. The trees were all knocked over. Limbs and leaves were all missing from the trees except a few of the main large trunk limbs. As I continued to move across America I saw people running, searching for missing loved ones many seemed to be totally out of their minds!
I floated over a large city which looked like Columbus, Ohio. There were riots everywhere. Store windows were broken, everyone was looting the stores. They were not taking T.V.'s and I-pads they were taking food, water, and things to help them survive. I even saw one man shot to death by someone in the crowd.
Moving at the speed of light next, I was standing on the back side of the White House. I heard a voice say, “Look toward the Truman Balcony.” I turned and saw Barak Obama standing on a balcony, holding a shot gun. I heard a loud scream... really loud. I turned my head to see where the scream came from. Flying high in the air above was an eagle it appeared so majestic flying over Washington D.C. (Terry did not know there was a balcony called the “Truman Balcony.”)
I saw Barak Obama point the shot-gun and shoot the eagle out of the air. It fell dead to the ground. Obama smiled and said, "I've done it, and I won't have to deal with this in my administration."
I heard a voice say, "Tell the people this is My will. This is My hand, both upon the generation of the righteous and upon the cursed. The righteous will find their way and know what to do. The cursed will wander around with no compass. The cup is full!"
From that point on I knew that we were coming to a showdown. It was going to be between good and evil. I saw some people gathering into homes that were not destroyed. I saw people having prayer meetings in which they were only praying in the Spirit. I saw others having a home bible study. I saw Bible prophecy DVD's, CD's and books from ministers on a table, they were using them as Spiritual food they had stored up to teach them in this time.
I heard a Voice say, "Pick up the mantle of prayer. Cover yourself with it and find you a secret place to cover my servants in prayer. Many eyes have been anointed with a special anointing to see. Others are blinded to My Word. All things will be revealed in their due course.
A supernatural wave of My Spirit will come over this generation soon. The FINAL voices are in the land to speak one last time. Think it not strange the happenings around you. They must and will come to pass, but I have placed in your hands: the food to sustain you in the months ahead. I have spoken and shown the matter. Tell my servants, saith the Lord, there is coming harsh days ahead!"
As I stood there hearing the voice of God, I saw a very old table in Washington D.C, it looked as if it had been used over many years to sign many important documents in the past. I saw a voting ballot laying on this table with two names on it. It had “Barak Obama” and “Mitt Romney.” I saw a checkmark beside Obama’s name. These words were written at the bottom of the ballot, “For this is the will of the Lord.”

Sunday, July 1, 2012


It’s funny that every time there are some natural disasters Christians automatically come against the fact God might be behind them and that these disasters could be His judgments.  This recent (June30th) inland hurricane /heat and power outage, God has been speaking to me for months during prayer time. I have said it so many times, yet so many come against me because of it.

 His exact words were “I am releasing a monster across this land. (I saw a vision as He spoke, of a big black cloud sweeping from the west to the east across the US) The blood of the unborn cries out to me and I will satisfy their cries. I am shutting down grid and turning up the heat”
Other recent words are ; Housing and stock market crash is imminent. I see houses losing 80% of their current value.

Friday, June 22, 2012


     Although this is an older dream it is still very relevant, maybe even more today. I was out walking in my prayer time and it flooded my mind as the Lord began to show me details I had forgotten. One of the details was that at the end of the dream I asked the Lord “What can I do” and he never answered.  I realized today that since I started my blog last year I had no outlet for many of these dreams and just left them until I knew exactly what to do with them. Now I have had tens of thousands of readers and I did not expect it when I started it. In fact over the years the Lord told me several times to warn people but at the time had no outlet to speak of. Maybe this is one of those places for now.

