Showing posts with label prophecy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prophecy. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I dreamt I was at someone’s house and we were in the basement. I think a prayer meeting was about to start. I knew the people that were there and they were similar in the sense that all were going through great trials. Just then a pastor and his wife I knew and hadn’t seen in over ten years came in the door and down the stairs towards me. (Side note: The last time I saw this couple I had given a prophetic word that they didn’t accept. In fact they had publicly denounced me because of it, as it was word of rebuke and Judgment. They were head of several church’s all over and were well known. I had received several dreams concerning them but in the end I saw a great surrender and they were on a different road altogether. In fact they and I became friends again.)

As they descended the stairs I saw something different in them. They seemed to have a real glow and humility. I suddenly felt the presence of God and knew I had a word for them from the Lord and told them so. They smiled and sat down. I then began to quote John 12:24 Verbatim to them. They both began to weep and it was as if the scales fell from their eyes. I could see them think through all the trials and loss they went through over the last ten years and a smile came over their faces. He got up to lay hands on me and pray over me. Immediately I felt the presence of God very strongly and felt some kind of healing in me. I knew that the great surrender they went through installed a new level of apostolic authority and they were ready to go forth.
When I awoke I realized it was just a dream. It was so vivid I thought it was really happening.

John 12
24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Testimony of John G. Lake During the Bubonic Plague

The Testimony of John G. Lake During the Bubonic Plague
Now watch the action of the law of life. Faith belongs to the law of life. Faith is the very opposite of fear. Faith has the opposite effect in spirit, and soul, and body. Faith causes the spirit of man to become confident. It causes the mind of man to become restful, and positive. A positive mind repels disease. Consequently, the emanation of the Spirit destroys disease germs.
And because we were in contact with the Spirit of life, I and a little Dutch fellow with me went out and buried many of the people who had died from the bubonic plague. We went into the homes and carried them out, dug the graves and put them in. Sometimes we would put three or four in one grave.
We never took the disease. Why? Because of the knowledge that the law of life in Christ Jesus protects us. That law was working. Because of the fact that a man by that action of his will, puts himself purposely in contact with God, faith takes possession of his heart, and the condition of his nature is changed. Instead of being fearful, he is full of faith. Instead of being absorbent and drawing everything to himself, his spirit repels sickness and disease. The Spirit of Christ Jesus flows through the whole being, and emanates through the hands, the heart, and from every pore of the body.
During that great plague that I mentioned, they sent a government ship with supplies and corps of doctors. One of the doctors sent for me, and said, “What have you been using to protect yourself? Out corps has this preventative and that, which we use as protection, but we concluded that if a man could stay on the ground as you have and keep ministering to the sick and burying the dead, you must have a secret. What is it?”
I answered, “Brother, that is the ‘law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ I believe that just as long as I keep my soul in contact with the living God so that His Spirit is flowing into my soul and body, that no germ will ever attach itself to me, for the Spirit of God will kill it.” He asked, “Don’t you think that you had better use our preventatives?” I replied, “No, but doctor, I think that you would like to experiment with me. If you will go over to one of these dead people and take the foam that comes out of their lungs after death, then put it under the microscope, you will see masses of living germs. You will find they are alive until a reasonable time after a man is dead. You can fill my hand with them and I will keep it under the microscope, and instead of these germs remaining alive, they will die instantly.” They tried it and found it was true. They questioned, “What is that?” I replied, “That is ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ When a man’s spirit and a man’s body are filled with the blessed presence of God, it oozes out of the pores of your flesh and kills the germs.”
Suppose, on the other hand, my soul had been under the law of death, and I were in fear and darkness? The very opposite would have been the result. The result would have been that my body would have absorbed the germs, these would have generated disease and I would have died.
You who are sick, put yourself in contact with God’s law of life. Read His Word with the view of enlightening your heart so that you will be able to look up with more confidence and believe Him. Pray that the Spirit of God will come into your soul, take possession of your body, and its power will make you well. That is the exercise of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

If the world hates you remember it hated me first...

