
Sunday, April 10, 2016

God Sent Prophets to Warn the Jews prior to WW II and They Did Not Listen!

In the early 1930’s God asked three Jewish men, Leo Braeck, Eli Wiesal and Martin Burber to warn the Jewish people of the fire under their feet and to go to Palestine to escape what was coming. God instructed the men to warn them that they were getting ready to be destroyed by the Nazi’s. The reaction of the Jews was disbelief. They thought they had the best of everything in food, housing, business and lifestyle and they refused to give it up. Many replied, “Why should we listen to you prophets telling us we are going to be destroyed when there are no signs in the air? You three Prophets go to Palestine, we are staying!”
The Jews of Germany and Europe did not listen to the three prophets that God sent to warn them. Because they did not listen they became victims of one man who tried to destroy the entire Jewish population.
Pastors and Shepherds, listen to what the Prophets are saying! The day and hour of the Prophet has come. The Prophets are speaking with great power and with signs and wonders such as has never been seen before in the history of the Christian Church.

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