Dream 1999.
It was black as night as we descended into the huge unpromising opening in the ground. My nostrils stung as the foul stench choked me. It reminded me of a sewer treatment facility. Jesus made no sound as he went before me and I was compelled to follow.  Deeper and deeper we descended into the near darkness. Soon I was able to make out the rock wall beside me. In the distance I heard moans and screams that made me cringe and draw closer to Jesus.  We came into a large open area and the screams were now deafening. Every wall was covered in dirt and sludge and demons and people were chained to the grimy walls. Demons at least eight feet high were chained next to grotesque looking people screaming at the top of their lungs. I saw what looked like several family members all chained in a line next to several grotesque demons. I was shocked when I looked at how many women were there and in fact I think I saw at least 10 times as many women as men. As far as I could see in almost every direction were thousands upon thousands of demons and women.
It was then that Jesus finally broke the silence and shouted to the people there, “How many of you are here because of Harry Potter”. I almost laughed when He asked but none made a move. He then asked, “How many of you are here because of un-forgiveness!” They all raised their hands! I was stunned! I noticed in life many times Christians boasting of how wonderful they were yet harbored un-forgiveness towards people in their lives which made no sense to me. Some claimed they were under ‘grace’ yet continued on turning their children against their fathers because of their own un-forgiveness.
            Jesus turned to me and spoke with great seriousness.
“Many of these woman here, were raped and treated brutally yet chose to remain bitter and to not forgive their perpetrators justifying their sin. Many women divorced and chose to hate their husbands then trained their children to hate their fathers as well. When the children chose to not forgive they came here as well. That is why you will find whole generations of family’s, which passed on their bitterness to their children and they ended up here as well.”
 Jesus was weeping at this point I could feel his heart breaking and wanted with all my heart to warn others.
 Jesus added “They followed the unjust laws of man, ignoring my laws which fueled their bitterness, then passed it on to their children. Some of these even stole their children and murdered them rather that their husbands loving them. The tears of many of these husbands and fathers follow them into heaven.”
I was crying at this point, devastated by what I saw and felt. I knew first hand about all the unjust laws regarding family law. Men are treated like third class citizens with no family value whatsoever. The courts are dominated by the feminist movement, which is run by Satan himself. I was almost angry at what Jesus had shown me and felt defenseless at the demonic system over us.
I asked Jesus “What can I do.”
Jesus tearfully looked me squarely in the eyes and never spoke a word.
This dream haunted me for years and felt I was unable to do something until now, now that I’ve started this blog.

The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g]
23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold[h] was brought to him. 25 Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt.
26 “At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ 27 The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.
28 “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins.[i] He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.
29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’
30 “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.
32 “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ 34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.
35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Dream 12-06-20
I dreamt that the space shuttle exploded on re-entry. We all moaned at the great tragedy. While I was looking at the wreckage on the ground President Obama showed up with a couple of SS agents. The President and I were climbing over the wreckage and I could see he was very worried. I knew, he knew it was sabotage or it was shot down. I noticed the SS agents left him alone so we started talking. He stayed very close to me and talked softly so no one else could hear. I had an overwhelming feeling that what happened was related to him and that there would be an assignation attempt on him. I told him what I was feeling and he did not seem surprised. It was then I noticed that the SS team protecting him kept leaving us out in the open. This made me really nervous as I suspected they might also be behind it. We left that scene and traveled a little into a nearby town and they same thing happened. This time Michelle Obama showed up with us and she was also suspicious of the detail leaving us in the open. I told the President that we needed to stay in buildings as much as possible to avoid any attempts on his life. He was genuinely scared for his life. He seemed really happy that he could trust me and I could see he no longer trusted anyone around him.