Thursday, May 26, 2016


We are all witnessing a mass awakening sweeping across the planet. Over just the last several weeks, millions of people have newly awakened to all the following astonishing truths they never would have believed just a year ago: • The EPA knowingly allows children all across America to drink lead-poisoned water, covering up all the evidence instead of alerting the public. • The drug companies are in the business of “harvesting” profits from human disease, not saving lives or helping humanity. • The political establishment has zero interest in representing the people. They only represent the interests of their corporate masters. • Vaccines are unsafe and the CDC has covered it up for over a decade. Most vaccines don’t even work! • The entire mainstream media exists solely to protect the establishment, not to inform or empower the citizens. All news coverage by the media is planted by the establishment or distorted (or censored) to protect the establishment. Virtually no one trusts the media anymore, as reported by the media itself. 

RELATED ARTICLES Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?Demons walk among us! • Another global debt collapse is now imminent, and the central banks of the world are leading us to a ruinous economic catastrophe. (The subprime mortgage scheme from 2008 was just a taste of what’s yet to come…) • The Saudi government had a key role in the 9/11 attacks, which were allowed to happen by U.S. leaders agreeing to “stand down” military defenses so the attack could succeed. Now the Saudis are literally threatening to collapse the U.S. debt pyramid if they are outed as having a hand in the 9/11 attacks. (The international extortion game has begun…) The entire conspiracy, we are now learning, was deliberately covered up by the highest levels of U.S. government. 

THE FIVE STAGES OF AWAKENING What’s fascinating about all these accelerating revelations is not only that they are steadily waking people up, but that many people are still not ready for the full dose of reality they ultimately need to grasp if they are to survive the next few years. This brings me to my point of this article, which I call the Five Stages of Awakening. It’s sort of like the 5 stages of denial but in reverse. Importantly, you can’t force anyone to leap from stage one to stage five in this process. They have to step through them one by one, in their own time. Some people are able to move more rapidly through these stages and wake up very quickly; others suffer from psychological denial and can never achieve the higher stages of awakening because it conflicts too much with their worldview. The most intelligent people, of course, are the ones who can step rapidly through all the stages, arriving at the “big picture” truth that’s behind everything we are witnessing today. With that in mind, here are the Five Stages of Awakening 

Stage One: Everything is awesome, and the media tells no lies This is the default stage for a typical citizen who believes the propaganda being pumped out by the state-run media. They don’t even have to be an American, either: Chinese citizens who are living in Stage One believe the Chinese media. Canadian citizens living in Stage One believe the Canadian media, and so on. Stage One people believe that the government always means well, the media always tells the truth, vaccines have zero risks and Big Pharma is genuinely trying to discover cures that end all diseases and put themselves out of business. The best word to describe Stage One people is “Naive.” They are, of course, utterly clueless about what’s actually headed our way in terms of economic and political chaos. These are the people who are caught completely unprepared in every disaster (and they beg for government to come save them). 

Stage Two: Hey, they’re lying to us! Stage Two citizens realize the establishment has been lying to them all along. One day they “wake up” and realize that all the propaganda they’re being told by the media and government contradicts what they see with their own eyes. For example, when the government ridiculously announces that unemployment is only 4.9 percent, but people look around and see that half their friends can’t find jobs, they know they’re being lied to by the government. When parents obediently subject their children to vaccines and then suddenly a child becomes autistic (after the post-vaccine fever and seizures, of course), they then “wake up” and realize they were lied to all along about vaccine safety. When voters who have been told all along that their vote is a “sacred function of democracy” suddenly find out that their votes don’t count and all the elections are rigged in advance, they graduate to Stage Two. Stage Two can best be summed up as “Skepticism of the establishment.” Right now, perhaps half the voters in America are in Stage Two. Stage Three: Whoa! They’re actually trying to profit from our suffering and destruction… Stage Three is achieved when a Stage Two person digs a little deeper and starts to realize that the vaccine industry deliberately manufactures faulty vaccines that don’t work in order to spread more disease (to sell more vaccines, of course). When a person realize that the cancer industry’s most common treatments actually cause cancer — and yes, chemotherapy causes cancer — they often move into 

