Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I was getting ready to go to California and the night before I left I had this very vivid dream.
Dream June 2003
I dreamed I was driving my car and was somewhere in Nevada. In the seat beside me was a very large angel. He seemed big in the car but I didn’t realize how big until we stopped and we got out. We were near the Hoover dam and I was looking north. The top of his shoulders was a little higher than the top of my head. He was very muscular and had a stern face. He never looked at me but looked off in the distance. He spoke to me “I walked with Enoch when he was on the earth and I also walked with Sadhu Sundar Singh when he walked on the earth. When their time was finished here on earth I took them home and they never tasted death”.
I knew when he said that, that he meant he would be with me to protect me until my time was done and that he would also take me home without tasting death like Enoch and Elijah. God had told me in the past during prayer times and even through a friend before he died but this was the first time he confirmed it in a big way.
Later when I got back to Canada I knew why he sent this angel to encourage me. An unbelievable amount of persecution came to me forcing me to move away from my town.