Part of the Fulfillment JULY13th-2012

The, Clarence Williams and Mary Pat Flaherty
Washington Post 

A Washington police officer who worked as a motorcycle escort for White House officials and other dignitaries was moved to administrative duty Wednesday after he allegedly was overheard making threatening comments toward Michelle Obama, according to several police officials.
The police department’s Internal Affairs Division is investigating the alleged comments and notified the U.S. Secret Service Wednesday, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to give details of the investigation.
The motorman allegedly made the comments Wednesday morning as several officers from the Special Operations Division discussed threats against the Obamas. It was not immediately clear where the alleged conversation took place or exactly how many officers took part in the conversation.
During that conversation, the officials said, the officer allegedly said he would shoot the First Lady and then used his phone to retrieve a picture of the firearm he said he would use. It was not immediately clear what type of firearm was allegedly shown.
An officer overheard the alleged threat and reported it to a police lieutenant at the Division, who immediately notified superiors, the officials said.
“We received an allegation that inappropriate comments were made. We are currently investigating the nature of those comments,” D.C. police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump said in an e-mail. She declined to discuss the matter further.
Police officials declined to identify the officer. Officials from the U.S. Attorney’s office declined comment.
In an interview Thursday afternoon, police union chief Kristopher Baumann said he did not have details on the matter.
There was no indication of a legitimate danger to Michelle Obama. A Secret Service spokesman declined to provide further details, saying in an email that the agency was aware of the incident and “will conduct appropriate follow-up.”
Police officials immediately reassigned the officer to other duties, the police officials said.
The police escorts the Special Operations Division performs for the First Family are dignitary escorts. Police escorts for non-dignitaries drew attention in April 2011 when District officers accompanied actor Charlie Sheen from Dulles Airport to DAR Constitution Hall when Sheen was running late to a concert.
The propriety and cost of that run — which was reimbursed by a concert organizer — was debated later at a District Council hearing and reviewed by the District’s Office of the Inspector General which concluded, among other findings, that the department needed clearer guidelines on conducting escorts.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Monday, June 28, 2010
 I was at some church. All the people looked the same and dressed the same. They all appeared to be asleep or zombies. I decided to fly and see if I could wake them. I flew up to the ceiling and walked upside down but none moved. I was frustrated thinking what an incredible miracle I am showing them but they cant see it. I flew back down and saw a man with a twisted foot and felt compassion on him. I prayed for him and he was instantly healed. The people started to wake up and come over to see the miracle. They seemed astonished and the color started coming back into them.

The flying part has to do with walking by faith which no-one is really doing in North America anymore. The only thing that will wake the sleeping church are the creative miracles that are coming. EJ Ouellette

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


In prayer yesterday I got another word about the imminent economic collapse. I had a vision of several men holding ropes as a giant weight that they couldn't possibly stop was sliding down a hill dragging them behind it. The men were furiously fighting against the weight which was out of control.
Then I heard later that day that all the American propaganda news networks (FOX CNN ABC NBC etc)  weren't reporting the seriousness of the situation. In fact that most Americans have lost %40 of their net worth since 2007.
This week a Citibank report came out showing the US economy was in such poor shape that 23% of small business owners had gone "at least a year" without pay. (That amounts to 6.1 million business owners). And now the news from the US Fed that between 2007-2010, US families lost almost 40% of their net worth. As we have been saying for some time, sadly this is a long "DEPRESSION", not just a brief `recession´. But the question is, for those living in places like the USA, the UK and Europe - are you noticing any real change in attitude yet? Is there any real sense that peoples' values are changing with regard to lifestyle and materialism, etc? Is there a "sea change" going on that you can actually see and feel? How many years do you think such a thing might take? 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


12-06-09 After hearing about all the noises being heard around the world I finally today got to experience it for the first time. At 10 am this morning while sitting at my computer I heard a loud trumpet blast coming through my open window. IT was at first a very low frequency almost like a Tuba but it was then followed by several other blasts lasting until 10:23 am and then again at about 11:30. IT was far louder than I thought it would be based on some youtube videos but nonetheless it was very eerie sounding like one would expect the trumpet blast in Revelation 8 to sound like. There was a lot of ambient noise in my room and the blast came through clearly over the noise. I went outside as well to see if I could pinpoint the origin but it sounded clearly as if it came from the sky. It definitely gives you goose bumps and that end of the world feeling. If you have not heard any yet you can listen at the bottom of the blog entry. 

I looked up Revelation 8 and I noticed that the blast is preceded by Hail and Fire and blood. And that a 3rd of the earth was burned up. Coincidently when planet X aka Niribu, fly’s by on Dec 21st 2012 it is followed by a giant asteroid belt which will pelt the earth with flaming rocks just like the ones aimed at Sodom and Gomorrah a few years back. 