Stage Three realizations about how the establishment is literally trying to profit from their own suffering and disease. The actions of the pharmaceutical giants and food giants makes no sense to a Stage One or Stage Two person. They think all pesticides are harmless and GMOs are good for you. But a Stage Three person comes to realize that Big Food and Big Medicine work in conspiracy to first unleash diseases upon the population (through nutrient-deficient processed food) and then earn a fortune selling prescription medications that claim to “treat” all those diseases (but actually cause yet more disease). Stage Three is also realized when someone wakes up to the fact that the medical industrial complex initiates wars and global conflict to profit from all the destruction and rebuilding. There’s no faster way to create “economic activity” than bombing some third world nation into oblivion, followed by a World Bank racket arrangement that pays globalist corporations to rebuild the same infrastructure that was just destroyed. When people wake up to Stage Three, they accurately begin to see themselves as human cattle existing in Matrix pods, with the tentacles of the corporate-government-fascist establishment sucking the life out of them (via taxes, mandatory health insurance, and so on). Right now, perhaps ten percent of the U.S. population is in Stage Three. 

Stage Four: 
They’re actually trying to kill us Stage Four is achieved when you finally realize that humanity has entered an era where the governments of the world are actively trying to depopulate the planet. There are too many people in their eyes, and they want to rid the world of around 90% of the population in order to “save the planet.” Click here to read a great overview on all this at In Stage Four, you begin to understand why glyphosate herbicide is sprayed on wheat crops (that aren’t even GMO) to promote cancer and infertility. You come to realize why vaccines in Africa are covertly laced with sterilization chemicals and why high-level virologists openly talk about wanting to genetically engineer viruses that would wipe out humanity. Suddenly you begin to connect the dots across all the depopulation talk by people like Bill Gates and California Gov. Jerry Brown. Add in the rise of automation robots and the mass wave of youth unemployment that’s about to become reality over the next two decades, and it doesn’t take long to figure out that the globalists’ vision of our future world doesn’t include very many humans. Suddenly, all the experimentation with Ebola, Bird Flu and biological weapons makes sense. Geoengineering, water fluoridation, the mass metals poisoning of city parks with “biosludge” (composted human sewage and toxic industrial waste, sold as “organic fertilizer”)… it’s all part of a literal agenda to poison the population and thereby drastically reduce the number of humans living on the planet. The same governments of the world that once worked to support population growth and create large, high-population society are now actively working to depopulate the planet. Part of this will entail replacing physical workers with robots, then finding ways to eliminate all the “useless eaters” with mandatory vaccines, cancer-causing chemicals or covert sterilization agendas. 

