Thursday, October 24, 2013


October 24, 2013
Dream: I was in a stable with two horses. One was chestnut and the other pale. The chestnut horse kept avoiding me and was passive. The palehorse cornered me and was very aggressive. He bit my arm and wouldn't let it go. He seemed to be directing me to go somewhere. He also seemed very impatient. I was scared but the more time I spent I realized he was actually gentle with me and made sure the bite didn’t hurt but was just holding on to me.

EJ Ouellette

This is also very similar to dreams in the past.
Oct 27/2002
Had a dream last night. Dreamt I was supposed to go get my horse. There was an old man standing there and I told I was here for my horse. He showed me a book and on the page that was opened were four horse’s each a different color and under each a number. He said this must be yours. I looked at it and it was chestnut brown and under it was the number 168. He then said “Oh this isn’t yours this is some woman’s”  He turned to the next page. It was  a palehorse.  "This is yours" he said. I then woke up. My first thought was the four horses from revelation. When I looked up all the usual 168 type verses nothing seemed to fit. So I looked up Revelation 6:8 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
When I looked up page 168 in my bible it was the story of Balaam and him going his own way and the angel trying to stop his donkey.
I know God was reminding me that he would use me during the Judgment on the church and to stop following other peoples expectations of me. People constantly were pulling me in other directions.

Here are a few more. I've been having these palehorse dreams since I was a small child.

 Joe Ouellette

DHS Prepping For Mass Chaos To Erupt Over Food Shortages

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


October 22, 2013

Dreamt I was at what looked like a resort at night in the mountains. I was on a balcony that overlooked the snow covered valley and another mountain across the valley. I thought I was in Virginia. It was beautiful site and it looked like a fresh snowfall. Suddenly without warning I heard a huge rushing sound and everyone stopped talking and turned to the other mountain. A huge tidal wave came from over the other mountain peak and came crushing down on the valley below destroying all the houses in the valley. My heart began to pound and I was going to rush inside to be safe. The people said its ok it cant get us here and I woke up.

Monday, October 21, 2013


October 18, 2013
Dreamt that I had bumped into a pastor I knew from years ago. I realized in the ten seconded that I talked with him he was still un-repentant. After I had given him many words years ago he lost everything and was now out of pulpit ministry. He had obviously dug in his heels and resisted Gods word and was in deep rebellion. He had embraced many New-age doctrines (doctrines of demons /cheap grace/prosperity). He got angry at me in the dream and I shouted at him in return. He was full of pride and it seemed nothing would cause him to repent.

In all truth, in all the years I have given heavy words almost no one has ever repented but just dug deeper into rebellion. EJ Ouellette

For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

What Really Happened When the House Stenographer Was Pulled Off the Floor?

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Saturday, October 12, 2013
I dreamt I was looking at a map of the USA and started to sing a song that I knew was a prophecy. I can’t remember all the words but it went something like this.
“They call themselves a Christian nation, but their hearts are bent on war. They kill they’re own brothers, all in the name of God. I am coming against these wicked people that call themselves sons of God. I will slaughter every one of them and show the world my hand. Only a remnant will be left standing, those that hate the wickedness in that wicked land.”
When I awoke God spoke to me and said “I am coming against this wicked nation only a remnant will be left” I then saw a vision and the USA was now about the size of Italy. He then went on to say “I am shutting down the grid”

EJ Ouellette

Ezekiel 9
New International Version (NIV)
Judgment on the Idolaters
9 Then I heard him call out in a loud voice, “Bring near those who are appointed to execute judgment on the city, each with a weapon in his hand.” 2 And I saw six men coming from the direction of the upper gate, which faces north, each with a deadly weapon in his hand. With them was a man clothed in linen who had a writing kit at his side. They came in and stood beside the bronze altar.
3 Now the glory of the God of Israel went up from above the cherubim, where it had been, and moved to the threshold of the temple. Then the Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side 4 and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”
5 As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. 6 Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.” So they began with the old men who were in front of the temple.
7 Then he said to them, “Defile the temple and fill the courts with the slain. Go!” So they went out and began killing throughout the city. 8 While they were killing and I was left alone, I fell facedown, crying out, “Alas, Sovereign Lord! Are you going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel in this outpouring of your wrath on Jerusalem?”
9 He answered me, “The sin of the people of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great; the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of injustice. They say, ‘The Lord has forsaken the land; the Lord does not see.’ 10 So I will not look on them with pity or spare them, but I will bring down on their own heads what they have done.”
11 Then the man in linen with the writing kit at his side brought back word, saying, “I have done as you commanded.”

