Showing posts with label crash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crash. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2012

DREAM DEC 14TH 2012- WAR and destruction in Toronto

I dreamt I was north of Toronto and the War had come up that far from the States. All the power was off and I was hiding in an abandoned house. It was obvious that being in the country was the safest place so I decided to try and make my way further up north. I left the house and walked through a field to find a high vantage point to see Toronto. I got up into a high tree-line and could see all of Toronto from there. A huge swath of destruction like a giant oblong crater had taken up most of the northern part of Toronto. My heart sank as I saw this. Since there was no transportation I knew I would have to walk hundreds of miles. I only had the clothes on my back.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mega Church Pastor dies and visits Heaven and Hell.

During a tragic Near Death Experience, A conservative Presbyterian Pastor named Yong Park was taken to Heaven and Hell. He was shown why some saints are richly rewarded in Heaven, while others have no reward; why some saints have magnificent Mansions in Heavens, while others live in small Community homes. He was shown why, after serving the Lord his whole life, his house was still small and unfinished. He also witnessed how gruesome Hell was, and why so many Christians wound up there; and what sins we must repent of. Pastor Park's testimony is a wake up call to the Church, it will encourage those who are serving Jesus faithfully, it will strengthen your resolve for Jesus, and will bring the Fear of God to those who are not living Holy.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012
MY WORD ABOUT 2012 by EJ Ouellette
It occurred to me the other day that I really hadn’t given my prophetic opinion for 2012. With all the strangeness out there and so many opinions I really hadn’t given my ideas and prophetic insight regarding the Mayan calendar and the coming planet Nibiru.
Here it is.

I personally believe that the world will not end in Dec 2012. I definitely think we are going through some catastrophic events for the next couple of years including massive earthquakes and tsunamis. There will be a massive loss of life. Also in my opinion, we will be reduced to a pioneer way of life. No electricity no gasoline and no heat for our homes. That also means no Internet, no cell phones. The manufacturing sector will totally collapse. The US dollar will be worth nothing.

Any event of a catastrophic nature will cause a revival to take place. The Lord showed me countless sleeper spies that he has been supernaturally preparing for this time of upheaval on the earth. The Lord himself will feed and care for His people during this time and will lead them. This will be a time of great faith and even persecution for the church. He has his leaders picked out and He knows when the time is right to send them forth. I know many people have waited for this time and He himself has purified you by many circumstances.

Coincidently, Planet X also called Nibiru was spotted by NASA in the early 60s and predicted it would take 50 years for it to arrive at earth. Its 52 years now and can now be seen quite clearly with the naked eye. They now believe its really a burnt out star complete with planets rotating around it. It swings around our solar system every 3600 years. History provides us with some catastrophic events that re-enforce this fly by scenario. In fact at this time they don’t believe it will be a fly by but will make contact with earth on December 2012. NASA has remained quiet about this impending disaster and quite simply denied its catastrophic capabilities. In the early 60s when it was first reported, they did not deny this but later it was hushed up. This dwarf star or planet is 6 times larger than earth and can be seen in almost any hemisphere now during sunset in the west or from the Antarctic.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Dream Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Dreamt I saw myself in field hung on a cross. I was high up and on a grassy mound. My head had also been decapitated but was hung just above my open neck. Blood was streaming down the front of my open shirt and it looked as if I had been badly beaten. I seemed to be still alive which was amazing. I knew my friends and family had put me there somehow for trying to save them from the coming judgments of God. I felt so honored in fact to be sacrificed like the prophets of old and Jesus for trying to save them and at the same time felt so bad for the judgments they have already received and will receive for their persecution against me and all those God sent to them. Almost everyone I knew came against me for trying to save them. God was showing me from His perspective and how it was an incredible honor to be persecuted for following Jesus and not give into the counterfeit Christians.
I felt also that their one and true God the Almighty Dollar was about to crash and become totally worthless.
EJ Ouellette

Saturday, November 24, 2012



The other day while I was in prayer the Lord brought back to my mind several conversations we had over the years. The conversation in part was about true Christianity no longer exists it seems and False (counterfeit Christianity has taken over the church completely.