 REV 8:6 The Trumpets :Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. 7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

DREAM OF DEC 21 by EJ Ouellette

12-05-12 Dream: 
I dreamt I saw Nostradamus on a hill overlooking the ocean. He was dressed in old-fashioned clothes of the 1500s era. Next to him were several scientists dressed in clothes of the same period. I could hear him speak to the scientists warning them of the coming disasters to the world. He said, “This is not the first time these planets have passed this way and each time caused immense destruction”. The other scientists looked very depressed at the news and looked down. I turned to my left and looked out over the world and saw a calendar floating in the sky. It read Dec 21. The page tore off and there were no pages behind it. Suddenly I saw the earth rip and tear and huge earthquakes happen all at once. The oceans flooded inland and overtook the vast coastal cities. I heard someone say “There will be no Christmas this year”. I knew the survivors would be going back to pioneer days after this. I then awoke feeling very sad.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

EARTHQUAKE DREAM 7.6 May 10-2012 EJ Ouellette

Had another dream last night about a massive earthquake. Since I had one last week with the same number it aroused my curiosity to see if it meant something else. Often when I get numbers in dreams it is about a scripture reference. In this case when I looked up 'E' (as in earthquake) 7.6 I was shocked when I read the word as it is identical to what the Lord has been speaking to me concerning what is to come over the last two years and doubly this last month. WE are at the door.!

Ezekiel 7 New International Version (NIV) The End Has Come 7 

The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord says to the land of Israel: “‘The end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land! 3 The end is now upon you, and I will unleash my anger against you. I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices. 4 I will not look on you with pity; I will not spare you. I will surely repay you for your conduct and for the detestable practices among you. “‘Then you will know that I am the Lord.’ 5 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘Disaster! Unheard-of[a] disaster! See, it comes! 6 The end has come! The end has come! It has roused itself against you. See, it comes! 7 Doom has come upon you, upon you who dwell in the land. The time has come! The day is near! There is panic, not joy, on the mountains. 8 I am about to pour out my wrath on you and spend my anger against you. I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices. 9 I will not look on you with pity; I will not spare you. I will repay you for your conduct and for the detestable practices among you. “‘Then you will know that it is I the Lord who strikes you. 10 “‘See, the day! See, it comes! Doom has burst forth, the rod has budded, arrogance has blossomed! 11 Violence has arisen,[b] a rod to punish the wicked. None of the people will be left, none of that crowd— none of their wealth, nothing of value. 12 The time has come! The day has arrived! Let not the buyer rejoice nor the seller grieve, for my wrath is on the whole crowd. 13 The seller will not recover the property that was sold— as long as both buyer and seller live. For the vision concerning the whole crowd will not be reversed. Because of their sins, not one of them will preserve their life. 14 “‘They have blown the trumpet, they have made all things ready, but no one will go into battle, for my wrath is on the whole crowd. 15 Outside is the sword; inside are plague and famine. Those in the country will die by the sword; those in the city will be devoured by famine and plague. 16 The fugitives who escape will flee to the mountains. Like doves of the valleys, they will all moan, each for their own sins. 17 Every hand will go limp; every leg will be wet with urine. 18 They will put on sackcloth and be clothed with terror. Every face will be covered with shame, and every head will be shaved. 19 “‘They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin. 20 They took pride in their beautiful jewelry and used it to make their detestable idols. They made it into vile images; therefore I will make it a thing unclean for them. 21 I will give their wealth as plunder to foreigners and as loot to the wicked of the earth, who will defile it. 22 I will turn my face away from the people, and robbers will desecrate the place I treasure. They will enter it and will defile it. 23 “‘Prepare chains! For the land is full of bloodshed, and the city is full of violence. 24 I will bring the most wicked of nations to take possession of their houses. I will put an end to the pride of the mighty, and their sanctuaries will be desecrated. 25 When terror comes, they will seek peace in vain. 26 Calamity upon calamity will come, and rumor upon rumor. They will go searching for a vision from the prophet, priestly instruction in the law will cease, the counsel of the elders will come to an end. 27 The king will mourn, the prince will be clothed with despair, and the hands of the people of the land will tremble. I will deal with them according to their conduct, and by their own standards I will judge them. “‘Then they will know that I am the Lord. ’”

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Wine, Old Wineskins and the Fear of Change by Lee Grady

This article reminds me of the things God has been reminding me of lately. EJO

The Lord wants to unleash a gushing river of new wine into the church today, but we must leave some things behind.

