Dreamt I was in what appeared to be the back of a buggy like
the kind the Mennonites have or Pennsylvania Dutch. Directly in front of me and
facing me were 3 Women dressed all in black and appeared to be dead. Their
faces had no makeup on and one
seemed to have a few scratches on her cheek. I was slightly creeped out by their
presence and wanted to get off. To
my left in the buggy was another older woman dressed normally and began to talk
to me. As she was speaking I realized that she was dead also. At this point I
wanted to get off the black buggy and reached for the side door handle. Just then a
young girl popped out from behind the modern looking woman and said “You need
to blog”. She had a very worried look on her face and seemed desperate.
My first impression of this dream is that’s something big is
about to take place on the economic level. God has been showing me for years we
are headed for a depression that will reduce us to pioneer days. Even the
modern pioneers (Mennonites/Pennsylvania Dutch/Amish) will suffer greatly.
EJ Ouellette