Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Dream: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I dreamt I was out on the ocean or on a large body of water in a large cabin cruiser. The wind was howling and the waves were huge. The boat was rocking furiously from side to side and I thought for sure we were going to sink. The wind finally died down a little and I thought we were going to be okay. Suddenly a voice came over the marine radio and said, “get ready an F27 tornado is headed your way”.  My legs went numb when I heard this. I’ve never heard of a F27 tornado before and I imagined it must be huge, the worst ever.
I awoke at this point and never saw the tornado itself. I immediately,  went to my Bible and looked up different verses of this verse 27. Often God speaks to me through numbers in dreams and almost always a certain Scripture will be exactly like my dream. In this case Acts 27 was almost exactly my dream. Since it is a long chapter I will summarize what it was about. It was when the apostle Paul appealed to Caesar and was being taken by ship. The ship ran into a huge storm and when Paul cried out to the Lord, the Lord spoke to him and told him, 'that though the ship would be lost, all the lives would be saved'. This is when he found himself on the island of Malta.
At first I thought this dream was about me specifically but after much prayer today I realized that it might be about the church and that something was about to take place. For the longest time now the Lord has been speaking to me about the great storm coming and I believe it is right at the threshold now. I'm not 100% sure if it's the economic collapse that is coming, which I know is a huge storm itself or the great Midwest earthquake which is overdue. The Lord has been giving me dreams about this coming disaster since the early 1980’s. An F27 tornado is technically impossible but nonetheless it would be absolutely huge and would bring an incredible amount of destruction. It is one of the reasons why I think it could be the great Midwest earthquake. This judgment of course, could also be due to the fact of Pres Obama trying to divide up the land in Israel and the Lord's judgment being, dividing up the United States.-By EJ Ouellette

Joel 3
The Nations Judged
 1 [a]“In those days and at that time, 
   when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 
2 I will gather all nations 
   and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.[b] 
There I will put them on trial 
   for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, 
because they scattered my people among the nations 
   and divided up my land. 
3 They cast lots for my people 
   and traded boys for prostitutes; 
   they sold girls for wine to drink.