A woman from Orlando, Fla., was in the news last month because she decided to retire from driving her 1964 Mercury Comet. Rachel Veitch, who is 93, bought the car new for $3,300 when gasoline cost 29 cents a gallon. Today the light yellow car, which Veitch calls “Chariot,” has 567,000 miles on it.

That’s great news for Veitch—who will probably get $44,000 for the antique car because she took such good care of it. But whoever buys it will either store it in a fancy garage or display it at an auto show. There are not too many miles left on this relic of the past.

“We cannot rely on church growth gurus, popular books or rock-star preachers to lead us into genuine innovation. Copying spiritual trends is just a form of carnality.”

Cars have a life expectancy. Most 1964 Mercury Comets have long been doomed to the junkyard. Engines die, carburetors rust and models go out of style, so we trade them in for newer vehicles. In our fast-paced world, Apple debuts a new iPhone every few years and the most popular apps have almost monthly updates. We’ve come to expect frequent upgrades.

Yet for those of us involved in ministry, we tend to think the church needs no remodeling or renovation. We expect congregations to hum along perpetually for years and years, thinking the world will want to pile into our 1964 yellow Mercury Comet and enjoy the retro ride. But that is a faulty assumption.

While the message of the gospel itself is both timeless and flawless, the packaging we wrap it in must adapt with the times or we will quickly lose relevance. Pipe organs, steeples and choir robes were never wrong, but they won’t help us reach today’s generation. Nor do stale religious systems, tired terminology or worn-out denominational programs that should have been mothballed long ago. (The same can be said for telethons on Christian TV that have the look and feel of a 1978 game show.)

Jesus told John the Baptist’s disciples that people don’t put new wine in old wineskins because the skins will burst and the wine will be wasted. “Put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved,” Jesus said (Matt. 9:17, NASB). But many churches and ministries today insist on pouring their new wine in the old models, again and again. We resist innovation and we fight progress.

I’m willing to guess that 90 percent of what we are doing in church today needs a total makeover. We are facing the most daunting renovation project in the history of the church. But the task is not impossible. It will require us to take these painful steps:

1. We must break free from the fear of change. God is always on the move. He might lead us to camp in one spot for a while, but we can never get too comfortable in one place. His trumpet will eventually blow and the cloud of His presence will shift. Don’t park when God is calling you forward. Stay open to His fresh directives, and expect Him to stretch your faith. He is adventurous!

2. We must be willing to defy tradition. People who are married to the past cannot embrace the future. Sacred cows do not belong in the pulpit; they must be sacrificed on the altar. “The way we’ve always done it” will not work in God’s new season. The crowd chooses the comfortable pews of nostalgia, but God is with the courageous few who are willing to blaze a new path into unreached territory.

3. We must ask the Spirit to reveal His new strategies. We cannot rely on church growth gurus, popular books or rock-star preachers to lead us into genuine change. Copying spiritual trends is just a form of carnality—and it is a sad substitute for real innovation. If the work of transforming the church is not totally led by the Holy Ghost, then our changes will be shallow and our impact will be pitiful. The last thing we need is a superficial upgrade.

I believe the Lord wants to unleash a gushing river of new wine into the church today, but He is directing us to prepare our wineskins. What is old must be renewed by the Spirit, what is outdated must be remodeled, and what is ineffective must be replaced. God wants to do a new thing. Don’t resist it.

