The Truth has always been out there for you to see! from dreamsinnovations on GodTube.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The truth has always been out there for you to see!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Killing of the Bull!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dream of Christians perishing in the Lake of Fire

Jesus stood at a distance on the crest of what looked like a volcano. His piercing eyes stared me down. I saw agony in his face as spoke to me “Come up here”.
Immediately I was standing next to him. I could see the entire volcano from here. A stream of people at least half a mile wide and as long as the eye could see walked along path leading into the destructive volcano. Angels with pitchforks lined both sides of the endless stream of people. They were preventing anyone from escaping and ushered the people over the crest and into the burning lake of fire.
Steam rose from the flaming lake wrapped in smells of sulfur. Their bloodcurdling cries sounded more animal than human. It sent chills up and down my spine. Jesus didn’t look at them he only kept staring at me. I looked into his agonizing eyes.
He spoke to me “Come here. I want you to feel what I feel when my people perish”. Suddenly I was right in front of him and He grabbed me. He put his arm around my neck like a wrestler, and pulled me to his chest. An inrush of incredible grief filled my body, a thousand times greater then any earthly grief I had ever known. My body fell limp as I hit the ground and I began to vomit out my nose and mouth while sobbing with indescribable agony.
Suddenly I was back in my room and fully awake. Jesus was still floating in my room standing next to the volcano and the lake of fire burning behind him. I could still hear the bloodcurdling cries in the background. Jesus just stared at me. Two purple curtains slowly closed the scene and then vanished.
For days, the vision bothered me. Who were those people I thought? Why did Jesus call them his people? I lost my ability to concentrate and had great difficulty on my job. Even now twenty years later that vision scares me.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
2 Timothy 4:3 Today's church in a nutshell!

When I read this today it really hit me how this really aplies to todays Church. The pulpits have been overrun with False teachers preaching some anti-Christ prosperity gospel. We are certainly in these times described in Timothy . They teach false doctrines on almost every Christian station I turn to. Everything I hear, is about money. It makes me sick to my stomach!
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dream May 18th 2010 Riding a bike

Dreamt I was riding a really nice mountain bike for transportation. I was driving everywhere in Canada and going up and down hills with ease. My brother Paul was with me as well. (often shows up in dreams representing the apostle Paul and trials). It then turned to winter and I was getting a ride from Paul as I had no car. Snow was on the ground. I then remembered that I needed to get my mail but I couldn't remember what address I used. I passed a street called "Wise street" and remembered thats where my mail was being delivered. I asked my brother Paul to stop so I could get my mail that I knew had piled up.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dream Satan trying to kill me. May 10th

Friday, May 7, 2010
California Earthquake Feb 21-2005

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Boarding a plane to Paris Dream May4th 2010

Dreamt I was boarding a plane to Paris. I ran my passport through the reader and got my ticket. It was a 747. My ticket number was H4. It was right at the front in the first class section. When I got into the section the seats were all bar stools instead like at an airport coffee shop. When I awoke I immediately thought of Hosea 4 and got up to read my bible. What it said was exactly what God has been speaking to me for years during my prayer time. I think a new judgment is about to take place in Europe.
Alligators on the road Dream

Dreamt I was at some friends in Virginia and they had no wood for the woodstove. I drove up the road on my motorcycle with my Daughter on the back. I saw alligators all over the roads and there were so many I kept running over them. I did not lose control but they were just a slight bump. Some were small and skinny and one was hugely fat. I think there were at least 200 hundred in total. The whole time I was driving a huge bear ran beside me and kept getting into fights with the alligators. The bear never touched us but only ran beside us. I came over the crest over a hill and saw dark stormy clouds in the distance.
Horse on the Couch dream

Volcano and Oil rig Dream April 8th 2010

Dreamt a big black fog had blanketed the sky. It came down low and looked kinda like black smoke. Cars for some reason couldn’t go up the hill and were sliding backwards. I got up to the hill but I made it on my motorcycle but was slipping as well. I could see it was crude oil spilled everywhere on the roads.
Word for 2010
Word For 2010
By Joe Ouellette
After several months of prayer I finally am able to summarize what God has shown me for the next year and for some up-to 2012.
As some of you know I had written in one of my books (Actually written in 2005) that the stock market would crash in 2008. It clearly did. The Stock market crash of October 1929 did not turn into the “Great Depression” until 1932/1933, approximately three years later. Despite all the media claims of things looking upward I guarantee you things are headed strait down. The Lord had spoken to me many times saying ‘The Great Depression’ in the past will no longer be referred to as the ‘Great depression’ ever again but will be called the first depression as this one will be far greater than the last. This great economic collapse will affect the entire world. The year 2010 will begin a long slide into what seems an unending spiral into poverty.
On the other hand this will be a time of great repentance in the church with world wide revival starting. Those prodigal sons that wanted to enjoy the world instead of working in the kingdom with the Father and his brother will find their way back home through this great loss of all their worthless Idols and false doctrines.
This begins the year of Judgment in the church.
1 Peter 4:17
For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
This will be a time of great shaking in the church. Many leaders will be supernaturally taken out and many others will be made an example of their compromise in the kingdom. Some will merely lose their churches and finances and others will drop dead like Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:1)
They were warned, yet they did not prepare their flock to get ready for the great economic collapse so they would have a chance to repent. They were not readied nor told the truth so their judgment will be much greater.
For those that endured great persecution while still holding onto your faith and trust in God, even though you saw the sad state of the Church. Do not become jealous like the prodigal son’s obedient brother but instead rejoice with your heavenly Father as he welcomes home his wayward sons, those Christians that embraced the world and all its glory.
After this time of great upheaval God will restore his people again as in
Isaiah 30:26 (New International Version)
26 The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds HE inflicted.