The Lord gave me a vision of a man that goes to the Doctor because he has a tumor on his back. Instead of removing the tumor the Doctor puts a Band-Aid over it and sends him on his merry way. The tumor begins to grow until its much bigger that the man. Then the tumor goes to the Doctor to have the man removed from his back.

This is exactly what has happened in the church. The false church throws out the true Christians and prophets and keeps the liars and the followers of Satan instead.

This epidemic of Counterfeit Christianity has pervaded the entire church. There isn’t a pulpit anywhere in North America that hasn’t been compromised. All have fallen. Everywhere I go, people worship the world and all its glory, completely neglecting the bible, all the while justifying their deviant actions.

The time for Judgment is at hand and I welcome it. Not because I hate but because I see the need for correction to come in a big way. If the church had just got rid of the tumor while it was manageable it would have been easy but now the tumor is bigger than the man and only severe judgment could possibly put order back in the church.

I dont know about you but I am so sick of the hypocrisy and the sin in the church today I can't sleep at night.
EJ Ouellette

Ezekiel 9:4
New International Version (NIV)
4 and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Statue of Liberty's Nakedness Exposed Belinda Anderson - 10/24/12

Statue of Liberty's Nakedness Exposed
Belinda Anderson - 10/24/12
I saw myself standing on the island of the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Island, NY).  I watched as the arm of the Lord (Jesus) came down out of Heaven and took the crown from off her head and cast it into the sea. (Job19:9) He hath stripped me of my glory, And taken the crown from my head. He then stripped her of her garment, exposing her nakedness (unrighteous acts).

Then I saw the arm of the Lord force the Statue's arm holding the torch down into the water and held it there until the light went out.  I watched as the Statue became bright red (Lev.14:37) and he shall look on the plague; and, behold, if the plague be in the walls of the house with hollow streaks, greenish (the nickname for the Statue of Liberty is "The Green Lady") or reddish (Esau was red, or the color of the earth; beasts of the field with the colors or attributes of Satan), and the appearance thereof be lower than the wall; (38) then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house, and shut up the house seven days.

She fell to her knees as her shame was exposed for the whole world to see. (Ecc.12:14) For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

PLANET X'S MOON / COMET HITS EARTH? Adele Frederick - 12/04

I dreamt that I was looking at like a map but it was actually the universe. I saw stars and then I saw Earth, then not too far from Earth I saw another planet that looked just like Earth. I then saw dotted lines being drawn from one [Earth to the other Earth]. Each line was very close to hitting Earth but didn't. Then the last line drawn went straight into Earth. It looked like the drawing below. 

Right as the last line was drawn into Earth I heard a voice ask me, "Now will you be interested?" (Editor's note: Author indicated she had never heard of Planet X and had previously avoided reading about signs in the heavens due to lack of interest in the topic.) I now know from studying that this is a red planet, so I couldn't figure out why the Lord showed it to me as another Earth. Then He showed me it was so I would know it was a planet and not a star or meteor. 

Planet X/Nibiru is in no danger of hitting Earth but its moon that orbits it appears to come very close to earth several times. Also, comets and asteroids that orbit Planet X could come very close several times. One of these is possibly the Wormwood in Revelation 8 that appears to break up just before hitting Earth. {Rev.8:10} And the third angel sounded, and there fell from heaven a great star [Greek: aster, from which we derive "asteroid"], burning as a torch, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters; {11} and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. It is possible that it heads toward Earth for the last time in 2012 and God breaks it up like the Shoemaker-Levy comet did before it hit Jupiter. These Bible Codes from Michael Drosnin’s book seem to say this:

Thursday, November 1, 2012


27 January 2005 Dream: I dreamt I was in Hamilton harbor at the edge of Lake Ontario. I was looking at a big ship and I noticed a giant wave at least the height of the ship. This happened three times. (INDONESIA TSUNAMI,JAPAN TSUNAMI HURRICANE SANDY)

After that I saw another wave (The fourth). This wave was at least 400 feet high (40 stories). I knew death was certain and all life would be destroyed. I heard a voice say “What are you doing to help people escape the destruction”. I immediately thought of some friends that lived near there. I realized that complacency had set in with me and that I had forgotten the destruction that is coming. 