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

“My 7 Years Working for the Elijah List”By Kevin Kleint

this PDF file was written by Kevin Kleint exposing the truth about this organization and many people like Todd Bentley and many others


DREAM OF TORNADOS AND TSUNAMI Oct 2nd 2013 almost identical to a previous dream from Aug 2012

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dreamt I was running in a city somewhere in the US east coast. I saw several tornados approaching. I was with some other people that I didn’t know and my Daughter Melody. We ran up to the roof of a tall building for some unknown reason. Off in the distance I saw a huge tidal wave approaching us. I looked for a place to brace myself and found some metal bars stuck out to hold on to. I grabbed them and held on. The wave was fast and furious. It came over my head and I swallowed some water but managed to hang on. We all seemed to have survived the tsunami.  The water began to recede almost immediately as if it just passed by. I wondered if this was from the pole shift. I was completely drenched as I realized that I survived and I had this exact dream not that long ago.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

RE-POST DREAM Seems to be happening today Oct 1st 2013 Dream of foreign troops on American soil. Feb 25th/2011

25 February 2011 I dreamt I was standing in the US somewhere. There were several people around me and for some reason seemed quite content. It was a beautiful sunny day, very peaceful in fact. The sun was shining the air was warm you couldn't ask for a better day. I looked at a woman who stood across from me and I recognized her from some church. She seems gloriously happy for some reason and had it look of contentment on her glowing face. I suddenly heard a sound behind me and turned around to see who it was. We were suddenly surrounded by foreign troops in dark uniforms. (Black Ops) Some were sporting machine-guns others high-powered rifles. They started escorting us pushing us and shoving us against our will. They seemingly came from nowhere and somehow I knew they were taking us to concentration camps. Fear gripped me inside. I thought to myself why didn't I leave the US why did I stay here. I knew this was coming and I knew it was coming on a bright sunny day when people would least expect it. I knew I was going to die and that we're all going to be eventually shot.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Sunday, September 29, 2013
I was looking at the sun. I saw something slightly to the right of it. It looked like a little crescent moon. Suddenly I was out in space looking at it. It was traveling towards earth and an incredible rate of speed. I thought it was a huge meteorite. It smashed into a huge satellite and destroyed it. I think I saw the NASA symbol on the side and I think it was a telescope like the Hubble. I immediately thought of another dream that I had a year or so ago where I saw a huge carcass of a NASA piece on the ground next to Pres Obama. I drove down the street after (in the dream) expecting to see some kind of effects but everyone and everything seemed normal. I know it had crashed to earth somewhere but I didnt know where.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

OHIO FIREBALL: Last night, a meteor exploded in the skies above the US: They're Here

OHIO FIREBALL: Last night, a meteor exploded in the skies above the US midwest. Witnesses report shadows cast upon the ground, unusual sounds, and a swirling contrail marking the aftermath of the blast. A NASA all-sky camera in Hiram, Ohio, recorded the fireball at 11:33 pm EDT:
"This was a very bright event," reports Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "Flares saturated our meteor cameras, and made determination of the end point (the terminus of the fireball's flight through the atmosphere) virtually impossible. Judging from the brightness, we are dealing with a meter class object."
Data from multiple cameras shows that the meteoroid hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 51 km/s (114,000 mph) and passed almost directly over Columbus, Ohio. Cooke has prepared a preliminary map of the ground track. According to the American Meteor Society, the fireball was visible from at least 14 US states.
Stay tuned for updates about this event.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

FEMA, DHS, 386,000 Foreign Troops Now on U.S. Soil – Obama Issuing Martial Law in October?