J. LEE GRADY is the former editor of Charisma and the director of The Mordecai Project. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Today I was pondering some prophecies I received over several years. Sometimes God reminds me a lot of things that he told me over the years and they fit together like a big puzzle. Some of the puzzle pieces came as dreams others were revelations given to me in the night and some came as Rhema words during other times. Lately I seem to be running in to the dumbest of people. I can only equate the conversation to having a blind man tell me there's no such thing as color. I mean how do you answer to that? But often in the church of today that's exactly what it's like when God reveals to you some hidden things that he only tells those who are close to him. When I inquired of the Lord about the futility of the situation he showed me something that he has shown me many times in the past. I saw Jesus coming on a donkey, and only the children recognized whom he was. This is a constant reminder to me that he was invisible to the Pharisees and they were prevented from seeing who He really was and is, He did this on purpose because what he had and has was meant for the children and not for the brood of Vipers. Time and time again I have seen this principle repeated and seen the children enter in while the adults completely missed the boat. In the end, the marriage supper of the Lamb and those who were invited made excuses to why they couldn't come. God had shown me many times that the end time revival would be about God's love. That for the first time in a major outpouring, God's people would feel the manifest love of God. But exactly like at the marriage supper of the Lamb those that were invited won't even enter in and will reject this outpouring and say it is of the devil. This revival will be dominated by children and young people that will ignore these religious spirits and fall headfirst head-over-heels in love with the Lord. In essence this group will be the bride of Christ. A bride totally smitten and won't care what others think. They will be given understanding that the others couldn't come close to grasping. They will know who they are in the Lord and will be unmovable in him. It will be a Song of Solomon relationship. These children won’t be manipulated nor will their relationships be half hearted. They will jump in with both feet, not caring what the modern Pharisees (Christian Fundamentalists) of the day say. In fact the world will jump in before they do as in the marriage supper. “Go into the streets and find whoever will come”

EJ Ouellette

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lightning bolts dream April 23-2012 -EJ Ouellette

Dreamt I was at a house that I owned but was not familiar with. Lighting was hitting all over at an alarming rate. It wasn't raining, in fact it was sunny outside. There were so many strikes all around that I couldn't possibly count them and the sound was deafening. Two of my children were in the yard and came flying in the door for cover. At first I thought it was meteorites raining down but I wasn't totally sure. 

When I awoke I knew instantly it was a prophetic dream and I wondered if it might be literal since I have read and viewed many videos regarding and asteroid belt following the planet Nibiru that is headed are way and due in December 2012.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

SO YOU WANNA GO BACK! Dream 12-04-21 EJ Ouellette

I dreamt I was in a dark jungle somewhere. To my left there was a giant oak tree, which seemed out of place. Suddenly without any warning a large silver plane crashed into the oak treetops. The side was ripped open and I could see dozens of people inside. My heart pounded as I climbed the tree fearing the plane would explode anytime and these people would die. When I reached the plane the occupants seemed very dazed and confused. I was un-strapping some from their seats and they were very disoriented. I wondered how I was going to get them down from the tree when I noticed one of the huge wings had extended to the ground and was on an angle like a slide. I pushed the first one down and they made it perfectly to the bottom. I worked as quickly as I could to free them and get them down the slide. They seemed drugged somehow and couldn't  see the reason to get out so I was pushing them down. Some got angry and refused to leave despite my urgent pleadings. Some started back inside the plane to find their seats and hide from the ominous jungle below. I was incredibly frustrated with their inability to see the danger of staying and their resistance to me. I managed to free several when I noticed they started to climb back up the wing to get back in the plane. It was like herding cats as everyone seemed under some kind of drug that made them want to return to the destroyed plane and wait for their ultimate demise. I wanted to cry but felt I should continue trying to save them despite their stupidity.