Hurricane Sandy was the last of the three (I believe before the big wave). Next most likely will be the big one on the east coast that will be 3 to 400 feet high and coming very very soon.
Joe Ouellette

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TSUNAMI DREAM 2012-10-24 By EJ Ouellette

Dream 12-10-24
Dreamt I was in Virginia and I was helping someone. I got paid for the job and then decided to give them a ride in a purple van somewhere. We were behind a large steel building and sat in the Van while it was idling. The van was full of people and we were going to go to Charlottesville. I was just about to put the Van in gear when I heard a loud sound like a freight train. Suddenly from out of behind the building and rushing over the mountains was a massive tsunami of water and snow mixed.  Somehow because we were behind the large structure it saved us. As the water receded I floored the van to go around the destruction and water. I awoke at that point.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

THE TWO TSUNAMIS Trenton Adams 3-25-2008

The Two Tsunamis
Trenton Adams - 3/25/08

On Sunday night, March 16th, 2008, I had a dream. First off, it seemed to me that I was viewing through someone else’s eyes through the entire dream. In the dream I was driving down a freeway in some city. Some other people and I were going to either get a bite to eat, or go for coffee, or something like that. We got off the freeway, and got out of the car. I looked back down the freeway, from the direction we had come, and there was water rushing down the freeway towards us. So, I jumped back into the car, and started driving down the freeway as fast as possible. It seemed like everyone was scared. Eventually, the water caught up to me, and that part of the dream ended. Suddenly I was somewhere else completely, on a beach somewhere. Some people were watching some big waves come in. They were talking about how the Tsunami would not affect them because they were protected by a landmass off the coast. It seemed like maybe they were in an inlet of some sort perhaps. I saw top view for a moment, even to the details of what the landmass off the cost looked like.
I was a bit confused how they could be so confident that they would be unaffected by the coming Tsunami. Just then, a very large wave (maybe 20' high) approached at a very high rate of speed, and no one was able to escape. As it was coming, I formulated a plan to duck under the wave, and swim to the top. So, I did just that, and I was surfing the wave, without a fear in the world. In fact, I was actually enjoying myself. It seemed odd that I was having fun, which first made me wonder if it really was a dream from the Lord.
After the one wave was finished, a second wave was approaching very quickly. But this time, it was about 300' high. I had the same plan as before. It was a little more difficult, but again, I was able to get to the top, and surf the wave. I found that the wave was swallowing all of the big office buildings, and almost reached the very top of them, but not quite. Then, as I was floating on the top of the water, it began to subside, and go back out to sea.
I asked the Lord what it could mean, but I did not initially get an answer. As I was telling some friends about it, I said “It’s really odd, because usually the Lord gives me the interpretation to my dreams.“ Just then, an interpretation formed in my mind. The interpretation goes like this: I am unsure about the interpretation of the first part of the dream.
The second part of the dream was a similar situation. Many people were in denial about the coming economic collapse, and were thinking they would escape being touched by it. I was confused at how they could just look the other way, as if nothing was going to happen. Suddenly, the first wave came, and I had a plan before it got there, and I was not afraid, but had peace. In fact, I was enjoying it because I had the peace of God, and did not trust in material things.
Then the second larger wave came, and once again, I had a plan, and was not afraid. The wave reached the top of the big businesses, and almost destroyed many of them. There was very little left.
Furthermore, the second HUGE wave will subside, but I believe our economies (Canada and the US) will never be the same. For those who are in the rest of God, this time will just be another stepping stone to the coming Kingdom of God. I also believe that this dream is showing that there are going to be two significant events in the economic collapse. The second one will be HUGE, and the first will just be a pre-cursor to the big one.

Friday, September 21, 2012


 I was at some orphanage and was watching small children playing. One girl had some kind of deformation in the face that extended through her whole body. Her insides could be readily seen. She looked about 3 or 4 years old. I felt compassion on her and rebuked the disease in the name of Jesus. I saw sparks fly and the skin began to move together and she was made whole. It was almost instant. Just then a Dr came over calling for the little girl but didn’t recognize her. He was totally shocked when he saw her. She was laughing.