What if our worse fears are confirmed? We’ve been watching as the criminal forces within the U.S. government slowly work their way into a more entrenched position in the machinery of power. What if the reason we have so many of our troops overseas, including our national guardsmen, is to remove them from the scene of an American coup?
Could that be the real ultimate motive behind the foreign wars? There is a lot of information contained in this video and the accompanying text from Added together, there is more than a little cause for concern. We should all pray that it is just a conspiracy theorist’s nightmare. If there is more to it, it will be a real life nightmare for the whole world.
Following the bread crumb trail of FEMA orders, retired State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad of South Dakota issued an “Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!,” on August 13th.
Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Songstad’s research turned up some very interesting facts. Each item on its own could go unnoticed, but the collective facts may be worthy of your attention and scrutiny. The U.S. government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that this event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st. Let’s look at the numbers and dates.
UN Peacekeepers began training the 4th week of July and will complete their nine week training by October 1st. They are learning English, as well as US weapon systems and Urban Warfare training.
How many troops are training? 386,000 troops!
The Center of Disease Control ordered $11 million worth of antibiotics. Where are they going? FEMARegion lll. When are they due? October 1st. This coupled with the fact that the World Health Organizationheld an emergency meeting, its second such meeting in its history, to discuss MERS Corona virus. This is quite unsettling. The WHO determined that a vaccine MUST be in place by October 1st.
Periodic testing of GPS and Communications satellites is normal, but coordinating their testing for the first time, with a testing date of September 29th, is noteworthy.
All DHS agents MUST now qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR 15’s by September 28th. Less lethal qualifications are not mentioned. Has one eye brow risen? The DHS will receive 2800 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP’s) that must be delivered by October 1st.
All National Guard units will complete their annual two week training in riot control and disaster assistance. All units MUST have their training complete by September 30th. However, the Eastern-based Coast Guard units will not be performing their usual training in the Gulf, this year they will be trained in Virginia and Delaware for 10 days beginning September 26th.
Coincidently, the Emergency Broadcast System will begin daily testing beginning on September 25th thru October 2nd. All of this kind of reminds me of the bomb sniffing dogs being trained at the Boston Marathonfor the first time ever.
FEMA purchase orders deserve a little attention too. They ordered over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals and 22 million pouches of emergency water, to be delivered to Region III by October 1st. An additional order of $13.6 million worth of MRE’s and heater meals will be delivered to Austin by October 1st.
Our U.S. military will not be permitted leave from September 28th thru November 5th. NORCOMM’s yearly training for civil unrest is suspended until September 27th. To be performed in northeast coastal areas. Date for release of QE3 report has been moved to October 16th.
Over 300 school systems will be issued a 3 day emergency kit for each student in September.
The retired Senator’s national preparedness research was sparked by a comment Donald Trump made during a recent appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” Songstad included avideo version of his findings with his notice. His video is going viral.
How concerned should we be? Or perhaps the question is….How prepared should we be? Perhaps the answer is……Better prepared than the government. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest.

Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest.
The fact that the international drug & medical industry have no interest is
because the cure is really cheaper than a chocolate bar and it won't get
them to gain any profits at all. Besides, if people had the cure so
easily, how will these medical companies make money out of that? — in Canada.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Dreams of war.
I dreamt I was in some other country (possibly middle east) and saw that the American destroyers were grouping towards some other ships. It looked like it was in a bay. Up in the sky I saw tons of military planes from both sides dog fighting. I saw a huge plane carcass fall from the sky near me and that started the war. Ships started firing at each other. Then I was near some installation and saw German Sheppard dogs with bombs strapped to them and under each was a remote triggering device. I assumed they were headed into buildings and were run by Americans or Israelis.

By EJ Ouellette

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mount Vesuvius 'could erupt at any time' (I dreamt Vesuvius was going to blow in June 2010 read my dream at the bottom)

Mount Vesuvius 'could erupt at any time'

Almost thousand years after it wiped out Pompeii, Mount Vesuvius could erupt again at any time and Italy must draw up a suitable disaster relief plan, a leading Japanese expert has warned.
"Vesuvius will erupt – that is certain, because it is an active volcano, even if we cannot predict when," Nakada Setsuya told a volcano conference in Italy.
Professor Setsuya, of the University of Tokyo, said that due to the thousands of people living around the volcano, which is close to Naples, "Italy must discuss and prepare a plan to manage the situation."
Since it buried Pompeii in 79AD, Vesuvius has erupted another 30 times, most recently in 1944, when it killed 26 people. But some experts fear the volcano, which sits on a 154 square mile layer of magma, is due for another, cataclysmic eruption.
Italy's civil protection agency has drawn up an emergency plan, which envisages four levels of alarm being given, culminating in the evacuation, within 72 hours of 550,000 people living in 18 towns in a 200 square kilometre "red zone".
After the start of an eruption, residents of a larger "yellow zone" may be evacuated if ash fall and gasses released by the volcano create danger.