Stage Five: This is all a spiritual war being fought between life vs. destruction The final stage of awakening is reached when you peel back the worldly facade and unveil the deeper spiritual evil that has infested our world. Ultimately, the desire to destroy life through war, GMOs, pharmaceuticals, herbicides and vaccines is rooted in a spiritual war being waged between good and evil. On the side of evil, you find all the globalist corporations, the agricultural food giants, the GMO pushers, the vaccine fanatics, the cancer industry, the lying mainstream media and people like Bill Gates who see human beings as a plague to be wiped out. On the side of good, you find scientific whistleblowers, natural medicine practitioners, organic food growers, independent media and other protectors of life and nature. A spiritual war is under way right now, where people who are seething with evil — like Hillary Clinton — are trying to obtain great power so they can use it to assault humanity and destroy all that is good. Clinton is 100% pro-GMO, pro vaccine mandates, pro Big Pharma, and so on. As part of this spiritual war, the entire political establishment and media establishment viciously attacks all those who are good while celebrating those who are evil. It is now “bad” to be a good person who seeks to protect children from deadly vaccines and toxic GMOs, for example. But according to the media, you’re a “good” person if you support the depopulation agenda of the globalists, with all its vaccine mandates, chemotherapy “treatments”, toxic GMO foods and sick-care system that harvests human disease for corporate profits. Evil feeds off human suffering Across society today, you are witnessing the final surge of evil and its attempt to forever defeat good so that evil can feed off the suffering, pain and destruction of activities like the harvesting of organs from partially-born babies. Note carefully that those who exposed this practice were charged with crimes, while those who actually carry out the practice of chopping up living human babies were celebrated by the media. When babies are butchered by men with machetes in some African nation, it’s called “genocide,” but when babies are butchered at Planned Parenthood centers across America, it’s called “science.” The aim of the evil that has infested our world is not merely the destruction of life, but the invocation of great suffering, especially of children. This is why vaccine mandates are being unleashed in California and elsewhere: Children must be ritualistically sacrificed, damaged, maimed and murdered to appease the dark forces of evil that now run the CDC and the vaccine industry. California Sen. Richard Pan, who fronted the mandate, is a great example of a human vessel now occupied by demonic forces. We are not dealing with pure humans anymore, you see. Many of the people who sit at the top of the drug companies, CDC, FDA, USDA and EPA resemble dark, demonic souls occupying human bodies. It’s difficult for many people to understand this at first, because they tend to judge people by the way they look on the outside. But on the inside, every shred of humanity has been evacuated from many of these people, replaced by dark apparitions that now influence their minds and bodies. “Can a country with deep Christian roots like Mexico find itself at the mercy of demons? Some in the Church fear so,” reports “And as a result, they called for a nation-wide exorcism of Mexico, carried out quietly last month in the cathedral of San Luis Potosi.” Similarly, the National Catholic Register asks, “Can — or should — an exorcism be done for the United States, as was done in Mexico this past May? Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, performed the rite, together with priests from across Mexico, at the Cathedral of San Luis Potosi in a closed-door ceremony. The purpose: to drive away the evil responsible for skyrocketing violence, abortion and drugs in that predominantly-Catholic nation.” It may sound fantastic and unbelievable, but nearly every government regulator in the United States is now headed by someone who is being influenced (or even possessed) by dark forces of evil. This is exactly why they repeatedly make decisions that knowingly harm people and maim children in particular. It’s not an accident… it’s all part of their plan to maximize human suffering and destruction. Why do you think the EPA, for example, allowed the children of Flint, Michigan to drink poisonous water for almost a year without telling anyone? The answer is that they wanted to poison the children. It wasn’t an accident… These government elitists do not answer to the American voters, you see. They answer to their dark lords who demand the ritualistic sacrifice of children through any means necessary. To truly understand this, you need to become familiar with the occult practices of globalists. A good starting point is this film on Bohemian Grove. From the description: Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male Club Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the Great Owl of Bohemia. To keep learning, also visit David Icke’s website, which delves into the deep, dark corners of the forces of evil that are making a final push for world domination. Or check out his book, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy. 

Actual tattoos being acquired today by people who worship demonic forces:

 How to counter darkness and evil So what’s the answer to all this evil that now threatens to consume our world? Practice love and compassion while protecting life. As you seek to empower others, uplift others and protect others, you contribute to the good in the world. By definition, you beat back evil and make it more difficult for evil forces to carry out their plans. When we say “NO!” to toxic vaccines that harm our children, we defeat evil. When we say “NO!” to psychiatric drugs that harm our minds, we defeat evil. When we buy organic or grow our own food, we deny financial power to the biotech industry, starving them of the economic power they need to carry out more evil. Defeating evil is truly as simple as practicing good consistently, repeatedly and with a sense of genuine love for humanity in your heart. Each and every day, you make a hundred small choices that seem inconsequential at the time, but they actually add up in a big way. By making those choices in the interests of the protection of life, you multiply the good in the world. Although most people are not psychologically ready to accept the full truth of what’s happening in our world, many people are now moving into deeper stages of awakening. You can help them by sharing information, asking questions and doing your homework to learn what’s really happening in the world around you. The deeper you dig, the more you’ll be astonished at the wickedness and deception being carried out by the dark forces in our world. It is your responsibility to oppose them — and ultimately defeat them — so that we might all share a future world that prioritizes life, love and compassion ( via ). 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

God Sent Prophets to Warn the Jews prior to WW II and They Did Not Listen!