I think we are at the door of a great (true) revival, of great power.
EJ Ouellette

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Soros Unloads Stocks, Invest $130 Million in Gold

Definitely a sign of an imminent stock crash!

In a harbinger of what may be coming our way in the Fall of 2012, billionaire financier George Soros has sold all of his equity positions in major financial stocks according to a 13-F report filed with the SEC for the quarter ending June 30, 2012.

Soros, who manages funds through various accounts in the US and the Cayman Islands, has reportedly unloaded over one million shares of stock in financial companies and banks that include Citigroup (420,000 shares), JP Morgan (701,400 shares) and Goldman Sachs (120,000 shares). The total value of the stock sales amounts to nearly $50 million.

What's equally as interesting as his sale of major financials is where Soros has shifted his money. At the same time he was selling bank stocks, he was acquiring some 884,000 shares (approx. $130 million) of Gold via the SPDR Gold Trust.

When a major global player with direct ties to the White House, Wall Street, and the banking system starts off-loading stocks and starts stacking gold, it suggests a very serious market move is set to happen.

While often lambasted for his calls to centralize global banking, increase government intervention in the economy and his support of what he has called an "emergence of the new world order," if there's anyone with an inside track of where things are headed next it's Soros.

Soros, who has written extensively of a coming global paradigm shift in his book The Crash of 2008 and What It Means, calling the current economic and political model "an end of an era," has recently suggested that the financial and economic situation across the world is so serious that Europe could soon descend into chaos and conflict. He also notes that the world is entering "one of the most dangerous periods in modern history", and foresees violent riots in America and a brutal clamp-down by the government that will dramatically curtail civil liberties.

This is an individual who not only predicted the collapse of 2008 and took action to insulate himself, he also proposed the various fixes that governments in Europe and the US would eventually implement in order to stave off a deflationary depression. In his aforementioned book he suggested that central banks infuse the system with massive amounts of monetary expansion, but also warned that not injecting enough money would simply extend the onset of deflation and printing too much could lead to hyperinflationary currency collapse.

Based on recent activity in Soros' US held accounts, it seems that governments and central banks have failed at those efforts to stabilize the system. As such, Soros is getting out of those companies which are most at risk should the financial system buckle like it did in 2008 and he's shifting his assets into what may be the only asset class left standing when it's all said and done.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

9 Trillion MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE

Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went... and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn't a clue...Dunno whether to laugh or cry - I am still getting over the shock and have watched 4 times - LISTEN carefully to what she says - THEY HAVE NO JURISTRICTION to investigate the fed!!! Only their programs?? OK the world has been fooled long enough ENOUGH ENOUGH!!! Get the hell outa paper money people and if you buy gold and silver - get the real stuff not paper gold etc. This is pure evil! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012


During prayer today I gain received a strong word from the Lord saying "I am realeasing a monster".
 I am not sure what it is exactly but based on the several dreams I've had lately about a flood coming, it could be that. Maybe a hurricane or earthquake. Also I received another word about the coming economic collapse and I believe it will be in late september. EJ Ouellette

Friday, August 3, 2012


Dream 12-08-03
Dreamt I was near some schools and the classes couldn’t start because of the massive flooding. I was with some other people as we rode the boat around the streets apparently looking for people. Later the water receded and there was un-believable flood damage in the schools even right up to the ceilings.  

I know some kids will be happy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Dream August 1, 2012 by EJ Ouellette
Dreamt a bunch of us were running for our lives up north somewhere. I knew Nibiru was coming and was going to cause a massive flood around the world. I was panicking and running as fast as I could pulling my daughter behind. I saw an apartment building and we ran inside to get as high as we could. As we got to the top I could see a giant wave coming quickly in the distance and before I could even think about it, it was upon us. I took a couple of huge breaths of air and held my daughter really tight. The wave pounded against us but then I realized we were alive and not washed away. I was out of breath since we were under water so long. I realized we were would be fine after that. I started to cry, as I knew many people in the Arctic were washed away and that the arctic was seriously destroyed and thought maybe all the snow had melted.
NOTE: I just read somewhere that Nibiru’s debut in our solar system would be on August 17th and would leave around the Sept 17th. Also Nibiru supposedly takes 3600 years to return to earth. 7200 years ago was the FLOOD. Also interesting to note is that every culture from around the world talks of a flood 7200 years ago. 3600 years ago was when Manna fell from heaven.
EJ Ouellette