But the plan is based on an eruption equivalent to the one which occurred in 1631, not the more destructive 'Plinian' style event in 79AD, named after Pliny the Younger, who described the eruption.
The plan suggests the next eruption "will not be unexpected, but will be preceded by series of preliminary events which can be spotted some time earlier."
Italian Green Party official Francesco Emilio Borrelli warned the Italian civil protection plan might fall short.
"Put simply, we do not know which generation will pay the price," he said.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dream of another volcano about to erupt Jun2/10

I was standing with my daughter on the edge of a huge Volcano. It was like a tourist stop and crowds were all around it. I suddenly felt it was about to blow even though it seemed somewhat dormant. I grabbed my daughter and began to run down the hill. We went into the town near by and it was extremely crowded. I heard someone behind me say "Vesuvius". I then awoke.
God immediately spoke to me and said "I am doing a great shaking"
When I looked up Vesuvius on Wikipedia this is what I found.
Vesuvius has erupted many times since and is today regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living nearby and its tendency towards explosive (Plinian) eruptions. It is the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.[1]

Tommy Almonte on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Seeing Jesus, Angels, Intimacy w/ Holy Spirit

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Did Comet ISON Cause an Apocalypse in the Ancient Past?

Revelation 12
New International Version (NIV)
The Woman and the Dragon
12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a thirdof the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a] And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
    and the kingdom of our God,
    and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
    who accuses them before our God day and night,
    has been hurled down.
11 They triumphed over him
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death.
12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens
    and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
    because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
    because he knows that his time is short.”
13 When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. 15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commandsand hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

False Grace Doctrine | Dr. Michael Brown | Ask Sid

HEB 10:26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 

 JNH 2:8 "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

HIS GRACE (from my new book)

The early morning air was brisk. The slight cold wind bit into my face. At first I thought it was a small lake but as I looked further I realized it was more like a long canal. Hundreds of well-dressed people were skating. They had on proper winter attire and seemed oblivious to most of those around them. Smiles covered their cold faces and they looked very content. I stood on the shore not even on the ice and hadn't quite realized that Jesus himself was standing next to me being perfectly silent. He wasn't looking at me but watching the many people on the ice.
Most of the skaters seem to be going around and around and staying in their own little area. A few seemed to take off down the canal towards a big castle far away. I'm not sure if it was a castle or just a very large estate but even from this great distance it looked very majestic.
Jesus still hadn't spoken at this point and seemed to be waiting for me to notice things. Every time I looked at His face He seemed to be studying something out on the ice that I hadn't noticed. I looked to see what He was looking at. Along the shore I noticed some very perplexed looking people crawling on all fours and had no skates on at all. It looked very strange since they seemed to be acting like the ice could break at any moment and they were going to be ready. Their faces certainly didn't look content like the skaters. They were on the ice but they seem to stay as close to the edge as possible where the ice was thickest.
In the center there was another group of people who were almost the exact opposite of those who stayed close to the shore. They were jumping up and down on the ice as if trying to break through. They seemed somewhat arrogant and sure of themselves. I almost wondered if they were trying to make everyone fall in. What was funny about this group is that they also seemed to have no peace about them and did not seem content like the skaters.
It was then I heard a loud crack. The group in the middle had somehow managed in their jumping up and down to create a crack in the ice. They did not flinch at the loud cracking sound at all but it was the skaters and those along the shore that responded to the loud crack. The skaters jumped and their happy faces turned to worry. Yet they still continued to skate. The ones crawling on all fours near the shore jumped off the ice and onto the shore.
I was perplexed by what I saw and I turned to Jesus hoping He would open up my eyes. He responded quickly.
“You asked Me to help you understand My grace and today I have granted that request", He said softly. “The ice you see before you is like My grace. It is strong enough to support you and if you follow it along the canal it will take you into the kingdom. Those you see along the shore crawling on all fours are those who have an understanding of My grace but have a greater fear of My judgment”.
I saw myself in those people in the early days of my walk with God. I have seen God's judgments in my life and it caused me to walk on eggshells fearing God could rebuke me at any moment. I had no peace in that time that I walked in fear.
Jesus then spoke again. “Those in the middle who are jumping up and down on the ice are those who are abusing My grace. They think they can do what they want in this world and I will never bring judgment to them but their end will come quickly and they will discover how cold the water is that lies below them. Grace only has value when there is a threat of judgment. And they have forgotten My judgments.”
I immediately knew whom He meant. I have discovered in my walk people who come from the cheap grace movement. Many of the people I have met were involved in all kinds of sin and debauchery and had no fear of God's judgment at all. Often when I quoted a Scripture to them of God's judgments in the New Testament, blank stares would come over their faces and they would walk away. They did not seem to understand the bad doctrine they were embracing and many of these people adopted other New Age doctrines.
Jesus interrupted my thoughts. “The contented skaters are those that have a balanced view of My true grace. They understand that My grace came to them at a great cost and that cost was paid on the cross. They don't abuse it with frivolous indulgences but walk in holiness instead respecting my grace. They know the ice is firm enough to hold them and they can skate freely to their destination as long as they obey the rules. They don't live in fear of God's judgments because they've separated themselves from the world and remain pure before Him”.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dreamt I was out in space watching asteroid ISON approach earth. I could see it clearly as it zipped past me and impacted with earth. I saw its location of impact. (which this time landed on the earth. Location I believe Virginia.) It caused an incredible dust cloud that shot from one end of the country to the other. The sound of the crash was horrendous. It was far bigger than I had guessed before when I saw it in a dream in 2008 . EJ Ouellette