In the early 1930’s God asked three Jewish men, Leo Braeck, Eli Wiesal and Martin Burber to warn the Jewish people of the fire under their feet and to go to Palestine to escape what was coming. God instructed the men to warn them that they were getting ready to be destroyed by the Nazi’s. The reaction of the Jews was disbelief. They thought they had the best of everything in food, housing, business and lifestyle and they refused to give it up. Many replied, “Why should we listen to you prophets telling us we are going to be destroyed when there are no signs in the air? You three Prophets go to Palestine, we are staying!”
The Jews of Germany and Europe did not listen to the three prophets that God sent to warn them. Because they did not listen they became victims of one man who tried to destroy the entire Jewish population.
Pastors and Shepherds, listen to what the Prophets are saying! The day and hour of the Prophet has come. The Prophets are speaking with great power and with signs and wonders such as has never been seen before in the history of the Christian Church.

The new film of the 15 -year-old boy who Experienced Clinical Death who...

Monday, March 7, 2016

DREAM FROM 2000 ABOUT A HORSE in a corral and Jesus speaks to me.

Dream from 2000
Dreamt I was at a barnyard in Virginia. I was leaning on fence over looking a corral. I was watching a blond stallion run wildly around the inner perimeter. He was bucking and reeling up as if he was really angry. He would stop and kick the fence hard from behind them run some more. Some how I knew his name was “Hunter”. Someone was across from me attempting to catch him. He would allow himself to get caught and stand still for a moment. That person would try to mount the violent stallion and the second they did, he would buck wildly trying to shake them off. His back. They would after a few seconds fall to the ground somewhat hurt.  This happened over and over again. The rider would dust himself off then try again. A woman would come up to the fence and lean on the rail. When this violent stallion would see her he would run towards her to scare her away and reel up trying to kick her in the face.
When I awoke Jesus spoke to me. “This horse can never be broken. It is full of rebellion. Its only use would be for rodeos and the glue factory.” I realized that this horse was real and belonged to someone I knew very well. The Horses real name was thunder, which suited this wild horse, yet the person who owned it was named Hunter in real life. I had met several people over the years that Jesus showed me were unbreakable. They would fight against everything Jesus was trying to do in their lives over and over again. So they were useless in the kingdom of God because of it. Jesus showed me sometime later that the native American Natives would train their horses to respond by just pulling on their mane and later only have a halter and didn’t need a bridle to steer them.

Psalm 32:9New International Version (NIV)
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
    which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle
    or they will not come to you.

Last night the Lord spoke to me in the night again regarding this revelation.
March 6th 2016
“The unbreakable horse is not the worse horse but a Horse that pretends to be broken but lashes out unexpectedly is more worthless. How can you trust a horse like that?”
I then remembered years ago when I used to ride horses a lot growing up. I was surrounded by horse ranches in my town and would spend all my money riding. I rode this one horse often that no one else wanted to ride him because he was so unpredictable. Oddly enough his name was Thunder. I would be riding along through the open field in a full gallop and he would suddenly start bucking trying to get me off his back for no apparent reason. One time I flew right off so fast and down to the ground that I remembered nothing at all as to how I got to be on the ground. I was stunned as people came running to me thinking I must have been hurt, but I was fine just a little stunned.
The Lord spoke again after I revisited this memory. “There is nothing more useless than a horse you can’t trust. You can’t hitch him to a wagon and trust your family in his care. If you hitch him to a plow he could just run off with the plow. If you ride him he could throw you to the ground anytime he decided to rebel and refuse to be under your leadership. He is fit only for the glue factory.”
I then remembered a story I heard years ago on Dr Dobson radio show about strong willed children. A mother was disciplining her young son and told him to sit on the chair until she sees fit. The boy responded, “I may be sitting down on the outside but on the inside I’m standing up”. This was just like this horse, he was never really broken, he was unbreakable, but the worse kind where he pretended to be broken but deep down he is full of rebellion and can’t help but lash out every once in a while.
I then realized this was like most of the people in church that I knew. They were never broken and so to get along with the church they pretend to be broken never submitting to the Lord Jesus Christ. They never surrendered to the King.
EJ Ouellette

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


1 March 2016
Dream: I dreamt I was on a US naval destroyer. I think it was docked in Norfolk. I was on the upper deck when suddenly a large explosion happened below deck. I thought it was nuclear. I ran as fast as I could and jumped off the ship onto the dock below. Several other people were running with me to get away from the radiation. I kept running as fast and as long as I could. I realized we probably would die anyway from the over exposure to the radiation.

EJ Ouellette