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Recognizing Satan
I’ve always been amazed at people’s view of who Satan is. Most people view him as a pitchfork-wielding demon with a red face and horns to match. Nothing could be further from the truth. He would be so easy to spot if that were true. How do I know? Well first of all even the scriptures define him differently than that but truly my information comes first hand as I have met him personally a few times over the years and he is nothing like most people think. All the scriptures define him as an “angel of light” and a deceiver. Nothing here mentioned about horns and a scary image. In fact I have seen angels with pitchforks pushing Christians and non-Christians into the lake of fire but never Satan.

First of all he is smooth, smoother than any used car salesman.

Secondly he is likeable after all he is very handsome and a deceiver.

The best way to spot him is quite simple. He will offer you puppies and kittens, infinite cash untold power and prestige to take you away from your calling. He will steer you gently into his domain using all kinds of control and manipulation. He will make you feel great about joining him in the flames of hell and you will think nothing of it.

The voice of reason will come but most likely you wont receive it because deep down, you really do want the things of the world.

A serious heart check is needed here. He created a scary image himself so you would not recognize him as he really is. He is a great deceiver and even the image you have of him, is a deception!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Dream 2012-07-21
Dreamed I was in an older traditional church. Large tall stained glass windows dominated the end walls and dark wood pews showed their age. We went in some back room talking about something we could do to bring in the people. We were discussing putting on some kind of play. I fitted a costume on of an angel and decided to fly around the room. Even though no one else could fly, no one thought it was a big deal that I could! This shocked me, but they didn’t even pay attention to it and just ignored me.  I felt frustrated and sat down, listening to their useless proposals.

A small group of children came running in and only I paid attention to them. They were screaming "they caught a monster". They truly seemed scared and wanted me to go with them. I followed after the kids as they led me down into a dark basement. Just below my feet, as I stood on the stairs was what looked to be a giant Sasquatch chained up. He was grunting and trying to shake off the chains. I was a little scared and I was shocked these kids were able to chain him up. I had some piece of heavy metal in my hand and thought to drop it on his head. I swallowed hard and dropped the heavy object, hoping it would work. The monster fell to the floor and a huge gash appeared in his head. I felt like David with Goliath and even smiled. As the monster hit the floor he rolled over and looked at me with tears in his eyes and asked me “why”. I felt like a knife went through my heart and suddenly was filled with compassion for this monster. I ran down the stairs toward him and decided to pray. I shouted, “In the Name of Jesus be made whole”. I shouted it three times and each time he seemed to get better and better until he turned into a man. I could see several scars over his body from what I thought were war wounds. He looked like a war veteran that had been grossly neglected. I felt terrible about myself treating him like a monster. He finally stood up and there was a light on his aged face. He was beaming. He looked at me with a very humble expression almost not believing that God just healed him. Just then the people from upstairs that were discussing the play came down and gathered around the former monster and began to show him love and escorted him upstairs.

When I woke up I felt ashamed that I looked down on this person and didn’t immediately pray but instead tried to kill him.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

DREAM OF DEC 21 by EJ Ouellette

12-05-12 Dream: 
I dreamt I saw Nostradamus on a hill overlooking the ocean. He was dressed in old-fashioned clothes of the 1500s era. Next to him were several scientists dressed in clothes of the same period. I could hear him speak to the scientists warning them of the coming disasters to the world. He said, “This is not the first time these planets have passed this way and each time caused immense destruction”. The other scientists looked very depressed at the news and looked down. I turned to my left and looked out over the world and saw a calendar floating in the sky. It read Dec 21. The page tore off and there were no pages behind it. Suddenly I saw the earth rip and tear and huge earthquakes happen all at once. The oceans flooded inland and overtook the vast coastal cities. I heard someone say “There will be no Christmas this year”. I knew the survivors would be going back to pioneer days after this. I then awoke feeling very sad.