It seems they deleted the first video I downloaded it in case they do it again.
Dream Sept 2008
I dreamt someone came and picked me up from earth and took me at a high rate of speed into space. I was flying at a phenomenal rate. I just kept looking back at earth, which was slowly disappearing in the darkness of space. I turned around as we started to slow down and stop. I saw a giant asteroid hurling towards earth. There was no tail just a giant looking rock slowly turning. It looked like a giant potato. It looked as if it was about 11/2 times as long as it was wide. We followed it along as it was hurling towards earth as it slowly turned like it was on some giant rotisserie, I could see earth n the distance and knew that it was headed straight towards earth, I though I might be able to redirect it so I kicked it with my foot but obviously it did not respond to my panic. As the earth closed it I could see it was going to fall into the Atlantic ocean somewhere just east of Virginia. I awoke at the point.

Later that day I decided to Google my revelation and low and behold there it was. There is indeed a giant asteroid headed toward earth. It is 11/2 miles long and a mile wide and the article said, it looks like a giant potato. If I recall its supposed to hit around the end of 2012. I was immediately reminded of the scripture in revelation.

Revelation 18:21
New International Version (NIV)
The Finality of Babylon’s Doom
21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:
“With such violence
the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
never to be found again.
(also I hear there are several behind it)

Monday, August 26, 2013


I dreamt I was at a friend’s in Kitchener Ontario. It was dark outside and we were talking about the dwarf star coming called Nibiru. I had a pair of binoculars and looked up into the night sky. I saw clear into space and saw a giant space station. I saw hundreds of UFOs coming and going from the station parked just outside out earth. On top of the station was an alien symbol. (Two almond eyes). I looked over to the right and saw another station that was even bigger but totally different in shape. Again it was filled with Delta winged UFOs coming and going. I some how knew they were scientists’ here to observe the Nibiru fly by, the pole change and all the destruction. I felt an incredible sense of dread at the reality of the dwarf star fly by.


Dream 13-08-26
Dreamt the GRID had been shut down. I think it was from a massive meteor strike or CME. I knew it was badly damaged and would be years before it got restored. People were in groups freaking out. They couldn’t even flush their toilets There were screaming and panicking. I stood up and started to try and calm them down. I knew since we were in Canada were surrounded by lots of natural resources like fresh water and wild game and fish. I felt like it was now like Gilligan’s Island and that we were in the pioneer days again making everything by hand. No lights, no showers no flushing toilets, no cars, no food, no refrigeration, no computers or TV, no cell phones or ipods, no radio and no heat for our homes this winter.
I woke up feeling an urgency to get ready for this.

EJ Ouellette

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mysterious FEMA Region lll Alert Has Folks on Edge