When I awoke I immediately thought this was about the church of today. In the past, everyone I tried to free from the delusion, turned around and went right back in and became even more deluded than before. Once they returned after being freed they seemed lost forever. Some people even craved to go back in. It was like Moses freeing his people from Egypt only to have them sneak back.-EJO

Friday, April 20, 2012

Back in the Promised Land

Well Im back in Canada after a few days in Virginia and I must say I feel relieved to be back. When you've had constant dreams since the late 1990s regarding the coming apocalypse to the USA it can be very uncomfortable being down there. The sense of dread this time was overwhelming and only coming back and feeling the peace here in Canada showed me the difference. I never  had any prophetic dreams while there and have rarely had any in the bible belt since I think the spirit of religion has taken over the church there. Actually the best places I have ever had prophetic dreams was in northern Ontario and Florida. I have no idea why, but once read a book about someone who saw ladders to heaven all over and some were blocked by the enemy who had control over those areas. If thats true it would certainly fit what I have noticed, since Virginia seems to be prominently filled with un-belief. (in the Church) It is so stifling down there I feel like I have a bag over my head and want to run. I have noticed every-time I have freed people from the delusion in Virginia they actually cry and want to go back to the old. God told me a long time ago "when they crave to go back just let them go, that is their judgment!" I have found this to be true. They end even up more deluded than before. "You can't put new wine into old wines skins" has a fresh meaning.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I had been speaking at a local church doing an 8-week course on the prophetic when I noticed every evening a man in the front row constantly scribbling notes. At first I wondered if he was a reporter since in the past that was the case. Either way, it made me slightly nervous, as he looked somewhat official. After several nights he came up to me to have a chat and I obliged him. He told me that he was a professor from the seminary and he had been very interested in the course. I was taken aback by this feeling somewhat flattered. He told me one of his jobs at the seminary was to grade the students while they “Preached”. He said it was normal for a couple of doctrinal errors to occur and I think they were allowed up to three minor ones if I recall. He said to me that he was absolutely amazed when he heard me speak several times without a single doctrinal error. He said that this was nearly impossible for someone like me (No formal training) and was completely shocked by this. He said there can only be one answer that indeed God has completely inspired me to bring forth this teaching and it was under his direction. I told him that there was more to this story than he currently knew. I told him how God had taken me to heaven for four hours and he poured into me vast amounts of knowledge from the source of all creation.
As time went on God began to speak to me about ‘Sublimation’. I had never heard the word honestly until the Lord spoke it to me and I had to look it up in the dictionary. Sublimation basically is the putting together or two things so that they actually become one of another thing. I didn’t really understand fully at the time until God had given me some supporting dreams and then took me to heaven to explain it.

I was again ushered into an upper part of heaven and could only see the glory cloud and the Lord stood behind me speaking. I had a vision of myself in front of me as the Lord spoke. He took his hand in the Vision version of me and ran his hand through the middle of my skull. On one side he placed his Holy Spirit or His mind inside of my skull and then bonded the two halves together until they became a different combined object (sublimated). He then placed the vision version of me back on earth but with the newly combined brain. I could see that our thoughts or his thoughts and cares were now mine as well. In fact as time went on I could see and feel quite clearly whatever He felt, including His anger.
He spoke to me “I have placed your mind equally in heaven and on earth so that you would know my thoughts and cares. I have called you to be a writer who writes from my heart and can understand things from both a heavenly point of view and an earthly. You are now and will be in two places at once at all times”. I then could see clearly, a vision of me standing both on earth and in heaven all the time.

I must say after that experience, I began to understand far more clearly the wisdom I was receiving was inside of me and was part of my life. It didn’t seem to happen all at once but was more gradual over time.  As I began to minister in different church's I would also sometimes be taken over by the Lord as he would speak through me. During these times several people would come to me afterwards saying, that I turned into Jesus while I was speaking. This began to occur over and over again as time went on. This also occurred to William Branham during his ministry.  

As time went on it became impossible to listen to other speakers, as their messages seemed so simplistic and irrelevant. I definitely had God’s passion it seemed, and I felt myself angry for days over injustice and things that God cared about but man took no notice of. This vision of his point of view gets me into trouble all the time. At the time this happened, I had been a spirit filled Christian for 22 years.
EJ Ouellette

Galatians 2:20

King James Version (KJV)
 20I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Dream 12-04-01
Dreamt I was on the ground somewhere and two Russian looking guys climbed out of a car. The two guys were wearing stolen police uniforms. They pulled out a rocket launcher and shot a commercial plane out of the sky.
When they saw me they were going to shoot me but two real cops showed up and they backed down.
I barely escaped.