CERDAFIED - Following the bread crumb trail of FEMA orders, retired State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad of South Dakota State issued an “Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!,” on August 13th.
Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. 
Songstad’s research turned up some very interesting facts. Each item on its own could go unnoticed, but the collective facts may be worthy of your attention and scrutiny. The U.S. government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that this event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st. Let’s look at the numbers and dates. 
UN Peacekeepers began training the 4th week of July and will complete their nine week training by October 1st. They are learning English, as well as US weapon systems and Urban Warfare training. 
How many troops are training? 386,000 troops! 
The Center of Disease Control ordered $11 million worth of antibiotics. Where are they going? FEMA Region lll. When are they due? October 1st. This coupled with the fact that the World Health Organization held an emergency meeting, its second such meeting in its history, to discuss MERS Coronavirus. This is quite unsettling. The WHO determined that a vaccine MUST be in place by October 1st. 
Periodic testing of GPS and Communications satellites is normal, but coordinating their testing for the first time, with a testing date of September 29th, is noteworthy. 
All DHS agents MUST now qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR 15’s by September 28th. Less lethal qualifications are not mentioned. Has one eye brow raised? The DHS will receive 2800 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP’s) that must be delivered by October 1st. 
All National Guard units will complete their annual two week training in riot control and disaster assistance. All units MUST have their training complete by September 30th. However, the Eastern-based Coast Guard units will not be performing their usual training in the Gulf, this year they will be trained in Virginia and Delaware for 10 days beginning September 26th. 
Coincidently, the Emergency Broadcast System will begin daily testing beginning on September 25th thru October 2nd. All of this kind of reminds me of the bomb sniffing dogs being trained at the Boston Marathon for the first time ever. 
FEMA purchase orders deserve a little attention too. They ordered over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals and 22 million pouches of emergency water, to be delivered to Region III by October 1st. An additional order of $13.6 million worth of MRE’s and heater meals will be delivered to Austin by October 1st. 
Our U.S. military will not be permitted leave from September 28th thru November 5th. NORCOMM’s yearly training for civil unrest is suspended until September 27th. To be performed in northeast coastal areas. Date for release of QE3 report has been moved to October 16th. 
Over 300 school systems will be issued a 3 day emergency kit for each student in September. 
The retired Senator’s national preparedness research was sparked by a comment Donald Trump made during a recent appearance on Fox News' “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” Songstad included a video version of his findings with his notice. His video is going viral. 
How concerned should we be? Or perhaps the question is….How prepared should we be? Perhaps the answer is……Better prepared than the government. 
(Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, VP of Community Rights Foundation of LA, Tarzana Property Owners Association board member, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Get far away from USA...its collapse will be messy: Jeff Berwick

Published on 24 Jan 2013 The Dollar Vigilante's Jeff Berwick is back chatting about a myriad of economic and stock market-related issues with Cambridge House Live's anchor, Bridgitte Anderson. Taped at Cambridge House International's Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

DREAM OF THE COMING DESTRUCTION RE-POST I have been thinking of this dream a lot lately.

27 January 2005

I dreamt I was in Hamilton harbor. I was looking at a big ship and I noticed a giant wave at least the height of the ship. This happened three times. After that I saw another wave (The fourth). This wave was at least 400 feet high (40 stories). I knew death was certain and all life would be destroyed. I heard a voice say “What are you doing to help people escape the destruction”. I immediately thought of some friends that lived near there. I realized that complacency had set in with me and that I had forgotten the destruction that is coming.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Published on 6 Aug 2013
Before you read the description below,.........understand something first.

HERE IS A FULL LIST OF THE CREDENTIALS FOR PATTIIE BRUSSARD USArmy Natl. Guard 26th Divarty HHQ, Rehoboth, MA USArmy Reserve 117th/ P.S.C. 94th ARCOM New England Institute of Technology Hall Institute Of Technology AIT Fort Bliss, USArmy

She has also worked for :
NASA, POLARIS, Lockheed Martin, spent 7 years in Military Missile Communications
and she also once worked for the national guard. Citrix Migration Tech at Pacific Crossing Computer Deployment Tech at The Computer Merchant Computer Road Tech at Sullivan & Cogliano Electro-mechanical Assembly, Systems Assembly at New England Engineers & Dsgnr Installation Team Leader at ATSI Communications Computer Tech at PC HELP SERVICES INC. ADSL Roll-out Installation Tech at Bell South Co-Owner & Contractor at The computer Store Of Deltona Computer Consultant at BRANDON SYSTEMS- NOW INTERIM TECH STAFFING Computer Road-Tech at Houlihan Computer Solutions Owner at COMP - U - TECH INC. Electro - Mechanical Tech. C.N.C. Operator at Metfab Engineering, Inc. Electro-machanical Tech at COMP - U - MACHINE

ALTHOUGH SHE IS A WHISTLEBLOWER SHE IS NOT A CHRISTIAN, THEREFORE We tied everything she was saying to the accuracy and validity of the king james scriptures.
This is the reason FEMA "suddenly'' requested an EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLY Without giving any explanation.